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��15�4�17 <br /> �EED C3F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: �o��$��50 ��antinu�d� F'age 5 <br /> ac�ion at Trus��r's expense, Trustor may be the nnminal par�y in such proceeding, but Lender shall b� en�i�led t� <br /> par�icipate in the proceeding and ta be represen�ed in the proceeding by c�uns�l a�F Lend�r's awn choice, and <br /> Trus�ar will deli��r, or cause to he deli�ered, �a Lender such instruments as Lender may requ�s�frvm time to�ime <br /> fi❑ perm�t such participa�ian. <br /> Compliance 1Nith La►rvs. Trus�or warrants that the Pr�per�ty and Trus�or's use Qfi fhe Property c�mplies wi�h a!� <br /> �xisting app{icable laws, vrdinance�, an� regufations of governm�ntal authari�ies. <br /> 5ur�i►►al a�F Representations and Warran�ries. All representations, warranties, and agreements made by Trustor in <br /> this Deed af Trust shall sur�i�e �he execution and delivery af this Deed o�Trust, shall be con�inuing in nature, and <br /> sha�1 remain in fiull force and effec�until such time as Barrower's Indeb�edness shall be paid in�Fu�l. <br /> GD�IDEIVIIVATI�N, The�ollawing pro�isions relating ta condemnatian proceedings are a part❑f this Deed af Trust: <br /> Proceedings. lf any �roceeding in con�emna�ion is �fled, Trustar shall promp�iy natify Lender in writFng, and <br /> Trustor shall pramptly talce such steps as may be necessary t❑ defend the actian and obtain �the award. T�ustor <br /> may be the nominal party in such praceedin�, but Lender sha�l be entitled�o participa�e in the praceeding and ta be <br /> represen�ed in the proceeding by counsel o� its awn chvice, and Trustor will d�liver ar cause t� be dslivered to <br /> Lender such instruments and dacumentation as may be reques�ed by Lend�r �rom �ime ta �ime t� permi� such <br /> par�i�ipation. <br /> Applicatian �f Net Procee�s. �f al! or an� part ❑f�he �raper�y is con�emned �y eminent damain proceedings ar by <br /> any proceeding or purchase in lieu af condemna�ivn, Lender rnay at its electian require �hat all or any portion of the <br /> ne� proceeds of the award be appl�ed to the �ndebtedness or the repair ar rest�rati�n a� the Property. The net <br /> pr�c�eds of the award shal� mean the award after payment af all reasonable cvsts� expenses, and attarn�ys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in �onn�ctian wi�h�he candemna�ion. <br /> IMP�51TIaN �F TAXES, FEES AND �HARGES gY ��VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The �oi�owing provisians relating <br /> to go�ernmental taxes, f��s and charges ar�a par����his Deed of Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shall execute such dacurnen�s in additian tv <br /> this Deed o�Trus� and �take whatever o�her a�t�an is re�uested by Lender t� perfiect and continue Lender's �ien ❑n <br /> �he Real Property. Trus�nr shall reimburse Lender far a�l taxes, as des�ribed below, tage�her with all exp�ns�s <br /> incurred in r�G�rding, per�fecting ❑r con�inuing �his Deed af Trust, including without limitation afl taxes, fees, <br /> dacumentary stamps, and a�her charges f�r recarding or regis�ering this �eed �fi Trus�. <br /> Taxes. The follawing shall canstitu�e taxes �a which this section appli�s: �1� a specifi� �ax upan �his �ype of <br /> ❑eed o�F Trust ar upon all or any par� of the lndebtedn�ss secured hy this Deed ofi Trust; ��y a spec{fic �ax ❑n <br /> garrower which Borrower is au�horized ar required ta deduct firom payments an the Indebtedness secured by this <br /> typ� ❑f ❑eed af Trust; {3y a tax on this type vf Deed ❑f Trust �hargeable against the Lender ar fihe holder of the <br /> Nate; and �4) a speci�ic tax an all or any pflr�ian o� �he Indebtedness or ❑n payments of principal and inter�st <br /> made by garr�w�r. <br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. If any tax ta whi�h this section applies is enacted subsequent t❑ the date af �his Deed of <br /> Trust, this e�ent shal� ha�e the same effect as an E�rent ❑� D�fault, and Lender may exercise any or al� o� its <br /> a�ailabl� remedies fvr an E�ent o�F Defau�� as pra��ded bel�vu un��ss Trustor either �1} pays �he �ax before i� <br /> becomes delinquent, ❑r {2} contes�s the tax as provided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens s�ction and dsposits with <br /> Lender cash �r a sufficient corporate surety band or o�her security satis�acto�y�o Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMEI�T; FENANClNG STATEMENTS. The �ollawing pra�isions relating �a fihis Deed ❑f Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part af this Deed of Trust: <br /> 5ecuri�y Agreemen�. This insfirurnen� shall constitute a Secur"tty Agreement to the ex�ent any ❑f the Property <br /> constitu�es �ixtures, and Lender shall ha�e a!i a�th� rights of a secured party under the Unifarm �ommer�ial C�de <br /> as amended from time t❑time. <br /> 5ecurity Inte�est. Upon request by Lend�r, Trustor shall take wha#eWer actifln is requested by Lender tfl perfect <br /> and �ontinue L�nder's se�uri�y interest �n the Rents and Personal Prvperty. In addition to recarding this Deed of <br /> Trust in �he real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further autharization fr�m Trustor� file <br /> execu�ed �ount�rpar�s, copies or repraductions of this Deed �f Trust as a financ�ng sta�ement. Trustar shall <br /> reim�urse Lend�r �ar all expens�s incurr�d in perfecting ar continuing this se�urity interest. Upon defau�t, Trustar <br /> shai� not rema�e, se�er or detach the Personal Prvperty fram the Property. Upon defauit, Trustor shall ass�mble <br /> any Persflnal Prape�ty nat affixed t❑ the Praper�y in a manner and a� a place reasanably conWenien�t� Trustor and <br /> Lender and rnake i� a�ai�able t� Lender ►nri�hin three �3} days af�er receip� a� wri�ten demand from Lender t❑ �he <br /> extent perm�tted �y applicable law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses �f Trustor �debtor� and Len�er �se�ured party� fram which information <br /> cancerning the securi�y �nterest granted by �his Deed ❑f Trust may be vbtained �each as required by the Uni�Form <br /> Commer�ial Codef are as sta�ed on the first page of this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANGES: ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fvlivwing pra�isions relating to furfiher assuran�es and <br /> attarney-in-fact are a part a�F this Deed of Trust; <br /> Further AssuranGes. At any time, and from time ta �ime� upan request of Lender, Trus�or will make, execute and <br />