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��15�4�17 <br /> C3EE� �F T��J�T <br /> Loan �Nc�: �D'��$7�5D ��antinued} Page � <br /> deii�er, or wiil cause to be made, ex�cuted ❑r delivered, �o Lender or t❑ Lender's des��nee, and when request�d by <br /> Lender, cause �o be filed, r�cvrded, refiled, or rer��orded, as the case may be, at such tim�s and in su�h ❑�fi�es <br /> and places as Lender may d�sm appropriate, any and al� such mortgages, deeds o� trust, securi�y deeds, securi�y <br /> agreements, �inancing sta�temen�s, continuation statements, instruments of further assuranc�, c�rtificates, and <br /> vther dacumen�s as may, in the sn�e �pinian ��Lender, be necessa�y or desirah�e in order ta effectuate, compiet�, <br /> perfe��, cvntinue, ar preser�e �1} Borrower's and Trustor's ❑bliga�ions under the No�e, thi� ❑eed of Trust, and <br /> the Related ���uments, and �2y the liens and security interes�s crea�ed by this Deed of Trust as firs� and priar <br /> liens ❑n th� Prap�rty, whe�her now ❑wned or herea�t�r acquired by Trust�r. Unless prohibited by law ar Lender <br /> a�rees tv the �ontrary in wrifiing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender �or ail costs and expenses in�urred in �onn�cti�n <br /> = with th� matters re�erred ta in this paragraph. <br /> At�orney�in-Fac�. If Trustar fails to d❑ �ny of the �hings referred tv in the precedin� paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> fior and in the name �f Trustor and at Trustor's �xp�nse. F�r su�h purposes, Trus�or hereby irrevvcably appoints <br /> Lender as Trustar's attarney-in-fac� for�he purpose ❑�mak�n�� execu�ing, deliWering, filing, r�c�rding, and do�ng all <br /> ��her things as may be n�cessary or d�sirable, in Lender's sol� opinion, to accomplish �he matters referred to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RIVIANCE. If Borrawer and Trus�or pay all the Indebtedness, inciuding wE�hou� iimitati�n a�1 futur� <br /> ad�ances, wh�n due, and Trustor atherwise performs alf the abligations impased upon Trusto� under this Deed o�Trust, <br /> Lender sha�l ex�cute and delivsr ta Trustee a request �or full recanveyance and shall execute and defiver �o Trus�or <br /> suitable stat�ments af termina�rion �f any �inancing statement ❑n �ile evidencing Lender's se�urity interes� in th� Rents <br /> and the Personal Property. Any recan�eyance fe� required �y law sha[I be paid by Trustor, i� permitted hy appli�able <br /> law. <br /> EVENTS UF DEFAULT. Ea�h of the following, at Lend�r's op�ion, sha�l consti�tu�e an Ev�nt af De�ault under this Deed <br /> a�Trust: <br /> Paymen#Defau[t. Borrawer fai�s to make any paymen�wh�n du�under the Indebt�dness. <br /> �ther Defaulfis. Borro►nrer vr Trustar fails �a c�mply vuith or to perform any ❑�her term, obligatEon, c�venan�k ar <br /> c�ndition contained in this aeed ❑f Trus� ❑r in any af�h� Related Dacum�nts or to comply wi�h ❑r t❑ psrform any <br /> term, �bligation, cavenant or condition c�n�ain�d in any a�her agreemen#between Lender and B�rrower ar Trus�ar. <br /> Compliance Default. Failure ta c�mply with any ��her �erm, abligatior�, co�enan� �r cond�tion contain�d in this <br /> D�ed of Trust, �he Note or in any of the Rela#ed Documents. <br /> Default on �#her Paymen#s. Failur� of Trus�vr wit�tin the�ime r�quired by�his Deed of T'rust t❑ make any paymen� <br /> for taxes ar insurance, ❑r any fl�her paymen�necessary fia preWen�k filing ��F�r t�effe�t dis�harg�af any li�n. <br /> Fals� Stat�ments. Any warranty, representation o� statement made or�urnished to Lender by gorraw�r t�r Trustvr <br /> vr ❑n B�rrower's ar Trustor's behal� und�r this ❑eed af Trus� or �he Related Dacut�n�nts is false �r misleading in <br /> any ma�erial respect, either naw or a� the �ime made ❑r furnished ar bec�mes false or misleadin� a� any time <br /> ther�after. <br /> DefectiW� Col�ateralization. This D�ed o� Trus� or any ❑f the Related ❑acuments ceases �❑ be in fuil fvrce and <br /> e�fec� �inc�uding failure of any calla�keral d�cument to create � �aiid and per�ected security interest �r �ien� at any <br /> tim� and �ar any reas�n, <br /> Dea�h �r Insol�en�y. The death of Borrower❑r Trus�or, �he inso��ency of g�rrower or Trustor, the appoin�ment af <br /> a r�c�iver for any par� of Borrower's o�Trus�or's properfiy, any assignm�nt for the benefi�o�cr�ditors, any type of <br /> cre�li�kor workout, �r th� commencernent of any pro�eeding un�er any bankruptcy ❑r insal��ncy laws by ❑r against <br /> Borrower or Trustor. <br /> Creditor vr For�eiture �'roc��dings. Commencement of foreclosure or fior�eiture proceedingsl whether by judicial <br /> proceed�ng, self-help� repossession �r any other method, by any �reditor vf Barrawer or Trustar or by any <br /> governmental agency against any praper�y securing th� Indeb#edness. This in�ludes a garnishment o# any vf <br /> Borrow�r's or Trustor's acc�unts, including d�posit accounts, with Lender. Hawe�er, this E�ent of Default shall <br /> n�� app�y if ther� is a goad fiai�h dispute hy Borraw�r or Trustor as tv tl�e validity or reasonableness a�F �h� �laim <br /> which is the basis ��the creditor or forfeiture p�oceeding and if Borrower�r Trus�or giv�s Lender written n��ice af <br /> the credi�or❑r�arfeiture proceeding and deposits wi�h Lender mon�es or a surety bond for�he credi�or or�or�eiture <br /> proceeding, in an am�un�determined by Lender, in its s�le discretion, as being an adequa�e reserv�ar bvnd �nr�he <br /> dispute. <br /> , <br /> Breach of�fiher Agreement. Any brea�h by �orrov+rer ar Trust�r und�r the �erms �f any a�h�r agreem�nt between <br /> garrow�r nr Trustor and Lender �ha� is not rem�di�d within any �race periad pro�ided therein, including withaut <br /> limi�katian any agreement concerning any indeb�edr�ess or other ❑bli�atian af Barrower or Trustvr tv Lender, <br /> whether exis��ng now �r Eater. <br /> E�ents A�F�ec�ing Guarantor. Any af the pre�eding e�ents vccurs with respect to any guarant�r, endarser, surety, <br /> or accommodativn par�y o� any af �he Ind�btedness or any guarantor, endorser, surety, or accommodatian party <br /> di�s or b��omes incompetent, �r re�okes ar dispu�es the �alidity of, ar iiabili�y under, any Guaran�y of the <br /> Indebtedness. <br /> Ad►►erse �hange. A material adWerse chan�e accurs in gorrovuer's or Trustvr's financial cor�di�ion, or L�nder <br />