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��15�4�17 <br /> �EE� �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'I�87"�5� �C�n#inu�d� Page 4 <br /> impraWements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSl1RANCE. The �ollow�ng pravisians re�ating �o insuring the Praper�y are a part of th�s ❑eed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance o� Insurance. Trustor shalt prvcure and maintain polici�s of fire insurance wi�h standard extended <br /> cov�rage endorsements ❑n a fair �alue basis �far the full insurable Walue cavering all Impr��emen�ts ❑n the Real <br /> Property in an amaunt sufficient to avaid app�icatfan of any coinsurance claus�, and with a standard mortga�ee <br /> clause in fa�or of Lender. Trustor shall als❑ procure and maintatn comprehensi�e �enera� liabi�ity insurance in such <br /> cvWerage amounts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additianal insur�ds in such <br /> I�abE�ity insurance policies. Addi�ionally, Trustor shafl maintain such �ther insurance, inc�u�ling f�ut nat �imited �a <br /> hazard, busin�ss interruptian, and b�iler insuran��, as Lender may reasona�ly require. Pvlicies shall �e writ�en in <br /> f�rm, amaunts, coverages and basis r�asanably accepfiable fio Lender and issued by a cornpany or companies <br /> reasanably a�ceptahie to Lender. Trust�r, upan request Qf Lender, wiil d�liver ta Lend�r from �ime �a time the <br /> polici�s or certificates ot insurance in form sa�isfaG�vey�a Lender, including stipuiatians �hat cove�ages will no� }�� <br /> cance�led ar dimin�shed withaut a� least ten ���y days priar wri��en natic� t� Lender. Each insurance poli�y also <br /> shall include an endvrsemen� pra�iding that coverag� in favor vf Lender will not be impaired �n any way hy any act, <br /> amissi�n o� defaul� af Trus�or vr any ather person. Shvuld the R�al Property b� located in an area designated by <br /> the Adminis�rator o�the F�deral Emergen�y Managem�n�Agency as a spscial flvod ha�ard area, Trustar agrees ta <br /> abtain an� maintain Federal Flvad Insurance� if a�ailabfe, f�r the full unpaid principal ba�ance af�he loan and �ny <br /> prio� liens vn �he pr�p�rty securing the Ivan, up to th� maximum pali�y Iimits s�t under the Nati�nal Flood <br /> lnsuran�e Pr�gram, ❑r as atherwise required by Lender, and t� maintain such insurance for�he term�f the laan, <br /> Application o� Pro�eeds. Trustar shail promptly na�i�y L�nder af any loss or �arnage t❑ the Property. Lender may <br /> make proflf v� loss i�F Trustor fails fio d❑ s❑ within fif�een �15y days af the casualty. V1lhether ar not L�nder's <br /> security is irnpa�red, Lender may, at Lende�'s election, receive and retain �he proceeds of any insu�ance and apply <br /> the proce�ds to the redu�tian a� the lndebt�dness, payment �t any lien a�F�ect�ng the Property, or �he res�aration <br /> and repair of the Proper�y. lf L�nder el�cts ta apply the proceeds �o r�s�roratian and repair, Trustor shail repair or <br /> replace the �amag�d ❑r destroyed f mprov�ments in a manner satisfiact�ry ta Lender, Lender shall, upan <br /> satisfac�ary proof of su�h expenditure, pay ❑r reimburse Trustflr �rvm �he prnceeds f�r th� reasanable cost af <br /> repair or restaratian i� Trustar is not in defaul� under this Deed af Trust. Any proc��ds which have n�t been <br /> disbursed within 18� days a�ter their receip� and which Lender has na� cammitted ta the repair ar rest�rati�n af <br /> the Property sha[! be used �irst to pay any amoun� avuing to Lender under this �eed of Trus�, then to pay accrued <br /> in�er�st, and th� remainder, if any, shall he applied to the principaE balance ❑f �he Indebtedn�ss. !f Lender halds <br /> any proceeds af�er paymen� in fu�l a� the 1nd�btedness, such pr�ceeds shall be paid ta Trustor as Trustar's <br /> in��rests may appear. <br /> Trustor`s Repor�on Insurance. Up�n request of Lender, hawever not more than ancs a year, Trustvr shail furnish <br /> ta Lender a report �n each existing policy of insurance shvwing: {13 th� name af �he insurer; ��� fhe r�sks <br /> insured; �3y the am�unt a� the pal�cy; {4} �he praperty insured, the then �urrent repla�emen� �alue of such <br /> prap�rty, and the r�anner o�de�ermining that �alue; and �5y the expirat�on date of the poli�y. Trus�flr shall, upan <br /> reques�of Lender, have an independent apprais�r satisfactary t❑ Lend�r determine the cash �alue repiacement cas� <br /> o�F�he Prvperty. <br /> LENDER'S E�iPENDITURES. !f any action ar proc�ed�ng is cammenc�d �hat wauld materially affect Lend�r's interest in <br /> the Prap�r�y or if Trustar fai�s to c�mply wi�h any provisi�n of�his Deed of Trust or any R��a�ed ❑ocuments, includtn� <br /> but not limit�d �o Trustor's failure t� dis�harge ❑r pay w#�en due any amaunts Trus�ar is required to discharge or pay <br /> under�khis Deed �f Trust or any Related Documents, Lender on Trustor's behalf may {bu�k shall no� he nblxgat�d to} take <br /> any actinn that Lender deems apprapriate, including but n�t limi�ed �o discharging or paying aEl taxes, liens, security <br /> - in�eres�s, �ncumbrances and other claims, at any time le�ied ❑r placed �n the Prop�rty and paying all costs �For insuring, <br /> maintaining and preser�ing tl�e Pr�perty. All such expenditures incurred ❑r paid by Lender far su�h purpases wi[� then <br /> bear interest at the ra�te charged under th� Note �rom �he da�e incurred or paid by Lender ta �he da�e o� r�payment by <br /> Trustvr. All such expenses w�ll become a part of the Indehtedness and, at Lender's ❑p�ion, w�ll {A} �e payabfe on <br /> demand; �Bf be added tv the balance �f �he N��e and be apportioned amc�ng an� b� payable with any irtstallment <br /> paym�n�s ta becarne due during eith�r �1 y the term of any applicab�e insurance policy; or {�y the remainEng t�rm ❑� <br /> the Nate; or �C� be �reated as a ballaan paymsnt which will b� due and payabfe at the Note's ma�uri�y. Th� Deed of <br /> Trus� a�so wi�l secure paymen� ❑f these amounts. Such righ� shall be in addition to all �ther rights and remedies to <br /> which Lender may be entitled upan ❑efault. <br /> VIlARRANTY; DEFENSE�F TITLE. The following pra�isions relating to ownership a�the Property ara a part❑f th�s Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Title. Trustvr warrants �ha�t: ta� Trus�or holds gaod and marke�abie �itle ❑f recflrd t❑ the P�oper�ry in fee simple, <br /> free and clear ❑f all liens and encumbrances other �han tl�ase set forth in the Real Properfiy descriptian ar in any <br /> ti�le insurance policy� �i�le report, or final title ❑pin�an issued in fa�ar of, and accepted by, L�nder in connection <br /> with�his �3e�d of Trus�, and �b} Trustvr has the full right, power. and authority to execute and d�liver thi� Deed a� <br /> Trust ta Lender. <br /> ❑efens� af Title. Subj��t ta the �x�ep�ivn in the paragraph aba�e, Trustar warrants and will �are�er defend the <br /> ti�rle to the Pr�perty against the lawful claims ❑f all persans. In the event any acti�n or �raceeding is commenced <br /> that questians Trustor's title ❑r�h� int�rest af Trustee ar Lender under this Deed o�Trus�, Trus�ar shall defend the <br />