<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: '1���55�'1'1 �Contillued� Page �
<br /> and otherwise per�orms all the obligations imposed upon Trustar under �khis ❑eed o� Trust, Lender shalf execufie and
<br /> deli�er t❑ Trus�ee a requ�sfi �or full recvn�eyan�e and shaft execute and deli�er to Trustar suitable s�a�ements ❑f
<br /> terminafiian of any financing s�a�emen� an file e�idencing Lender's security �nteres� in the Rents and the Personai
<br /> Property. Any recon�eyanc�fee required by law shal� be paid by Trustar, if permitted by applicalale iaw.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each a�F fihe �ollowing, at Lender's ap�ivn, shall cvnstifiute an E�en� of De�ault unde�r this ❑eed
<br /> of Trus�:
<br /> Payment�]efaul�. Trust�r�aEls to make any payment when due under�he Indebtedness.
<br /> �ther Defaults. Trustor fails �a comply wi�h ❑r to perform any ather term, obligation, co�enan� vr cvndi�ion
<br /> c�ntained in this D�ed a# Trust or in any o# �he Related ❑ocuments ❑r t� campiy with or to per�vrm any term,
<br /> olaligafiivn, co�enan�ar canditian contained in any o�her agreement between Lender and Trustvr. .
<br /> Compiian�e De#auit. FaiEure t❑ comply with any other term, vbligativn, �aWenanfi or cvndEt�vn con�ained in �his.
<br /> Deed af Trus�,�he No�e or in any of the Refated ❑ocuments.
<br /> �De#ault on �ther Payments. Failure of Trustar within the�ime required hy this I�eed of Trus�to make any payment
<br /> for taxes or insurance, or any other payment necessary�❑ pre�en�filing ❑f❑r to effec�dEscharge of any lien.
<br /> � �Fa�se 5fatements. Any warranty, represen�atian ar s�ka�ement made ar furnished ta Lender by Trustar or an
<br /> T�usfivr's beha�� under this Deed v�Trust or�he Related Documen�s is.false or misleading in any material respec�,
<br /> ei�her naw or at the�ime made or furnished❑r hecomes�aEse�r misleading at any time�hereafter.
<br /> De�ecti�e Collateralization. This Deed ❑f Trust or any of the Related ❑ocuments ceases to be in �ull �orce and
<br /> effect �in�luding faifure of any cal�atera[ dacument�o crea�e a �alid and perfe��ed security interest ar lien} at any
<br /> time and for any reason. � .
<br /> Insvlven�y. The dissalution ❑r termination ofi Trust�r's existence as a going �us�ness, �he insol�ency o�Trustor,
<br /> the appaintmen� ❑-� a rece��er for any part��Trustor's property. any assignment for the henefifi a� creditors, any
<br /> fiype o�credifiar wvrkvut, or fihe �ommencement of any praceeding under any bankrupt�y vr insvl�ency laws by or
<br /> against Trustor.
<br /> Credi�or or Forfei�ure Prviceedings. �ommencement ❑f foreclosure or forfeiture prviceedings, whether by judi�ial
<br /> proceeding, self-help, �-epossessian or any other methad, hy any creditvr of Trustor nr by any go�ernmen�al agency
<br /> against any proper�y securing �he lndebtedness. This includes a garnishmen� of any of Trustar's accvun�s,
<br /> � including deposi� accounts, wifih Lender. Hvwe�er, fihis E�ent vf De�auf� shal� not apply i# there is a good.fai�kh
<br /> dispu�ke by Trustar as to the �a�idity or r�asonableness ❑�the cfaim which is the taasis ❑f�he credi�ar ❑r�or�eiture
<br /> proceeding and if Trustor gi�es Lende� written nv�ice o� the creditor vr �or�eifiure prviceeding and deposi�s wi�h
<br /> Lender montes or a surety bond for�he cr�ditar❑r forfe�fure proceeding, in an amoun�determined by Lender, in i�s
<br /> sole discretion, as being an adequate reser�e ar bvnd far the dispute.
<br /> Breach af a�her Agreement. Any hreach by Trustor under th�terms vf any other agreement hetween Trust�r and
<br /> Lender �ha� is no� remedied within any grace perivd pravided �he�-e�n, including wi�hout limitation any agreement
<br /> conc�rning any Endebtedness or oth�r❑bliga�ion o�Trustvr�❑ Lender, whether exis�ing nvw or later.
<br /> Events AfFecting �uaran#vr. Any ❑f�he preceding e�en�s accurs wi�kh respec��o any guarantar, endvrser, sure�y,
<br /> ❑r a�cammadativn party ❑t any o�F the lndeb�edness or any guarantvr. endorser, surety, or accommodation party
<br /> � dies or becomes incompetent, or re�akes ❑r disputes the �ai�dity of, ❑r liahili�ty under, any Guaranty v� the
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Adverse Change. A materia� ad�erse change occurs in Trustor's financial condifiion, ❑r Lender b�lie�es the
<br /> prvspect❑�payment or performance��the inde��edness is impaired.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender�n good fai�h helie�es itself insecure.
<br /> Right�v�ure. !f any de�auEt, o�her than a default in payment, is curahle and i-F Trustor has not been giWen a n�tice
<br /> af a breach of�he same prv�isian ❑f�his ❑eed ❑f Trus�within�he preceding twe��e {12} mvnths, tt may he cured if
<br /> Trus�or, a�-ter Lender sends written n�tice to Trustor demanding cure of such de�ault: ��� cures the de�ault within
<br /> fifteen t15� days; or �2} if�he cure requires more than fifteen �'i 5} days, immediafiely initiafies steps which Lender
<br /> deems in Lender's sole discretion t❑ be sufficient to cure the defau�t and therea�ter cvntEnues and cvmple�es ai�
<br /> reasonabl� and necessary s�eps sufficient to produce compliance as soon as reasonably practica�.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REiIJ�EDIES DN DEFAULT. If an E�ent a� Default❑ccurs under this Deed of Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exer�ise any one or more❑fi the�vllawing rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceleratinn Upvn Defau�t;Addi#ivna� Remedies. �f any EWent of De�aulfi❑ccurs as pe�-the�erms of the No�e
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare al� fndeb#edness secured by this Deed a�Trus�t❑ be due and payab�e and
<br /> �he same shall thereupon be��me due and payable withvu�any presentment� demand, pratest ar notice af any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> {a} Either in person ar by agen�, with or withou� bringing any activn or proceedin�, or by a re�ei�er
<br /> app�inted by a �ourt and without regard t�the adequacy n�its security, enter upan and take possession
<br /> of the Property, or any par�thereaf, in its ❑wn name or in�he nam� of Trustee, and do any ac�s which it
<br /> deems necessary❑r desirable to preser�e the �a�ue, marke�tahility vr rentabi�ity❑f the Prvperty, ❑�-,part❑f
<br />