<br /> � ��15�41��
<br /> . DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: '1�'1�8a�'i� ��ontinued} Page 7
<br /> the Praperty or interes� in�he Prvperty; increase the incom� from the Prvperty or pro�ec��he security ❑fi
<br /> the Prvperty; and, with ❑r without fiaking pvssessivn of the Proper�y, sue for or otherwise ca�lect �he
<br /> rents, issues and pra�its ❑�F the Proper�y, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> cvsts and expenses ofi❑pera�ivn and caliec�kion a��orneys' fees,�to any indebtedness secured by this ❑eed
<br /> o# Trust, all in such order as Lender may de�ermine. The enfiering upvn and taking passession af the
<br /> Property, �he co�lectian ❑f such renfis, issues and pro�its, and the applica�ivn thereaf shall not cure o�-
<br /> wai�e any defaul�or notice of defaul�t under-this Deed o�Trust❑r in�alidate any act dane in response�v
<br /> such de�ault or pursuant t❑such no�ice of defauEt; and, natwithstanding�he continuance in possession o�
<br /> the Proper�y or the cotlec:�ion, receip� and application a� rents, issu�s ❑r pro�its, Trustee ❑r Lender shaE!
<br /> be enfiitled fio exer�ise e�ery right p�-o�ided for in the No�e or fihe Relat�d ❑��umen�s ❑r by faw upon �he
<br /> occurrence af any e�ent of default, including fihe �ight to exercise�he power o�sale;
<br /> {l�� Commence an ac�ion to �oreclose this Deed n�Trust as a mortgage, appoint a recei�er or speci�icaliy
<br /> enforce any❑f�he coWenants hereo�; and
<br /> {c� aeli�er t❑Trustee a wrifiten declaration of default and demand�or sale and a written no�ice of defau�t
<br /> and elecfiivn�o cause Trustar's interes�in the Property fi❑ be sold, which nv�ice Truste�shall cause t❑ be
<br /> duly filed��r rscord in the approprEate offices o�the County�n which the P�raperty is lacafied; and
<br /> {d� With respect to a�l or any part o�the Persanal Property, L�nder shal! ha�e al�fihe rights and remedies
<br /> n�a se�ured pa��y under the Nebraska L]nE�arm Cvmmercial Code.
<br /> Fore�losur�by Power vf 5ale. l�Lender elects fiv fore�lose l�y exercise af�he Power of Sale herein�antained,
<br /> Lender shall not��y Trustee and shai! depnsit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and �he Nate and such receipts
<br /> and evidence of expendi�ures made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a} Upan receEpt of such natice�rom Lender, Trustee sha�� cause ta be recvrded, published and deliWered
<br /> ta Trusfiar such Natice of De#au1� and Na�ice af Safe as �hen required by iaw and by�his Deed �f Trusfi. �
<br /> Trusfee shall, wi�hout demand on Trustor, after su�h time as may th�n he required by law and after
<br /> recvrdativn vf such Nvti�e o� �efault and after Notice ❑� 5a�e ha�ing been gi�en as required by faw, sell
<br /> �he Proper�y a� the time and p�ace o� saie fixed by Et in such Natice a� 5ale, either as a whole, ❑r in
<br /> , separate lo�s or par�els or Etems as Trustee shal! de�m expedient, and in su�h ❑rder as ��may determine,
<br /> af public auction t❑the highes� bidder for cash in IawfuE money❑f the United 5�a#es payable a�the�ime
<br /> af sale. Trust�� shall de�i�er to such purchaser ❑r purchasers thereofi its gvvd and suf�icEent deed �r
<br /> deeds can�eying the praperty sv sald, bu� withou� any ca�enant ❑r warranty, �xpress ar impfied. The
<br /> recifia�s in such deed n� any matters or�acts shall be conclusive prvv� af the truth�ufness fiherevfi. Any
<br /> persvn, including wi�hout�imitatian Trustor,Trustee, or Lende�, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may be pe�mitted by law, after deducting all cvsts, fees and expenses of Trustee and o� this
<br /> Trust, Enc�uding �osts❑f e�idence❑�ti�le in connectian with sale,Trustee shall apply the proceeds o�sale
<br /> �o payment❑� {i} aEl sums expended under the terms v�this Deed af Trust❑r under�he terms❑�the No�e
<br /> not then �-epaid, inc�uding but not limited �a accrued interest and late charges, �ii� all ❑ther sums then
<br /> s�cured hereby, and tiii}the remainder, i�any,tv the person❑r persons I�gat{y entitled fiheretv.
<br /> {c} Trustee may in the manner prn�ided by[aw �ostpone sale o�all ar any por#ian❑f the Prop�rty.
<br /> Remedies Nvt Exclusi►re. Trus�ee and Lender, and each o�F them, shall be enfiifiled to en�orce payment and
<br /> performance ❑�F any indeb�edn�ss ❑r abliga�ians secured hy this D�ed o�F Trus�and to exerc�se all rFghts and pvwers
<br /> under this aeed of Trust, under the No�e, under any of�he Re�ated Documents, or under any ather agreement or
<br /> any laws now or hereafter in fvrce; natwithstanding, svme ❑r all of such indebtedness and ahliga�ions secured f�y
<br /> fihis Deed of Trust may nvw or hereaf�er be otherwise secured, whefiher hy mortgage, deed a�f trus�, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment or v�herwise. Nei�her �he acc�p�anGe ❑f this ❑eed o� Trus� nar ifis enfiorcement, whether by cvurt
<br /> acfiion ar pursuant to the pawer ❑f sale ❑r ❑ther powers cvntained in fihis Deed ��Trust, shali prejudice or in any
<br /> mann�r aff�ct Trustee's or Lender's right t❑ realize upon ar en�vrce any ather security now �r hereaf�er held hy
<br /> Trusfiee vr Lender, it being agreed�ha�Trustee and Lender, and each af them, shall be entitled ta enforce this Deed
<br /> ❑�Trust and any other security nvw�vr hereafter held by Lender ar Trustee in such ❑rder and manner as �hey or
<br /> ei�her �� them may in their absa�ute discretion determine. N❑ remedy cvnferred upvn or reser�ed t❑ Trustee ❑r
<br /> Lend�r, is intended to be exclusi�e o�any other remedy in�his Deed of Trus�ar by law pro�ided or permi��ed, but
<br /> ea�h sha11 be cumu�ati�� and shall be in addi�ion �o e�ery ather remedy gi�en in this Deed of Trus� ❑r now or
<br /> hereafter ex�sting a#�aw vr En equi�y or by statute. E�ery power❑r remedy gi�en l�y the No�e vr any of the Relat�d
<br /> D�cum�nts �❑ Trustee or Lender ❑r to which either af them may he ❑therwise en�itled, may be exercised,
<br /> cvncurrentEy ❑r Endependen�Ey, �rvm time tv time and as often as may be deemed expedtent by Trustee vr Lender,
<br /> and ei�her o� �hem may pursue Encvnsisten� remedies. No�hing in this ❑eed a�F Trust sha!! be consfirued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender from seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trus�vr to the ex#enfi such ac�ion is permitted by
<br /> law. Elec�ion by Lender t❑ pursue any remedy shall na� exclude pursuit af any o-ther remedy, and an election to
<br /> make expenditures or�o �ake ac�ion �o per�arm an obligation o�Trustor under fihis Deed af Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> #ai�ure ta perform, shall nat a��ect Lender's righ��❑de�lare a default and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Re�uest for Not��e. Trustvr, vn behaEf vf Trustor and Lender, hereby requ�sts fihat a Gvpy af any Notice of ae�Fault
<br /> and a copy of any Notice ��Sale under�his Deed af Trust be mailed�❑them a��he addresses set fvr�h in�he firs�
<br /> paragraph❑f�his Deed v�Trust. .
<br />