` ��15�41��
<br /> � .
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan Nv: 1 D 7�B�D 1'l . �Gvntinu�d� Page 5
<br /> participat��n. ,
<br /> Applica�ion ❑�Net Proceeds. If ai� or any part o�th� Praperty is cvndemned by eminent fdamain proceedings or by
<br /> any pr�ceeding ar purchase in lieu❑�condemnation, Lender rnay at i�s ele�tivn require that all or any por�tion❑�f the
<br /> ne� proceeds ❑f�he award be applied �o the �nd�bt�dn�ss vr the repair ❑r restorat�on of the Praperty. The net
<br /> proceeds af the award shall mean �tihe award after payment❑f all reasanable cas#s, expenses, and attorneys' fees
<br /> � . incurred by Trustee or Lender in cvnnectivn wi�h fihe condemna�ion.
<br /> 1MPQSIT�QN DF TAXES, FEES AND CHAR�ES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The following pro�isians rela�ing
<br /> to governmenfia[�axes, fees and charges are a par�of this Deed❑f Trust:
<br /> Curren�Taxes, Fees and Gharges. Upan request by L�nder, Trusfior shall execu�e such documents in addit�on to
<br /> �his Deed of Trust and tak� wha�e�er other action is reques�ed }�y Lender t� perfect and continue Lender's iien on
<br /> �he Reaf Property. Trusfiar shall reimburse Lender �vr all taxes, as described belaw, to�ether wifih a!� expenses
<br /> incurred in re�ording, pe��ect�ng ❑r con�inuing this ❑eed o-� Trust, includin� v►ri�thau� IEmitatEvn all �axes, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and o�her charges for recording or regis�ering�his ❑eed v�Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. The fvl�owing shail constitute taxes to which this section applies: ��} a specific tax upon this �ype o€
<br /> Deed ❑�Trust ❑r upvn all ❑r any par� ❑fi the �ndelatedness secured by �his aeed of Trust; ��} a specifii� �ax on
<br /> Trustor which Trusfior is authorized or required�o deduct�rvm payments on�he Indebtedness secu�-ed by�his type
<br /> o�❑eed v�T�ust; �3� a�ax an�h�s type of Deed of Trus�t chargeable against�he Lender❑r the halder❑f the Note;
<br /> and �4y a specific tax❑n all ❑r any por�ion a�r the lndeb�edness or on payments ❑f principal and Enfierest made by
<br /> Trustor,
<br /> Subsequen# Taxes. If any tax ta which �his sec�ivn applies is enac�ed subsequent �v �he date of this Deed vf
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shali ha�e the same ef�ecfi as an E�en� of Default, and Lender may exercise any or all of its
<br /> a�ailable remedies fior an E�ent vf �efaul� as pro�ided below unless Trus�vr eifiher ��} pays �khe �ax before it
<br /> bec�mes delinquent, ar {2� contests the tax as pra�ided abo�e in�he Taxes and Liens section and deposits wi�th
<br /> Lender cash or a sufificien��orpvrate surety band ar❑ther security sa�is�factory to Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The �all�wing pro�isions relating fi❑ �this Deed o� Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a par�of�his Deed of Trus#:
<br /> Security Agreement. This� instrumen� sha[[ constitu�te a 5ecuri�y Agreement �a the ex�ent any o� the Property
<br /> cons�itutes fix�ures, and Lender shali ha�e alf ❑f fihe righ�s ❑f a secured party under the Unifvrm Cammercial Code
<br /> as amended frvm time�o�ime.
<br /> Security lnteres#. Llpon request by Lender, Trustvr shall tak� whate�er aG�ivn is requested by Lender to perfect
<br /> and cvntinue Lender's securi�y interest in the Rents and Persanal Praper�y. In addition �o recarding this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust in �he �-ea! proper�y records, Lender may, at any time and wifihout �urther autharizatian fr�m Trustor, file
<br /> executed counterpar�s, copies ❑r repraduGtivns ❑�F �his Deed o� Trust as a �inancing s�a�ement. Trus�vr shai�
<br /> reimburs� L�nder�vr a�f expenses incurred in perfec�ing or continuing �his security interest. Upvn default, Trustar
<br /> shalE nvt remo�e, se�er v�- de�ach the Persanal Praperty from the Prvperty. Upvn default, Trus��r shali assemble
<br /> any Persvnal Prape�ty n�t affixed to the Praperty in a manner and at a place �-easanably con�enient ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�ailable to Lender within �hree �3� days a-F�er receipt af written demand �rvm Lender t❑ the
<br /> extent permi��ed by applicable law. �
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses ❑� Trust�r �deht�r} and Lender �secured party} �rom which in�orma�ion
<br /> concerning �he se�urity interest granted by this Deed o-�Trust may he ❑btained �each as required by the Uni�orm
<br /> Commercial C�de} are as stated on�he first page a�this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The follow�ng prv�isians relating to �urther assurances and
<br /> a��orney-in--fact are a part o�this Deed❑�Trust:
<br /> Fur#her Assurances. At any�ime. and �ram time �o time, upvn request o� Lender, Trustor w�ll make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, vr will cause t❑ be made, executed ar deli��red, to Lender or�o Lender's designee, and when reques�ed hy
<br /> Lender, cause to be fi[ed, recorded, refiiled, ar rerecvrded, as �he case may i�e, at such times and in such offices
<br /> and pfa�es as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all such mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds. securifiy
<br /> agreements, financing s�atements, continua�ion statements, instruments of further assurance, certificates, and
<br /> o�tiher documents as may, in the svle apinion o� Lender, be necessary o�-desirable in order to ef�ectuate, complete,
<br /> per�ecfi, continu�, ❑r preser�e t 1} Trusfior's obligativns under the No�e, �hEs Deed ❑f Trust, and �he Rela�ed
<br /> Dvcuments, and t2� the liens and securi�y interests created by�hEs Deed of Trust as �irst and priar �iens on the
<br /> Property, whether naw ❑wned vr hereafter acquired by Trustvr. Un�ess prahibified by law ar Lender agrees to the
<br /> cont'rary in writing, Trustor shalf reimburse� Lender �or all cos�s and expenses incurred in cannection with �he
<br /> matters re�erred tn �n this paragraph. .
<br /> Attorney-in-Fa�t. If Trustar faiis to do any ❑f the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may dv so
<br /> �or and in�h� name af Trustor and at Trustar's expense. Fvr such purposes, T�us�vr hereby irre�ocabfy appoints
<br /> Lender-as Trustor's at�vrney-in-fac�for the purpase v�making, executing, deli�er�ng, filing, recording, and doing all
<br /> �ther things as may I�e necessary ❑r desirah�e� in Lender's sole apinian. tv accampf�sh �he ma�ters r�ferred t❑ in
<br /> fihe preceding paragraph.
<br /> Fl1LL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustor pays af�the Indebtedness, including without limi�ation a!� �uture ad�ances, when due,
<br />