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��15�41�5 <br /> interest from �he date of disbursement a� the same rate assessed on advances under the �antract and shall be <br /> paya�le,v�i�h in�eres�,upan no�ice from Lender to Borrower requestzng paymen�. <br /> In�pection. Lender or ��s agent may make reasonable en�ries upan and �nsp�ct��ns af the Properry. L�nder sha�� <br /> give Borrovver n��ice a��he txme of or priar to an xnspec�xon specxfy�ng rea�onab�e cause far�he�nspec�ion. <br /> �andemnat�on. The proceeds af any avvard ar claim for damages, direc�ar canse�uen��a�, zn conn��tzon w��h any <br /> condemna��an or ather�aking af any par� of�he Property, or for conveyance in ��eu of condemnat�nn, are h�r�by <br /> assigned and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> �n the e�en� of a�otal�aking of�he Prap�r�y, �he proc�eds shal� be app��ed �fl �he sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, whe�her or nat then due, with an� excess paid to Barrawer. �n �he e�ent of a par��a� takzng nf th� <br /> Praperty in which the fair mar�et�alu� �f�the Property �mmedza�e�y bef�re �he �aking �s equal�o ar grea�er than <br /> the amoun� of�he sums se�ured by �his Securitiy Ins�rumen� imm�dia�eiy befar� th� �ak�ng, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> L�nder atherwise agree in wr���ng,the sums secured by�his Security�ns�rument sha��be r�duced by the amaun�of <br /> the praceeds mu���pX�ed by�he fo�lovving fracti�n: �a}�he ta�a� amount of�he sums secured imm�d�a���y befor�the <br /> �aking, divided by �b� �he fa�r market value of the Propez-�y immed�ately before �he taking. Any balanc� sha�� be <br /> paid�o Barrower. �n�he even� of a partia�tak�ng af�he Property in vWhich �he faiur market value af�he Proper�y <br /> immed�a�e�y before the �aking is �ess than the amtiun� of�he sums secured i.mamedxa�ely before �he �ak�ng, unl�ss <br /> Borrower and L�nder o�h�rw�se agree in wri�ing or unless Appl�cable Law�therwise prov�des, �he proceeds shall <br /> be appl�ed to�he sums secured by�his Security�ns�rument whether or not the sums ax��her�due. <br /> If the Proper�y�s abandoned by Borrower, �r�f, after na�zce by Lender�� B�rr�wer that�he condemnor offers t� <br /> make an award or settle a claim f�r damages, Borrov�er fax�s to respond ta Lend�r vvith�n the min�mum number of <br /> days established by Applicab�e Lav�aft�r�h�date�he no�ic� is given,Lender is autharized to co�Iec�and appl��he <br /> praceeds, a� xts op�ion, either �o restoration or repa�r af��e Property or to th� sums s�cured by this Securxty <br /> �nstrumen�,v�hether�r n�t then du�. <br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower o�herw�se agree in wr�ting, an� application of praceeds ta pr�ncipa� shal�no��x�end <br /> or postpone th�due da�e of�he�aymen�s due under�he�ontract ar change the am�unt of such paym�nts. <br /> Borrnvver Nat ReZeased y Forbearance By Lender N�t a Waiver. Ex�ension �f �he ��me for payment or <br /> madifica�ion of amartizatian of�he sums se�ur�d by �his Security �nstrument granted by Lender�a Borrower �r <br /> any suc�essor �n interes� of Borrower shall nfl� �perate �a`re�ease the Iiabilzty of �he ariginal Barrower ar <br /> Borrower's su�cessors in interest. L�nder sha�l not be requzr�d to commence proceedings agains�any successor in <br /> xn�erest or refus�to ex�end�ime for payment or��herw�se modify amor��za�i�n of�he sums s�cured by�his Se�ur�ty <br /> rnstrum�nt by reasan of any demand made by the original BorrovWer ar Borrower's successors in zn�eres�. Any <br /> farbearance by Lender in ex�rc�s�ng any right ar r�medy shall no�be a vwai�er af�r pr�clude �he exerczse of any <br /> right or r�medy. <br /> Successors and As�igns Bound; Joint and S�veral Liabi��ty; Accammodat�on S�gners. The co��nan�s and <br /> agreements of this Securi�y �nstrum�nt sha11 bind and beneft the successors and ass�gns af Lender and Borrower, <br /> su�jec� �o the pra��sions �f section titled Transfer of the Praperty or a Benefic�a� Interest in Borrower. <br /> B�rrovver's covenants and agre�men�s sha��be joint and se�era�. Any person who co-s�gns�his Securzty�nstrumen� <br /> but has n� personaX 1�ability under the �ontract �"Accommodation Sign�r"�: �a} is co-5�.�1111� �r115 Security <br /> Instrumen� only to mor�gage, gran� and canvey �hat Accammada��on 5ignerrs �nterest in �he Proper�y under the <br /> �erms of the Securi� �nstrument; �b} is n�t personally obligated �o pay �h� sums secured by �his Securxty <br /> �nstrumen�; and��} agrees�hat Lender and any o�her Borrower may agree�a ex�end,modxfy, forbear or ma�e any <br /> accarnmodat�ons vv��h regard to the�erms of this Securi�y Instrumen�or the Cantract withou�tha�Accommodation <br /> S�gner's consent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f�he loan secured by th�s Security �ns�rument is subjec� to a �aw which sets maximum loan <br /> chargess and�hat�aw is f nally zn�erpre�ed so�hat�he i�.terest flr�ther�oan charges co��ected or t�be c��lec�ed zn <br /> connec�xon with �h� Ioan exceed �he permxtted limzts, �hen: �a} any such loan charge shall b� reduced by the <br /> amouri�necessary to reduce �he charge ���he permi�ted 1�mi�s and�b} any sums a�ready callec�ed fr�m Borrovt�er <br /> which exceeded permxtted Iimi�s �v�11 be refunded to Borrovver. Lender may choose ta make th�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng �he pr�nc�pal awed under�he Contrac� or by making a direc�payment t� Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> principal,the reduction vv���be trea�ed as a par��al prepayment under the�antrac�. <br /> Not�ces. Any n���ce to Borr�wer pro��ded for �n �h�s Security �nstrumen� sha�� be given by deli�erix�g x� or by <br /> mai��ng��by f rs�c�ass mail un�ess Applicab�e Law requires use of ano�her method. The no��ce shal�be d�re��ed�� <br /> the Property Address or any other address Bvrr�wer des�gna�es by notice�o Lender. Borravv�r agrees to pravide <br /> Lender wi�h Borrower's m�st curren�mailing address, as i�may change from�ixne-�o-t�me. Any n��ice�a Lender <br /> sha�I be gi�en by f�rst c�ass mail to Lender's addr�ss s�a�ed her�in or any ather address Lender des�gna�es by no��ce <br /> �a Borrower. Any no�i�e provided for in this Security�ns�ru�nent sha�l be deem�d�o have been biven to Barrower <br /> or Lender when g�ven as provided in this paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law; Se�era�il�ty.This Secur�ty Instrum�n�shal��e ga�erned by federal�avt�and�he�aws�f the state <br /> flf Nebraska. In �he e�ent�hat any pro�ision ar clause af th�s 5ecurxty �nstrum�n� or �he Contract c�nflicts w�th <br /> Applicab�e Law, such confli�� sha��not affect other pravxsions of th�s Securi�y �nstrument or�he Can�rac�wh�ch <br /> can be given effect w��hou��he conflic�ing provision. To this end�he provis�ans of�h�s Secur��y�nstrumen�and�he <br /> Can�rac�are dec�ared to be severable. <br /> Borrowerrs�apy.Borrawer shal�be given�ne copy of th��Securzty�nstrument. <br /> �26�4-Z�14 Campliance Systems,inc.FDd�-77E�-2Q 13L2.14.1.895 <br /> Cvnsumer Reai Estate-Security Instrumen�DL2D3d Page 3 vf 5 www.cvm�liancesystems.�vm <br />