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��15�41�5 <br /> Transfer af the Property ar a Sene�cial In�erest in Borrower, �f aIl or par�af the Pro�erty�r any inter�st <br /> �n it is so�d or transferred �or if a ben�ficial in�eres� in Borrovver is sald ��r transferr�d and Borrovver is no� a <br /> natural persan} wi�hflut �ender's prior vvrx�ten consent, Lender may, a� its�fln, requ�re immedia�e payment in <br /> full of all sums secured �y this Secur�ty �ns�rument. However, �his op��on shall no� be exercised b� Lender if <br /> exerc�s�is pr�hib�te��y federal�aw as�f the da�e of�his Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> If Lender exer��s�s th�s flp�ion, Lender sha�� gi�e Barrovcrer no�ic� of acce�leratian. The notice shall provide a <br /> periad of no� �ess than the m�nimum number af days es�ahlished by App�ic��.ble La�v fram�he da�e the notice is <br /> d��i��red or mai�ed v�ithin which Barrow�r mus� pay al1 sums secured by �:his Security Instrumen�. �f Borro�ver <br /> fails t� pay these sums pr�or�� the expirati�n of this period, Lender rnay inv�ke any remedres p�rmi�ted by �his <br /> Secur�ty�nstrum�n�vwithout further no��ce ar demand on B�rrower. <br /> Barrower's R.ight to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cer�a�n canditions, Bc►rro�er shall ha�e the righ� r� have <br /> enforcement�f this Se�ur�ty�nstrument discontinued at any�ime prior�o th�. earl��r af: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> periQd as Appl��ab�e Law may specif�for reins�a�emen��before sa�e�f the P�-flperty pursuax��to any p�w�r of sale <br /> con�ained �n th�s Security Ynstrumen�; �r �b� �ntry of a judgment enf�rc;?ng �h�s Secur�ty Instrument. Thflse <br /> conditi�ns are that Borrower: �a� pays Lender aIl sums whi�h then would b�v due under�h�s Security Instru.m�n� <br /> and�he�ontract as zf no accelerat�on had�c�urred;�b}cures a.ny defau�t of a��y flther covenants�r agreemen�s; �c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enforc�ng th�s Securxty�nstrument, �ncludzng,but no�Iimi�ed�o,reasonable�.t�orneys' <br /> fees ta�he ex�en�perm�tted by Iaw; and�d�takes such ac��on as Lender may reasonably require�a assure that the <br /> �ien of�h�s S�curx�y Ins�ru.ment, Lender`s righ�s in the Property and Borrov�er's ab�igation to pay the sums secured <br /> by �his 5ecurity �nstrument shall cont�nue un�hanged. Upan reinstatement b�� Borrower, this Se�urity �nstrument <br /> and the ob�igations s�cured hereby sha�l rema�n fu��y effec�ive as if no acc�:leration had �ccurred. Hovrre�er, �h�s <br /> righ��o reins�a�e shall no�apply in�he case of accel�ration under�h� sect�on ti�led Transfer of the Pr�perty or a <br /> Bene�c�a�Interest in Borr�wer. <br /> Hazardvus Substances.Borrower sha11 not cause or perm�t the presence,us€J, disposa�, storage, or r���ase of any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property.B�rr�w�r shall nat d�,nor all�w anyane e�se�a do,any�hing aff�c�ing <br /> �he Properry tha� �s in �iolati�n af any Env�ronmenta� Law. The preceding �o sentenc�s shall no� apply �o �he <br /> presence,use,or storage�n�he Property af small quantities of Hazardous Su�stances tha�are genera��y re�ogn�zed <br /> to be appropriate ta normal r�s�den��a�uses and to maintenan�e of�he Property. <br /> Borrower sha��promp�Iy give Lender written n�ti�e of any�r�vestigat�on,clairl, demand, lav�sui�or other a���on by <br /> any g�vernmen�a� or regulatory agency �r priva�e party involving �he Prape�rty and any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> Env�ronmental Law of wh�ch Borro�ver has ac�ua� knovtr�edge. �f Borrawer Iearns, or is notifi�d by any <br /> go�rernmen�al or regu�a�ory author�ty,tha�any removal ar��her remedration c�f any�azardous Substanc�affe�ting <br /> the Property is necessary, Barr�wer shall promp�ly take a�� nec�ssary r�,medial a�trons in ac��rdance wxth <br /> Environmen�a��,aw. <br /> As used in�hrs paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hase subs�ances d�fL�ed as tox�c �r hazardous s�bs�ances <br /> by Environmenta� Law and �he fol�ov��ng substances: gasoline, kerasene, �3th�r flammable or tox�c petraleum <br /> products, �axic pesticides and herb�c�cies, �olatile solven�s, materials con�aining asb�s��s or formaldehyde, and <br /> radioac���e ma�erials.As used in thzs paragraph, "En�ironmental Lav�"means federa��aws and laws�f the s�a�e of <br /> �ebraska that relat�to hea��h, safety or environmenta�protection. <br /> Acce�era�ion; Remedies. Lender shall give noti�e �o Borrawer prior to aCceleration fvllflw�ng Barrvwer's <br /> breach of any covenant or agreement�n this Security Instrument or the��ontract under wh��h acce�eration <br /> is permi�ted �but no� pr�ar t� accele�ation under the se�tion t�t�ed Transf�r of the Property�r a B�nef�c�a� <br /> Interes� fn Borrower, unless Appiic���e Law provides fltherwise}. The notice �hal� specify: �a) the default; <br /> �b} the action required t� cure the default; (c} a date, nat Iess �han the minirr�um number of days <br /> e5tabl�shed by Ap�licabie Law frvm the da�e the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be <br /> cure�; and �d} that failure to cure the defauit on or before the date �p�ecified in thQ not��e may result �n <br /> acce�erat�on of �he sum� secur�d by �h�s Security Instrumen� and sale of the Property. Tv th� extent <br /> perm�tted by law, the na�ice shall further inform Borrower of the r�ght �� reins�ate after ac�eleration and <br /> the right to bring a court action to asser�the non-ex�stence of a defaul�o��any other defense of Borrower to <br /> ac�e�era��on and sale. If the default �s not cured �n or before the date s��ecified in the notice, Lender at �ts <br /> op�ion may requir� immed�ate payment �n ful� of al� sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument vvithout <br /> further demand and may in�oke the pawer of�ale and any other reme�[ies perm�t�ed by A�ppli�able Law. <br /> To �he ex�en� permi��ed by �aw, Lender shall be ent�t��d ta co��ect a�l ��xpenses �ncurred �n pursuing the <br /> remedie� provided in thi� Secti�n, in��uding, bu� not Iimited to, reasonab��e attorn�ys' fees and c�5t�of�itie <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee 5hali record a notice of default in; each county in vv��ch any par�of <br /> the Property is la�ated and shall mail cop�e�of�uch notice in the manne�-prescribed by Applicable Law ta <br /> Barrower and ta the vther per�ans pre�cribed by Applzca�Ie Law. Afte:r the �ime r�quired by Appl�cable <br /> Law, Trustee shall give public notice of sa�e to the persans and �n the manner pre��ribed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trustee,withvut demand �n B�rrower,sha�l sell th�Prvper�y at p���lic auction to the highest bidder <br /> at the time and place and under the terms designated in�he notice of sa�e in one or m�re parcel5 and�n any <br /> order Trustee de�ermines. Trustee may postpone sa�e of all or any �}arcel of the Property by public <br /> announcement at the��me and placQ of any previously scheduled sa�e. Le nder or i�s d�signee may purcha�e <br /> the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upan receipt of payment of the pr�c� bid, TruStee sha�l deliver tv the pu�rchaser Tru�tee's deed �onveying <br /> the Property, The reci�a�� in the Trust�e's deed shail be prima facie e��drunce of the truth of the s�atements <br /> �2004-2fl 14 Corc�piiance Systems,Ir�c.FD60-77E0-24I3L2,1�,I,89S <br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Security Instn�ment DL203d Page 4 of 5 <br />