<br /> Payment�f Prin�ipa�and Interest; qther Charges. Borrower sha�l prompstly pay�hen due the pr�ncipa�flf and
<br /> interest on the deb�owed under�he Contrac�and Iate charges or an�other f�e��and�harges due under the�on�ract.
<br /> Applicable Law. As used i.n this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, the �erm "Applica�a�e Law" shall mean all c�ntrollu�g
<br /> applicable federal, s�a�e and local statutes, regu�atxons, ord�nances and adm�:nistra���e ru�es and �rders ��hat ha�re
<br /> th��ffec�of Iaw}as well as alI applicable fna�,nfln-appea�ab�e judicial op�nit�ns.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Barra�ver sha1l pay al� �axes, assessments, charges, fines and �mpositions at�ributable t� th.e
<br /> Properry wh�ch may attain priarity over�h�s Secu.rity 7nstrument, and leasehc�ld paymen�s or graund rents, �f any.
<br /> At the reques�of L�nder,Borrov��r shall promptly furn�sh�o Lend�r re�eip�s�f�idencing the payments.
<br /> B�rrower sha�l promptly discharge any lien which has przorit�o�er th�s Sec��ri�y �nstrument unless Sorrower: �a�
<br /> agrees �n writing �o �he payment of the obliga��on secured by �he �i�n in a manner acceptable �o L,e�der; �b�
<br /> �ontests in gaod fai�h the lien by, flr defends aga�nst enfor�emen� of the lie�n in, Iegal proceedings which �n the
<br /> Lender's op�nion opera�e �o preven� the enforc�men� of�he l�en; or ��� set�ures fram the halder �f the Iien an
<br /> agreement sa�isfa�tary�o Lender subord�na�ing�he �i�n to this Se�urrty rnst�r�.�men�. Zf Lender determines that any
<br /> part�f�he Property is subj ect to a lien which may at�ain pri�r�ty �ver�his S e�urity Instrument, Lender rnay give
<br /> Borrower a no�ice id�ntif�ing�he Iien. Borrower sha�l sa��sf��he l�en or�ak�� ane or more of�h� ac��ons set fflr�h
<br /> above vvithin 10 days of�he gi�ing of not�ce.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrovc�er shail keep �he improvemen�s no�v�xisting or hereafter erec�ed on�he
<br /> Property�nsured against Ioss by fire,hazards included v�ithin�he term "extencied cov�rage" and ar�y other hazards,
<br /> xnc�uding floods or flo�d�ng, for which Lender r�quires insurance. Thrs v:�surance shall be ma�n�ained �n the
<br /> amounts and far the periods that Lender r�quires. The�nsurance carrier provi�3ing�he insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> Borraw�r subj ect to LenderTs approval wh�ch shall no� b� unreasonably vvithhe�d. �f Borr�wer fails �o maintain
<br /> coverage descrxb�d above, Lender may, at Lender's op��on, obtain coverage to pr��ect Lender's r�gh�s in �he
<br /> Property in accordance with section titled Prvte�t�on of Lend�r's Righ�s in#he Property.
<br /> All �nsuran�e po�xcies an� renevvals sha�l be acceptable �o Lend�r and sha�l include a standard mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hald the palicies and renev�als. �f Len�.er requ�r�s, Borrower shall promptly give to
<br /> Lender a��r�ceip�s of paid prem�ums and renevv�al no��ces. �n the even�of Ioss, Borrav�er shall gi�e pramp�na�ice
<br /> to the�nsurance carrrer and Lender.Lender may make praof of l�ss if not macLe promp��y by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower o�herw�s� agree �n writing, insurance proceec�s shall be app��ed to res�aration flr
<br /> repair of the Proper�y damaged, if, �r�. Lender's sole discre�xon, the res�araticfn or repair �s economically f�as�ble
<br /> and Lender's securi�y is not lessened. If, �n Lender's so�� d�scretion, the rest��ra��on or repair is no� econ�m�ca��y
<br /> feasib��or Lender's security wauld be lessened,�he�nsurance proc�eds sha����e applied ta the sums secured by th�s
<br /> Security Instrument, vvhe�her or no� �hen due, vv�th any �xcess paid �� B orrower. If �orrovver aba.ndons �he
<br /> Propearty,or does not ansv�er within�he number of days prescribed by Appli���bie Law as set for�h�n a no��ce fram
<br /> Lender to Borrower�ha��he insurance carr�er has offered�a s�ttle a��a�n1,tr�en Lend�r may col�ec�th� insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �o repa�r or r�s�ore �he Property or t:o pay sums secured by th�s Se�ur�ty
<br /> Instrument,v�h��her or not�hen due.The peri�d of�ime for Borraw�r�o answ��r as se�forth in the nat�ce wi��begin
<br /> when th�no�ice is given.
<br /> Un�ess Len�er and Borrav�er o�her�vise agree �n wri�ing, any appl�ca�xon of proceeds�o principal shall na�extend
<br /> �r pastpone the due date af th�paymen�s due u�ad�r the Con�ract or change the amount of the payments. If under
<br /> the se��ion ti��ed Ac�e�eratian; Remed�es, the Prop�rty is acquired by Lend��r, Borrower's righ��o any i�.surance
<br /> pol�cies and prflceeds resu���ng from damage to the Proper�y pr�or�o the acquisitian shall pass to Lender t� the
<br /> exten�of�he sums se�ured�y�his Security�nstr�ument immediately prror to th�J acquisiti�n.
<br /> Preservat��n, Maintenance and Pro�ection of the Property; B�rrower�'s Laan Appt�eation; LeasehoXds.
<br /> Barrow�r shall n�t d�stroy, damage or impa�r�he ProperCy, allow�he Prop�r�y to deteriora�e, or commi�waste on
<br /> the Prop�rty.Borrower sha�I be�n defau���f any forfeiture a�tion or proceeding,whe�a.er ci�il�r�r�m�nal, is�begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's good fai�h j udgmen� could resu�� �n farfeiture of�he Prflperty nr oth�rwise ma�eria��y �mpair the
<br /> lxen crea�ed by �his Secur��y �ns�rument or Lender's securifiy �nterest, Bor��ower may cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reins�ate, as pra�r�ded in section��tled�arrower's Right to Reinstate, by ca_us�ng the actian or proceeding�o be
<br /> dismissed�vith a ru�ing�hat, in Lender's good fax�h de�erm�nation,precludes fc3rfeiture of the B�rrovcrer's�n�erest�n
<br /> �he Proper�y or oth�r material �mpairmen� �f the lien crea�ed by �his Secu:rity �nstrumen� ar Lender's securi�y
<br /> in�erest.Borraur�r sha�I a�so be�n defau�t if Borrovver,dur�ng the loan app��cation pr�c�ss,gave ma�erially false or
<br /> znaccurate informa��on or statemen�s to Lender �or failed �� pravide Lender �vith any materia� xnforma�ian} i.n
<br /> conne�tion with�he loan eviden�ed by�he Gontract. �f�his Security�nstrume�n� �s on a leasehald, Borrower shall
<br /> comply with a�l�he pra�is�ons of�he�ease. If Borrower acqu�res fee t���e�o the Property,�he�easehold and�he f�e
<br /> �itle shall no�merge un��ss Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> Prfl�ection af Lender'� Rights in the Proper�y, �f Borrovver fails t� p�r�orm the cav�nan�s and agre�ments
<br /> conta�ned in th�s Security�ns�rument, or th�re is a lega�proceedu�.g tha�may:��gnificantly affect Lender's r�ghts �n
<br /> the Prapert� �such as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy, pr�ba�e, far cnn�emnati��i or forfei�ure or to enforce �av�s or
<br /> regu�at�ans�, �hen Lender may da and pay for vsrhatever is nec�ssary ta pr�3tec� �he �alue of�he Praperty and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in the Praperty. Lend�r's ac�ions may�nc�ude pa�ing any sums secured by a��en which has priflrity
<br /> o�er th�s Se�urity Instrument, app�ar�ng in court,payzng reasonable at�orn�ys'fe�s and entering on the Prop�r�y�o
<br /> make repairs.Al�haugh Lender may take act�on under this sec�ion,Lender d�e�not have�o do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s dxsbursed by Lender under this sec�ion shall becom� addition��l debt of Barrower secured by th�s
<br /> Security Instrumen�. Ur�iess Borrower and Lender agree ta other �erms of paymen�, �hese amounts sha�i b�ar
<br /> �2a04-2Q 14 Cam�Iiance Systems,Inc.FD50-77E0-24 J 3L2.I0.1.895
<br /> Consum�r Real Estate-Sec�rity Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.compliancesystems.cvm
<br />