<br /> ���[� �� �����
<br /> L�aa� �i�; ��c9���5� ���r��aa�a��d$ �a�� �
<br /> rifiES�ELLAI�tE�]L#S Pi�[�4f151i7V5lS. 'I"he #olic�tiviric�mssceiEansaus pravisiQn;� are. a p:�rf c�t t:hi� f��etl of�'r�ast;
<br /> Am+�rirlrn�r�ts. T�pis�r�wci c�f Tru�t,ts���ether wit� any� C�e'sated aocumsnis, c�nstitutes xh� ��itr� und�rst�ndiri� and
<br /> �gseQ��ertt of th�. parties a� t�a fh� rnas#�rs set fc��th in this t7��r� of�1"r�st. Nc� alt�raiicsn �if ar arrr�ns�rnEnt t�i thi>
<br /> [3�4d of Tr:�ist s3�all;he wffectiv� ur�isss giv�rz irz writint} a�i� siyt�ed ka•y ih� �Sar[��r�ar �ar€ies sough3 tt� ti� charged or
<br /> hoianeJ �y fih� aEter�ti��s or ar��ert�irr��n[.
<br /> P;Pte��aa3 ���a�sE�. 9f t1�e t r�Ue�ty �s vse�i f�r �urpases cather th3n Trustnr's res:����ca: Tr�istcar .s€�a!€ f�,rnss#i ao
<br /> L�c�+��r, u�ori re�ues't. a �ert.ifit;d stat�m�nt e�f n�t a�aratsn� inc�me r��;ei�reii ftQ� the pro�er�y cl`urtng 'F'si�.�tc�r"s
<br /> �;re�#�au� fisc�t y���� in such tGs:n ancl �etaii a� i.en�ier �:I��11 ��;quire, "Net t��er:�t"sng i�cnm�" shaf# r��ear� �I1 eash
<br /> recr:iuts firesr�i t;�e Pru�a�rty less sIE cash�x�a�nditures m�de in conrtectican wizh thW c�erat'sart t•f th� PropHrCy.
<br /> ��pt€�o7 Fieadiesgs: �'a�tic�n hea�iirtqs in this C:e��:7 of �"rust �;e far Convanierzc� wut�a��s ot�ly ani� ar� n�t: tci be
<br /> us�d ta intNrpr�'t ar cfFfine ihe prdvisie�ns r,f ti�:s CSeed oi`�rust.
<br /> �(I�ry�r. `�'her� s}:aU b� nci merger�f�h�: inr.er�st c,r�staz� c:rwatw�l t�y thi� f3��:d c�f 1'rusY ovit#� any c;th�r inter�;�t os
<br /> Et�i�rc in fhe Pro�erCy at �3s�y time #�elc1 t�y�r#c+r th� hi:n�fit ai �.endwr in ar�y �:�p�city. �r,ritnouz th� vaeitten a�r5�ent
<br /> of L:�nder.
<br /> �Gaverrr�irag Law. Th9s aeec9 a� 7"��st yuill ts g�vez�nec� by ffedera� Eavv ap�l#cabE� to L�rzc€er �ead. t�i�� �xtent n�ai
<br /> preemptec!by#edera��a+M,the laws ��t�a Sta��a�Nebraska withaut r�gar�9�a i4� cc�fli�ts o�E�w �rovisi�ras. `3'has
<br /> Re��i n€Trabst P�a� ba�en �cc�pted bY E.enc�er in the State c�#f��bras9ca.
<br /> ��roc�ice rrf Vena�a. [f tlie€e is � I�wsuit, l'ru�#;c�r �qte�5 upc$n Le���er,s ra�tsr.st ta St�hr7�it tt� t��� juri�di�vtfU#� of tt��
<br /> cc�urts a(M�U GuunYy�, Sta��csf N��ir�ska.
<br /> .1Uint an�i Sevcral Giahility. All c�k�iigations �af Hcarrow�r F�nr� Trustc�r und�r th?s �e�si crf `#�ru�t st��ll trc, joir�t �nc�
<br /> �e+r�:ral, �nd al9 ref�reneps to Trustc�r sl�€a!I me�n e��h an� �v�;ry�'ru�tc�r, anai ��II r�f�r�roce�tr�l3�rrower sh�,li�r�c���7
<br /> aarh and evety Borr.w�r. Thas rts�ans �h�r���ch�"r�istor�ir�nin,� belnw �s r�s�ac�r�sfl�t�fior�al�cf�liqdt9usis iri th:s [?eed
<br /> �i Trust
<br /> Rda W�ivee tsy L�nd�r, !_�ncler s€�aI#nnt l�� dQ�mac! tcs 1-��v�°�,raive� �r,� tigFsts unti�r this 4��:�ci c�f�r�st tienf�ss sc,ch
<br /> w�iuer i� s�ieren ir�writir�y�n+� sic�n��t�y Ler:dec, N�d�l�y or ornissian nn'�he part af L�ri�Jer ir�xr�ressi�:y �ny right
<br /> shal€ cr��r�t� �s a w:siver c�f such righi or�ny nth�r ric�l-�t. .q �avaxv�r t�y Ler�1�r a# a praviskon vf tF�is DeecE o€Trusi
<br /> sho31E r�ot �rcjudice c�r cc�r�stitut� a �w�iv�r Uf L.�ndar`s ri�ht o�her+n+ise tts d�:rnand �trict cc,m�ili�ncs witt� t#iat
<br /> �;r�vision o� t�r2y otYr�r' ��rovisiUr� af 4tiis Cse��i o# Tr�st. !�� �arior w�iver �y Ls3nr1�;. nrsr �szy c{aurse c�f �iealittca
<br /> �eiw�en �.erz�er arrti �'rust�r, shaf! c3ns€itut�:� waiver of �r�y c�f �e���#�r"s ri�h�ts at ,if ar�y Qf Teustor's 4i�figatis�ns
<br /> a�tn any futur� t:r<�nsacr:iGns, U'�'I�eneuer thP cr�nsent c.�f Lerid�t is requirEd urt�fcr this Lr-,��c�f'i�sxsst, the �ra�-rtir7�
<br /> oi sueh cc�ns�nr �y �endet �n any irsstar�ce shall n�t r.nnstit�y€� ��ntinu�ng cnrRsant ta su�s�quer�t in�;ance� LvE�ers
<br /> such eansent is requirEd �nc�in all rase� suc� eonaent rnay�e�r�nted or 4viE1if1�1� €r�2he soE�disaar�ti�n rrf L�n�`i�r,
<br /> S�sterabili4y. E# a court of er�i�-tpetCnt:jutisdi�tiors fiincls �rn,� �rr��isi�n of tl�i5� �YeF+�of Trust ta be itlegaB, i�v�Ei;�, rar
<br /> L�nenfc�rCe�ta�e �S td �ny ciruurnsi�nc:e; ihat #irad��tq sh�ll ncyY rn�ke th�; e�ftnn�Jin.g prr�+ri5ir.� iEEec�dl, in✓alirJ, rar
<br /> urzenfor�.�a:l�?e �s to any othE�r cirGumst�nce, if feasil�Ic, the �tfc�nciir�g prcauisi�:, shall k7e cr�r��is�er�d rraoc{i�ieci s�
<br /> �hat it b�:comes legai, vali�I �nd r-,r�fc�rcea�ile: 9f the c?#i�nclang Rro��isir�r� s��r�raot tae s.; ms�di#ied, it shalt be
<br /> c�,nsicirre�r� �Jeleterl feom thi� EZeed c�f �rust. Unl�ss ath�r�ra�e r�:c�uirec! t�y I�w�, the illegaBityr f3�wali�tity, c�r
<br /> ur�er�icsrcea#aility r�f ar3y �rc�vRsit�n +a€ thas �eecd car' �I'rir�t shafE �c�t aff�r,t the fec�t�r€ir�f, �.�2iiriity r�r �r�lc�sa�al�iliEy of r�rr�
<br /> �attzer�rovisinn of this ��ec�Qf Trus�.
<br /> 5u�cessors and �1,ssigo��. �uhj�;cr r� �ny iimi��ti�;n�state�l in this De�� oE TrusE car� trarssf�r ca€�'r��tc�r's irsterest,
<br /> thi.s t]e��i dt r'rusi sh�ll �ie �ir�di�7r� �ucsn �ris� iriur� Ya at7� b�rr�fit caF thc ��rFia;s, fhei�.sz�ccessars a�� assie,#ns. #f
<br /> a�n�ri�rstii� Uf th� fro�a�rty ��corncs westeci in 7 ��:rs�,n other th�n�r�ist��', LQricl���, witt��ui suitice tU Trustnr, rr�aY
<br /> d�71 with 7ru�ic�r°� success��s� wi2t� rsfi�r�:��c�i�� ti�is C�er� est"frusf �rii� iE�e Iniie�tetlne�s�y i,vsy af€orF�e�ranc� c��
<br /> wxtwr7�ir��i witi7c�uq r�l�z�sina 7rustr.�r fr�r�i t���tsli�a:tic;nG of this��;ed ot Tru�E Qr fi�t,il�iy��r��er fh� fnd�t�tecine�s.
<br /> Tire�e as crt the�ssr�rtc�., Tirn� is af th�es��nce ir�zhu��rfc�rn�anc��#this T��ei�e�f Tr•i�st.
<br /> Waiv�Jury. �II p�arti�s tcr this DeecE nf Tr�tst herehy waiwe the eic�hs t� any�ury tri�i'sn any act"s�r�. �r�rt:e��iin�. �r
<br /> ca�o��er�l�i�b�aa,ght by any party Tgainst a3�y ath�r}�arty.
<br /> 4�I'aiver �ifi �#etimest��d �xepr�ptiore. 7rust�ar h�rehy rel�ases astd waive5 �ii �i�hts �n� �pn�fit� c�t th�: hczrraesteac�
<br /> �xPfn{ati�ri #aws oF tiie S�ate c�f Neb�aska as t��sll fnd�i�tedness secur�rJ hy t:his C3eer1 nf�eu�t.
<br /> [?E�INITi{)t�S. s he tail�tnrii�� ca;iita€iz��i wc�r�s �r?d t�:rreis :ahall havr: the fn",Invai�g rraeaninr�s wi��n usee� i�z itzis J�ed of
<br /> Trust, lJnles� :�,�ec�ticslly :�tat�el ta the contrary, �I# ref�;renc�s t� s�otlar am�unt� sh;all r��eara arraounts in iawf4ai mcncy
<br /> ofi t�t�: �Jnsr�ri 5t�tcs uf America. Wceds arrc� tes�tts used in th� siraqulat sh�l! inc€ude th� plur�l, �r,cl thP plciral ��iall
<br /> iizclude t�e stn;�ul�r, as the context may r�:quire. 4M,'�ir�fs �nci z�r�s nQt otheewi�a de.fin�tl in th�s D�er� c�f 7rusY stiall
<br /> hdvc�h�: meaning5 attribeitr-.�k eo saacl7 t�rir�s in the lln;fcnrm �.or�,mp�-ci�l Ccr�i�:
<br /> Ben��iciary. The �vt�rti "Ben�:fici�ry" s�z�ar�� �r�uiCalale E3��zk, �ri�# its s�zcc�ssors�ncl 3ssi�ns:
<br /> �arras�n+�r. Th� w�r� ,��i�rrca�r,rer`, m�a��s KI:�B�` I� SM1!Ft ancl includes ali �ri�-sic�ners and r.�.makers si�ning ihe
<br /> Tdote Gnd al[tlz�ir 5uc��sso�� dt��a��iyris.
<br /> t�eecl af Truse. "i�he wor�f, '[���� vi Tru�t" rne�ri thi� L�e�r� v€ Trust arn��p Trc:�r�r, l_�nc1el, aritl 7r��ste�:. a�.r�
<br /> iro-cl�l�lPs witFi�ut lirr�itatior3 �zl! a:asi�r�m�nt �nd security interest pr�ivisions rwlaFiri�y tu tl-ie PEison�i� ('rs�U�Fty anc�
<br /> (i�nts.
<br /> (3�#ault: Th�;�nror�J "�ef�ult"m�:ar�s the �]�t�ult set#oeth in this �eed vf Trssst ir7 th��s�cti�n ti�l�c� "Def.ault:".
<br /> �nvirQnrv4cr�tal Lavus. Th� wr�rds "Em-��iranrner�2aE Laws'° mean any anc: all staie, €�deral �nd Ine�l saats�t�;s,
<br /> r�yulations aizd qrc�iraancr�� cel�ri�ty €n thA �irat�Gtian t�f hu3nan he�lt� �r €h�; �nvSr�zmer�t, inc)t:tiing �v'ssf,ol�t
<br /> limitatiori the �om�reh�;nsive Erev#rc,nrnnn�al R�spernsfi, C.rrsn�P,�sazion, �nci Li�biliLy Act af 1�3�{7. �s �rri�eadecl. _#�?
<br /> U:�.C.: a�:ciion ;�EiC)1, er s�r�. I"E`,FF;C;!_A"}, the �i��,er-�un�i A�rieA�<€rner�t� ar3+� t��authc��'sz�tion Aci o£ 1�B&, Pul�. L.
<br /> No. 9F�-�99 l"`�tFi�1"?, tf7e �£azarc�aus 3l��te€'sals Tr�r�s�carCati�rn Ack, 4� U.S:C. S�;ctir�n i8�9,ei s�:s�.. the Resc�ur�E
<br /> Cc�nserv�tic�n an�i �3es:ovsry ,4ct, 42 U.S.C, Se�:tir,n f��C�1, et seq., or «t�ier ��,pli�.�bl� steta �� #�c3era€ E�svi+s, r�l�:s,
<br /> e�r regulat:ians arJ�preti pur��uant tlzereta.
<br /> Ev�n�of�ef�uEs. The wr,rds "Event c�f Llef���lt" r-n�a��ny a�t�-��ev�n[s c3�c�ef�ult s�t farth in ftifs I��:�rE of Trust in
<br /> th��vP�7ts cf d�faul[s�c.ior�af ihi� ���;3 c�f i rusti.
<br /> Ex`esting Inde�t�tedne�s. Th�y s�uord:� "[xisting Ir�r�ehr.et�ne:�s'° rne�n tl-�e :ndeh�edn�ss c�escrilre�i in tts� Existinr� L��ns
<br /> provisi�n of ihis EJ�;�;d nt T�riiyr.
<br /> GGaranty. Thc w^c�rd "G«ar�nty,� rn��ns thE �uzranty from guarantc�r; endc�rser; saret�: or a�comrraacfa.ican paexy trs
<br /> l.�n+.y�r, incluiin�watF�out iisr�i[atir�n a yuara�aty�f all�r part oE the !'+�oi�:.
<br /> M�ez�rdous Su6staras:es. Ttie w�rc�s "Haza�de�us Substan�es" r:�e�n in�terials that; l�ec3�,.�e r�f tht.ir �u�ntitj+;
<br /> aoneenFrGr.�esn nr �liysi�ca#, e.hr:r��ic�l or inire;�iiz,us char�ict€ristics, r�ay c;�use ur pos� a �areser�t �r uatea�iial hazarc€
<br /> x� h�nti�n h�alth ar ih� er�virot�rriei7t wl7en im�rop�:rly us€:d; tre�te�i, stur�:d, disposflrJ �af, 9r;nPrateci, ma�s��fa4tured,
<br /> transported ar otF��r�^Jise handE�d. s�ru wartis "M;�z�rr3t��ls SistasSar.�e�" ar�e used iri their v�ry �rc+�c�e�t sen�� an��
<br /> ine#utie wittic�ui #imit�tinn �ny an�i �,II ha��tcia�s ur taxic su�startess, rnaceesals �r w��ic; �s cdefinnci by car Eisf�C�
<br />