<br /> ���t� �� �"����'
<br /> �.;�ara �c�: ��€��8���' (��aa,�w���d? ��g� �
<br /> the Pr�spe:ty at the tsrne aa7d pl�cU Qf s�le fiixe�l. �y it in s�c;h Nc.tice ��i Sale, eiihet �s a in+hr,le, tar in
<br /> se�ztr�t�ic�ts ac �;are�#5 rsr i�flrris as Trusis�e shali de�m �x(��die�t, a�c�ir. 5irch �rder as +t nzay r�etsrmire;,
<br /> at �utlfic aucrii�r� tu tf�� hsg€�est Gidt€er fi�s�7sh in Iawful zncaney eai ihc: kJni�er� �[�tes payable at the tir�ae
<br /> cif sale. �'r�sste� 5h�a19 d�liver to svch }:ur�haser �r pur�haS�rs There�€ its �ont! an� suff9r.it�nt �ief�c# ar
<br /> cleeds cc�rivuy4r�r� th� pcnperty s� sr,id, liut vuiihoait ar,y cnv�n��t vr waar�;7Ey. �x�r�ss �r irrrpii��i� -£he
<br /> rea:it�#s en su�h cJeed of ariy matters or facts sl�all �Sn ��r�ri���ivn pr��an` t-�f t�se truPhfulnc�ss therec�f. �.,iy
<br /> Rer&e�n, inCl�ait�g w�thc�ut limitation'i rF�str�r, 7-ruste�, or Lendtr, mt y NurcF�as� z�f sur,h s�l�.
<br /> i�i as ��nay be �e:rrni#teci hy 3aLv, a#t�.r d��u�tin� a9i cc�sCs, fewti t�r,ci �x}�c.rFses c�t .f�ru�te� anc# af thss
<br /> Trusc, inr�Iuilin� �osts nf Fvicls;ncn t�f r.ftE�; i7 cc�nner.tiesn with s�le,T"rustee s�z�l3 a�i�aly �iie ps�c��r#s c�� sa��
<br /> tcs pay�'tent of {i} ati surris exp�rir�ed i�n�r.r tt�e Yerirrs ot t�i�I?�ec!�f Trtast or undet the t�rret5 at the Nhte
<br /> nr,� then re�aa�d, ir?ciuding �ut not iimf[ed tc� �c�+�u�e� in:�er�st ds��� Er�tc, charr�es, iiii �II ocl�er su�x�s fhen
<br /> sec.ured ii�reby, ani-i (+ii2 �h€; rem�inder, if uny, to the}�e.r�:cin r�r ue�sans leyal9y�r�titlecl th�reEu.
<br /> {c} "1'rust��:may in tii�;mann�;r prr�vici�.c� 4>y lavs.� �castFy�ne s�l�of �sll�c�ny �+artiuri �sf ti-�e Praper:y.
<br /> F3estsedies 9�ot Exclus4ve. Trustee arzd Lend�:r, ani� eact� caf �r��rn, shall k�c: �n2otles� [u �.rrforc.e �ayrn�nt ���
<br /> �,�rf:,rr3�as�ce ��fi eny in��laterJnass tir nnli�ati�ns .�ec�ar�ri by this ps�eci o�Trust�nc! t� exercise �I�rights �nd ��wzr�-.
<br /> �ntiLr it�is C?eeci c�f Teust; un�err iFfw f�ate, und�r any ^.f tha "riel�tetl L�or_.ilments; c�r ursder �ny�th�r ac�reement ar
<br /> an:y� law� n�ira �r her:�after i� fofce; n�,+r.+ithsianding; sG,rnf.nr�II �f sucP� izit#�biz��rs�ss �a:c� o�ili�dii�sris �ecur�d ay
<br /> t��is t���� �t �1"rus: n�ay r�1w or hereai�ter �e othnruuise set;ure�, 4vhe�her k�y €r,c�rtg���, cJf;c.d af t;usi. F�Ictic�e, !i€��,
<br /> �ssignmeni �r rattier��ase. Nei[faer the acce�ta�-��� efi this JR�,tl of l"r�ist rtor its ez�fnrcam�;nt, wh�th�r by rourt
<br /> art.aar� ur p�r���n? ta t�� pc�wer ef saB� rar arher pow�rer��;ortt�ir:�d irr this ��ed c�i-f"rust, sFsdll pr�jud:c� s�r eri �ny
<br /> m�nsier affeet Trusr�e's s�r L�ncins's right to realixe u�nn trr er�fc+rce any oth�r security now or hereafi�r h�:#d �y
<br /> Trust�e ar E.ene9er, a€�eirag ac�read ih�t�Erustee and Lend�r, and p�cli afi th�m, shati b�entitEt:ri ta�nforce�hi5 D��:r3
<br /> esi i rus�t and �ny uth�r s�curity riow or h�re�fte� helt� by Ler�r�er ar Trust�e ir� s+.:�;h c�rd�r �nd �rrar�rs�r �s they cir
<br /> .�iihnr �sf Ehem rna�r in their �3�sol�te �liscretican ciflt�rrrsine. Nca rcme�{y confcrr��ci u�r�an ar r�;�.�erved ro Tru;�t���: �r
<br /> Ler3r�er, is intarod�r� tio �i� �rrlusrv�of any other .rernr,dy in rhis C)ee�J �f�t7�asz�r �y law �rs�videci er ��:�mittet#, hz3t
<br /> e<3r,h �ha�l k�; �umulatives anti s#��,IE #ai in ��c3iC:i�n to �very oth�r rr�m�r�y yiv�rs in this L���c� r�F 7�us€ vr ne�w c�r
<br /> he��r��f��r ex.istinc� at I�vu c��in equity�ss hy stat«te. �very �nw+r�r ar r�,rn�;dy g:ver t�y the �l�te�r a�y�f 3h�: �ela±ed.
<br /> �e�cu�n�nts 'to �Crustee vr Lurad�i rar tr� which t�ither ot tii�rn n�ay �e o£h�.rwis� eniitled, rraa}� L� exarcisee�;
<br /> ct�nc:vrrently or in�epen�iently, fror�i tim,e t:o time 2nc� as taften as rxiay k�e �eamed sxp�d'eent i��T+�:aste� �sr l:et�dcr,
<br /> anc! either oM tii��rt na�y �ur�ue s'n��,nsistent temeciie�. �Jflthing in dhis 13��;d e�f Ttust �h�il h� s;onsrruec! as
<br /> {�tc��ti#�it'sn�7 L�nder f��rr� s��kir�g a c1Hli�°i�nCY luclgmenC�gain�t tha`3'r�star t� til�r� �x4Hnt suGh ��tiran ;� r�errnitted t�Y
<br /> t�;ru, Efee,ican by �.ender t�a �.ursuE �ny r�m��iy �hal! nc�E �;seiud� purs�:ic o€ �ny otfz�r r�m�c1�J� and ars �.I�;ctio,� ts�
<br /> r:}�Ice r�c��;nc3iture5 �r tc� 1�ke �-�r,ti�n ir, �Zeefprn� 7n nk�ligaYican �f Tcusfnr un�ler thi> f.?�e� r,f `fru�r, after �lYu�rr;r'�
<br /> faiEure t+� �a�i•iar�r,, sfaall r�.�;�ff�et L:�i�L°�r°s ric�P�t to r��efare z��i�fazelt�nr�eac�rr_is�its remer�i�s.
<br /> [��qua�t,f�r I�t�tiGe: l'r�.ists�r; Gn t�uliaif c�f Tru�tqr ar�ti Lencie.r; hrE�rc�iy reWuests thai� cg�y oi �fr,r Nt�*,i�z ofi De#�uIE.
<br /> and a ro�y t�t any �i�tiee�of Sale yr�der this [��ec3 t�f 7rust h� mail�r� to th�;rn at the ac�cir�:�;:>es r>et fnrth in thn fies�
<br /> ��e�c�ra�ih af thi� �aet1 af�l"rust.
<br /> t4ttarneys` heas; �x:p�nses< If t_€�nc!€3r institut�s arsy si3it c�r aciion to �ntorc� �ny ot t3,� t�rms r�f tl�i5 D��d t�f
<br /> 7rust. Lenu�er sha�l l�e entitl�c� i� re�ov�r such surYi as tt�e G�urt rrz�y�cljucic��; rc;u�cr�able a� att+�rn�y:,�° fe��:;at rri�i
<br /> �nd uwotl anV a�;PEaI. G°d3��threr o� nr�t any cour� ac�ic�n is invdJv�d� a�d to :he extcrst nnt �rohibit�d hy #a��,, ali
<br /> r�:��son�l�le: ex��:nse:a Lc�c�cr in�i;rs th�t in (_encfcr`s o�inic�n are nFr,rsa�3ry �� any ti�e�e tna the p�`o�ectic�n nf ic�
<br /> ir�re�est e�r th� enfi�rcernent�f if� ri�i�ts s��ll bec;a��e � D�rt Uf the Is��efaiRzir���s paydLle �zn d��aanci antl st�a311 taear
<br /> int�r�sc at th� �3ut� rat� frc+m ttE� cd�t���i?�e �xpencistur�+�o�[il r��aid, ExE»�sk:s c:t�vereci W�r t�is F�arac�ra�fi ie�rl�rcl�,
<br /> wit�tt�ut lirnif�tiofl, hr�wever s��t�jecs t� any limit� L�nder ����lic>ablp 17w, Le:���r's �tt�r��R�.•s' Ss�s a�ryJ Lcan�er'�: lec�a!
<br /> �xpe�tses; �a�he�h�r tir a2az th�.r� +5 a laursuit, ia�cludiris� �t�i�rr7�ys' 4ees �iei�i ex�}ens�s faa' bankrup[cy praceetling�
<br /> ;it�ciu�ir�c��i�fc�res��rn�a�ifv vr v�caee a�ry aeatoma[ie stay or enjunction#� a��e�l�;and �ny ant�ci�r�t�:c� �ost�jurigrncr,t
<br /> cc�IleC#iran sefvice�; th�: c�ast ot searei�inc� rec,tarcis� oBt�ining tix�e r;:pdr�s ttncEudine3 t`oreclQsure reporY�), surv�y�ra'
<br /> re�,oris, �tt� �p#araisal f�e�, Citl� ia�e3rance, and #ees f�r Lhe 7'rus[�e, tu [he sxte3,t perrnitlEc� bY apR3ic�bEe lavv.
<br /> T���stc�r al�o wilE�ay�Ry cc�urt�o��s, ia���icfition t��a€I oEher sum:�� �r��ic�d k�y Ia��r.
<br /> Rig4zts r��`�rusie�.. �1"rus;ea sfiaEl 1-save�#I cr� t�i� rdyhts ar5�i t#utie�ai G�nt?er�s S�.t forth in t�is s��t±nn:
<br /> �`i�1�ilERS 1�N���E.44s'ATli7N5 ��T�iU�TE�. TS�e te�llrawinc� pruv"ssic�ns r�latiny ta ih�:F�a�nrers �ncf n�tlygat3nr,s �f Tr�astee
<br /> ar� ��rt ot tizis C7��;d�f Tru�t:
<br /> F'Qver�rs crf Trustee. In ac€ciiti,an to�U ��wnr,of�rustee �risin� as a m�tt�;r of I�w, Tr�siee sh�,lE h�au�the �:���+er te�
<br /> t�9c�t�F ?�ils�avang a�:?i�in� woth res�Pr,t t,tlz� 4'ro��:rry ups�n tha uvs�itEe�� rec��a�s[s�f ��nr�er arid Tru�t�r: fa1 ioir� in
<br /> �,r��a�ria�e� �t�i1 fidir7t� a nzr�� iar piat c�f ,ti� �ipa? I'ro��rty, it�cEuc3ing i#�e sls:dict3tipn ot .>treet� oF �thrr rights to th�
<br /> p�a�liC,' It�) ��€n ir, c�r�r�tirac� any easc;mpnt cJr c;re��t9r;� �ny re5tr#r,ti�sn on th� I�F�I f'n��erty�; �nd (e1 join iri �ny
<br /> suk�Circ�ir�ati�in nr oih�r��rP.�s7�c:r�t�ff2ctii��this �'?�ced ei'-Cru�t ur e{�E int�:re�:i�f�enci�s'us�t€�r this�eet1 ef�rust.
<br /> �'re�stA�. Truster: ;13a11 r�eet ali c�uaiificatiuris .r�rauir�d #�r 7ru�t�� uncier a�a�licablc Eavu. In atJciitisin is� ttre YighYS
<br /> an� rw;r��d;�;; s�#fc�r�tE� a�c�v�, aviili r��s;�ec:t:tr� �all ��r 7r�1� pnrt a# r.he Prr��ne!�y, thp T���stee sh�ll hav� th� ric�ht t�
<br /> fr,►e�;sr�s� �y n�tir,e and yalQ, �an�l �.enr�er �hz�El tz��c� th� ri��F�t tc Fe�reclose i�y jue�icia6 #orsc:losure, in r:ifher case in
<br /> accdrda�scs wiEh ar�d tb fiY�+� fu11 exterit�r�c�vic�ec€ u��apE��icat�fe I�rrf.
<br /> ��cce�sr�r Tru�tr��. L�r�d�r, at L�i�tl�r"s o�tic}n, rr�ay#rclrn t�rne trs time a���r�in# �i�d3r,cessor"Frcis�ee to �nf Truste�
<br /> ��pr�irot�:d un�er this €7�Ld o# i eust hy ar5 ir��trur�Qn� �xec•iater� ant7 ackni>tvl�dz,�ks�i 1�y L�rZcler Er�d rErl�erie� iri tl-s�
<br /> oftic�: r�t the :�cor�Er nf HALL �c�ur�ty, 5t�2� �f Nr��rask�. 7t�i� instrurnerrt shaEl s:ont�in, in acidit�on to atl at:her
<br /> rr�atters r���uir�el Gy st�te l�w, �h� r�ar�ies c�f �17� i�r;yin�a� Ler,�ier, 'f'rustee, and Tr�,stc�r. tha hs�ak �nd ��ge {or
<br /> er�rr?�uter system refer�:nce? v��here t:his D�;�cf �f Trus� i� rs:ccarcied, arc� ?he name ancl adcJr�ss raf t47� �uecE�sor
<br /> trust�e, anr�2he instrtim�nt:�ha#I :e e��cl�te�anc� ackn�wleefgec! �y aU tF�� Yy�r�eficia€ies urrd=�r thi� Q��d�if Trus;�r
<br /> the'sr ss.iccessur� i�� interesa. �'h� �ucc��:ssor trust�e, wiYhoe�t eonveyance :�f thc; r�na�erty, �hall s�;ccz�d t�7 �11 t.he
<br /> [itl�, �Zovver, and decties conY�tr�.� u�ac�n the�Trust:ee in this 17P�*f c�f Truse anrl hy ����fica�le I�ovv. l�his a�rc�c�rJ�re ;c�r
<br /> Sut�stituticn ot'Pru�tee �9i�1!��vern to tlie exrf�zsi�rz r,f`��I u4h�t��rcav'tsior�� f�r sut�sti[ution.
<br /> PWO3'1���. Any notice r�:quired rs� be giu�:n u�7cle:r thi� �e�d csf Tr4st, i=7�ludir�y w'rthUuS iirs(ilatiari �Sny rrotie� af d�f�u£t
<br /> and any notic� g� sale �hali pe �3iv�n in �vritin��, ar�r� st��l! �� effective uvtien ar.tiu�.11y cieli��ereci, �,��tten aC;u�iiy rer.r:iveci
<br /> by tel�facsi�il� {un�ess r�t#��r�;s€a r��t;uire�hy lavul, uvhc� cfe�asite.� w9th a natsr�n�ily rnGac�nize�overnir�hc cc�uri�r,c�r; if
<br /> m�tiied, whcn cle�a:�ite�i irz the UniYed �Eate:s mail, as tiest cta�s, c�:rtzfier� Gr r��isY�red mai� �ostac�R Rr��aid,clire�te�1 to
<br /> th� �ci�tres�F� s#i«�vsi »e�r•th� kieginrsir�c� �€this C3�ec7 uf�'fust. All cr�pi�S rf �otices c�f t�recic�sure trom dh�: hcildFr nf
<br /> �r�y 9i�r� u�hicti ttas �ri+arity� ovc,r this �?eec� af Tru�t sh�ill Y��; :�enr:.o l.�nd�r'� ��dewss, �� sh�v+rn n�ar ihe �eg�nnin� nf
<br /> this �1�:i;d af'`frus*, ,�ny {�arzy rn7y chanc�� i�s dddr��s f�r n�Yicea uead�r ti7is t7�e� of �`rus[ F�y�qiuing form�l wri�en
<br /> nrsti�� ta tl�e dt3ter ��rtios, s�Gcifyir�y iF�at th� pur�r:.=�e cif tk;e �r�ted:e �s to r.hange Eh� g�arxy..s ar#drR,ss. For n�itic�
<br /> purpWses. Trust�r agre�s to keep L�ndLr in4orrne�# ax ali time;s c�f Tru�tor's curr�nt adr�eess. t�raEe�s oth�rwise pcavi�lEd
<br /> {ar r��uircc! �iy lsirv, it there i� m�re th�n �n� Truatgr, any nr,tica ciiven i�y l.en�ier t� any 7�-�star is:cle�m�d ta k�� noticc
<br /> giu�n kQ�ll�Tru�torS.
<br /> F����� ���d��t(��rJ�: 9i�A��i'.iu:l t�tf��Nc[e;cty�s Uae��wi�`1`rusc�sRcures all.��t�:t�ear�ad..ance.s.maMe�V Lendar��e�8�err�wa;or Tnes[cr u��echcr�ur r�r,t th_
<br /> aRi�lar�e:es�r�no�c�e puFsuon'r�tb.�Cnnur�itrr��er�r..�Fiar,+'#ie:�lly�,withc�r�i Iio�iit�tiPrz,tE�ts i�escLr�f 7tust�.�p�rAs,.ia aiiPitian To th�:�mcr�uxs su�cifi�d tin the iHai�,�r�11
<br /> fiRura aa�c��e�iS�ender��r�ts cEis�ra#iaa.n�V laan iG��rr��,�,et or i rusiar.1c�geiher�n�iih aRE in[ernst zhc�'�on.. . .
<br />