<br /> �EE� �� �'���T
<br /> �.;�ar� �a�: �3���3���� $��r�����.a�:d'$ €'�g�% �
<br /> �nc���r fhc�Ern�ir�nsn&i�Yal l.s�vs. 'f�+e teem "k�az�sr€�c��s 5ui�st�nres" ��s�s incluii�s, witC��ut'si�a-�it�sti4n, g�etr�rinurn z�nd
<br /> n8t.rr,letarn by-�rodu±.t�or an)� rraetiran cl-ssreof�nc�a�t��stos,
<br /> �anprouemsnfs. Th� evord `.Imrrc,varr��nt�'� ntsens a!I exi�tirsg aricf fut�ire arnpraveirsen[5> �i�iErjinr�s: �tri�eture�.
<br /> rn���i#� hom�s aPfiixe�i i�n ihc F�wai Peoperty'; Fs3c'siities, aci�litiar�s. rs��ltie�i�ienfs 3nd r�ther a�nstr�cti�n c�n the f��ai
<br /> Pr�pE,rty.
<br /> ired�ht�draess: �I�#�e wr,td "lnclebt�dfl�ss" me�ris a€I �ri�ci�,a3, eritea�.str �nc� csther amc�unts, �casrs �nd �xp�nsev.
<br /> �aya6�� under Eh� s��tr� ar R�Iateil Dc�curr�c:nts, toge.h�r with �I� t�riev�r�ls Qf, �x[ertSi.�r�s «t, r�crdifir,afiinn;; Q#,
<br /> ransnEi�!���i�ns of an+� sut��Yitutirans f�,r the Noi� ur Fielst�r� f?�cument� ansi �3a�� �muuri#s exg�errried eir��vanc�d f�y
<br /> l.aridzr To clischazg� Trusior`� o�ali��tioris c.�r ��p�r��es sr�curr�J �iy "Tri�ai�� �r L:endPr tc ?nfnrce 1'ru�tcrr's
<br /> c�bEiq�ticrr3s u�das ihi� [?e�c� of 7rust� tr,gether wit�t interesi �an suGn acnaunts as g�eivic��r� in thi� 17eed nf Frust,.
<br /> ��Scr.ifically, with�au� li:�sita�ion, Enti�t,tadnnss i�c►u�iea afl <jsnaursts that may ki� in�ir�Ltly secursci k�y ttia
<br /> G��r,ss-C.rsllaipr�lira�ie�n�rr,vfisican uf�his Deed oi Tru�t.
<br /> Leneier. l-n� ��•�rc� "��:n�ier>"rrre�n:; Et�uitaki're Baral�,1ts;su�:��ssars and as5dgns.
<br /> No��. The w�rd "t�lote" means t3�� �x�rndsscirv n�te elated Ju�e 1�7> zU7 5, i� #he �rig�n�E p�'st���p�i a�ciflst3t
<br /> es� a O aCJ,d)E��.€�(� frorn �3�rrt>vver tcs L.esnd�r, together v.�itt-� ail reriewals c�f, �xCerfsic»�5 t�fi; r�i�rtifirati�»y �#�
<br /> retia3ncinas of< cor��olici�t#c�ris �#. �n:� sui�st�tuti��s fi�,r th:; �romis:�r��v n�fe'nr ��greement_�Jt3�'I�E '�Q 1'F�v���R:
<br /> '1'N�#'!L?1�� Ci�NTAt41F� �R 1tAF�i1�BLE I�T�FiE5T RA'��:,
<br /> F'�r�c�r��4 Pro}�erty, Th�-: :vc�ri�s "�"nr';�n�t F?rU��rty°` inez�n all. �quS�rr.erit, fixt�sr��, ��ci othe, ar�icle� �sf �er�nnai
<br /> {��i,��rty rsc,w �r h�r��t;r3e nr�rnt.� hy 'fru:�tc�e; ancl nr,w s7r h�re�fi�r attach�r� ar affix�ci t� th� R�al I�r�L�p�rty;
<br /> tc�geth�:r with �II acc�ssicns:, p�rts, ai�d aeidi�ians t�, dil re�E��si�erszs �f, �3n� all sz�b.>titufi�ns fcr, �ny a� such
<br /> �ro�ert�r; �nrl Fog�zher wsih alt pcoce,:ds lit�clut3ing wi1F'bWu[ lirnitatir:n aEl iTisurarssie �arnc�s�ds z�rsr_i sefun�is r�#
<br /> �r�.trriu�ns} f=esm any s�le pr c�thsr r�ispnsitic�a�it tPtr� i r�ip�:ct�r.
<br /> P��p�rty. Th� w�r� „f�ru�>�rty" n�ea��s c�llectively tt-ii� i"-le�l P�n��rty �ynd th�,f�;rsc�n�a?Property.
<br /> �i��E�'rr�pee�ty. l'I��worrJs "R��f pru{�eety": rrswan tiie r�al �rc;�er��,�, int�:rests and rights� as #urfher d�scri�e� in this
<br /> G��t� �f'f'ru:ct,
<br /> R�9�#et7 Qcaet�rnentis: 3fie w�rds .'f��t�teij f�c,c�am�nts" msari <t1 �rr.rnis��ry nnt�s, crecidt agre�:meflts, I+�ari
<br /> �gre��ents, �r�vir�nmental agreErnerrfis, y�:ar�nties. s�Rcurity: a�rec�n�rtts, rric,riguqes. deeds of tr��t, seLusity
<br /> ��J��rts, cc,#I�ter�l n�t,rfga�as, anc] ali otha;r instrument:�, a�rEern�nts :�n� tlocurnents, whc�ther noav r,r her4afYer
<br /> �xistin;l, �x�eut�cJ ir��,crir�ecti�n�ritl:�thv lnci�hFer�tisss.
<br /> F�ettt�. �tte vvc,rc� "a�ertts" rnest�s �19 present and iutur� rr�n2c, reveniies, 'tnr�mp, �ssu�s. r�y�ftiFs, pr,fits, :�sit�
<br /> cathE�t��nefi.s d�riv�ci from�h�: Frr��er�y.
<br /> 'Cruske�. �`h� word "Tru�t��" m�i�ns Ey�itaE�l� B�n:k 4Cirancl 3sldizr! R�yaoni> whose a�ti�r�ss :s 3 1':3-115 f�f Lur;ust
<br /> 5t; F�t��o�16�1, Gr�nd 19l�n�J� NE �$�3�2-C?��a(J aa-fd ar�y���bstitute ac suc;ceu�+ar trustees.
<br /> �'resstnr. Th�;wore#'.3"e��star° rne��rt� K1�i�Y 4�:5�I'�Ft.4K,� !�lF;Ei'Y K?��''SIt+IETI-#.
<br /> �'Ft4t�Tt�#� .�C!{i�i7WlEH���S kidtWBt�� &��tkl3 AI.G T��� P�t�J'J1S€1�6�i� e�6� 7FiIS E�E�[� GP 3'RUST� Re�dD TRC.fS�+aF�
<br /> �S�RE�.ria Tf3 ITS�'ER9�5.
<br /> `�RIJSTC�f3>
<br /> � ��, � ���}` ..�
<br /> Ki�iR�Y It SN39�H RKA KIlR�3Y KA`Y S6UI1�'EE
<br /> ����������. ��.:1"�����..�������
<br /> STAT��1F �f� 9
<br /> �S`a � � �t�^���'it'i[.Pd�3i,h,F,Y �;3��;cfi'I�.4f8&�,
<br /> 1-` � --------- ;I�fj �.�r1i�1.1;'L��
<br /> �i�13�'CY �1f `��rr� t--------- --------- -- J �"``�-�'� �Ji,r Co i��i.f„n 3,� :ry �z�g
<br /> :,.,._ � .
<br /> ----- - ------ ---^---�-^�--n..-.-.,.._._..... o
<br /> C�s�ihis;��y b€tc�r�rna, the urrdecsign�d 14ot�ry Public, pers�nallY apReareri �CB�fE�Y !( �lVIETH A�f� E�R��3'Y K�1Y �NlE7Pi.A,
<br /> S1BV4�LE 1NC+IVRi�LI,QE. tc� rn� kr��vvn �c� be Fhe %�cEiufdu�d ci�sardhecl in ar�d vJhv exaciated t#�e �e�� uf Trt�si; �ri�
<br /> �cisn���vE�dged th�,t he ar shR sic��7ed v,he L7�e�1 r�f l"ra�st as liis c�r h�r'€re� ar�d vtrlurit�ry a�.t�nd deed, tcsr itse uses �n�
<br /> �ivr�o��s thEr�in menticmed.
<br /> �� _.
<br /> �iv�n uncisr��y haaic�ar�r�vi-fF�ial s��i�h�s R l �� of ���i ---------------' 2[�-; '----,
<br /> �------------- ------------ Y --------- ---------- -
<br /> ��------��-�s�=�„�
<br /> ,� r >
<br /> Prir�te��]1ia��e: V;.�,�r�.�?v .�'�.fSS:�
<br /> tuoi�ry F'ut�&iC€�l an�# far�Fze State�+f ���3;� _
<br /> -----------�
<br /> Resir�i3���t_:��x��-Ac���-- _____
<br /> IWIy'GmmmRssian��c�ares ?� '���^"� �.�
<br />