<br /> [�EE� �� ���J��'
<br /> ���� ��: s�s��a�a��� ����������) �a�� �
<br /> cc�nclitic�r� Gor�tainsd in �his ?��:ed of 7��:st ar in any �f th� F?el�r��i [3aeGimes�t5 c�r to r.c,mp#y iuith or to �e.rf�rrn ar-cy
<br /> term, e�t�lic��r.i�n; eav�n�nC�r c�nd;tian c�nt�i�zed in a1ny�cil�e�-a�re�m�nt ta�[w��n ��nder �ri�: 6orr�uu�r Ur Tru�tc�r.
<br /> [:arn{�Ibance 97efau9t. FaiBure to caniply witla any ath�r sertn, ublic��i'ti�n, 4oW�narzt �r �orn�it€c�� r..�ant�in�:d in Ct-iEs
<br /> De�r�uf Trust, the Nite r�r in an3+s�f iti�Fte�aY�d �ncuments,
<br /> �sf�u9�ar�(2�her R�yrn�aits. Faifure o�Trustor enti�h�n the tim� r�quired br��Mi� C�e�:c�ot T7u�z cc, n-r�ke �ny �aument
<br /> f�r taxes c�r insur�nc�, nr �ny osher��yme�t n�cpss�r�to �ar�veret Fi9in�oF �r to �ffe�t r�isr.harge 4f�riy lier3.
<br /> aefau9l irs Favor �f Third P'�rtaes. 5houicE ti3orrt�w�r �r �ny GrartTr�r defiauit: urac#er any I�aan, e�t�nsiWn of cret€it�
<br /> s�r.�rity agrQe�-sant„ purchase+�r salr$ ��r�amer�[. ur�ny c�iher ac„xrsemsrrt, in favor�i any othEr cr�:diic�r car �ierson
<br /> that may rnat�rially afiect: any of i�arrov�ee's nr any Gr�tntt�r°> pr�ipe:rt�� �r 3c�rrr,wer's c3kailiry tr, r�pa� th�
<br /> Ir,cie�r�edne�� i�r ��rrawcr"s a� Gr�antc�r°� �hility 20 �erfn�sn th�ir rr�F:��tive s��lie�atior7, under this D�ed of 7�ust r�r
<br /> �ny of ihe Reiat�d Qocum�nts,
<br /> F�Ise 5�r�terne�ts. Any vvarranty; rs�re��nt�tiun or sCat�rs5�ni rnad� �r €urnish�ci t:a l.end��k�y�tarrawer qr Trustor
<br /> c�t on �3r�r�ntiver's os '�rustar's befi�ff unr�er thi:s t�eed �f Trust ar ih� Related C3c�ti,urner�€s is f�ls�: or rnitie�t3irrr� in
<br /> any mat�:ria� re��er.t, €;ithe;r now or �t zhn time m�i�r: ar furnfsh��1 pr �ecnrnes #akse or ��isieac�inq �I anq Lirn�
<br /> [hareaft��`.
<br /> �edec�ive �r�Elatera6i��ti�an. T`his �eed r�f Trust �ar aazy of ihe P,elated ��curn�nt� r,eas�s tc� be in full fc�rc� r�nel
<br /> ��f`eca {inc,#udir�g failure c�f �ny ecsi€�teral d�c��ment tc� cceat� � vaf�ci arr�1 �ertected secueity Enter�st us lie»1 at �rry
<br /> ti;rne ar�c�#or�rsy r�c�st�n.
<br /> t�e�at9�ar tlnsoEvrsr��cy, �i"he �f�ath af Boaro��vPr c�r l'ru�tc�r, the insc�Iver�Ly Uf E+�rre�v+rer or Tr�stor, �he ap�a�intrn�3n€ trf
<br /> � r�r:eiv�r far any parE cst E3arrc3vv�;r`� nr Trus�or's prfl�s€;rty, �ny assis�r�:�a�:nt ft�r r.he L��r�efit�t r,r�ci'stors, any Ly�.�e c�f
<br /> c,rer�izc�r warkQut, ar Yfze c�mmenc�me�t pf a+�y pres�e�cl�r�y u�der �ny bar�kru�tcy ar ir?st�lvsncy law5 'ra:y c�r ag�inGi
<br /> E3cr'rowr r�t TrusYUr.
<br /> Gredit�r rst farf�iturc €'raceedirtgs. Comrn�nct.�rri�nt �f #oeecEt�sure or ftar€nit�zr� �:rc��eer�i�gs, uuhether �,�� jt:titicial
<br /> �ror.�veeling, s�;if-hcl�Z, ►e�os��;ssic�n r�r any c�ther R-�ett�n�l, lay a�y cr��itur n€ 8s�rruwEr cr- �rustc�r 4r ksy ariy
<br /> �nuesnrner�tal ar��ncy ayai�7�t any �rop�rty s�curirc� [Eie Iricl�bEe�fi�ss. Tt�o� i,r�clus�es � garnishmcn� e�f �ny nf
<br /> Qe�rriw�r's �r Trusior's �r:cUuants, ineluding de{�osit �ccnu�its, �n�iYF� �,enr�er. Ho�nrev�:r, this �ver-,t c�f C�Pt�uii sYs�ll
<br /> n��t a�ply if thPre is a g�oti tr3sth ��ispc��e try �3arrow�r �r Tre�s2t�r a:s �c� tfo� validity r�r r�asrsn��l�i��s� Qf IP�e clairn
<br /> wt�ic•tz is t#t� b�sis o# th� r;r�clitar �r f�,ri�it�cr� �rc�c�.�din,y and if Bc�rer�w��r ar'Crustar gives Rentler wriFten s�otsre nf
<br /> the creclitor'4r forfeitur� praceee4ing arsd cic}��sits „vith E_eneier mani�� �r � surety bt�n�i tr,r th� cr��itcir nr f4rfei�ure
<br /> pra��e�ting, in ari �mour�£d�termir�ed l�y l.��der. ir� 'sts sole d'sscretie�n, as t�einy ara�d�quz�t� r�se�v� as h�n�i fur the
<br /> �isrut�.
<br /> PrQa�h r,fi Oth�r 61�r�ern�e�Y. ,�sny I�r�dcfz t»,r:Borrouu�r or 7rusts�r under the t�rrns aF�e�y c}ther ag��em�e�t [�etween
<br /> B:�rrz�wer c�r "T"rustc�r�f�c l.e��d�r that fs not remedi�d vvithsn any grx�ce �s;rind �rciuidetf th�;r�in, i:�ciu�ling urithout
<br /> 16mitaYinn any ac�r��men; e.tancerning any iniiebtetlness c,r oth�r a�lic��tirrn of �3orru+,v�r �r '�rustor tc� Len�er�
<br /> wt��thor axistiny n�w ar 1�'C��„
<br /> Events Afff�cteng Gu�r�nto�, �.riy of �h� �rec�din� euents ac�:uss wiih r�.s�e�t to an��gur3ran:ns, �nclbrser, surety,
<br /> ar ��;commod�tian p�rt1 cf �ny of the Indefate�lne�s c�r a�ry gL�r�niar, en;�or�er. suretiy, or accnnzm�c�ation ���ty
<br /> �ies rir b�carrsas ineorri}�etent, cr r�voR�s cs� dis�SuY�s the �r�rl'sci�ty of; c�r iiakZility u�d��; any �'auqr�nty of the
<br /> indebt�d�e�s.
<br /> �duarse Cizange. � r�zcteri�# advwrse ch�nc�e acraurs in Barrc,we.'s ar Trustor°s #�n�rncial c:ndit#nn, r,r Le�c#r�r
<br /> k�elievns th�;�r�s�aert of payment or�ersprmance of tnc€ntfebipd��ss is ir�r�airerl.
<br /> fmseaur6ty, ���n�4er in gor�t�;�ith !aelieves i�self inse�us-e.
<br /> �xistiu�� Inde�^tedness. 1`he pay�nent flf any ir�stal�rnQnt�� �s-€nci�ad or��ny interest r�n itie Exis[iny €ric��bt��n�ss i�
<br /> nqt rnade wi:tgiirt the tirsi� ret�uired by the prUrnissory a�ote�.veclE:ncir�g �uch in�iebte�dne�s, flr a c�et7ulr s�cc��rs einci�r
<br /> iMe instrum��t securinc� s�rh inci�hiedr�n�s �:t� is �ti�r_.�,red elurinc� anY �p�liia#�i� c�raeE �eric�r3 `srj s�c.t7 instru�rreni,
<br /> cr a3�y suit Gr oth�r�ctiosi 'ss e�irstrnenc;e� tti fc�r��.�ps� an�y�e�ist'sri� Eien an th� F'rape�ty.
<br /> RRG�4TS A�IC� REMEC�IES a6V �EFAL3L'T, if an [ver�t�f �efa�lt �cr.urs e�nc��r this f3E=�.d s�f'��ust:, <�z any tirn� there�#t�r.
<br /> Trus����c�r LeneJer r�ay�,xercic� ary t�nF nr m�r��f ihe �pUowin� ei�hts ard re�rnedies:
<br /> Aecel�rarion Upon �efauEY: Adcka2aonat RerYe�:d'oes. it�any FvFni c�f ��ffl�lt ocr.�irs �s per the terms nf th� f��i�
<br /> �e�ureci]�erehy. Len�isr m�y tieclar� aff I�EdebLe<Irzess sEcur�ii by thtis []e�.+i taf s€usi to be du� �?�� payatrl�: and
<br /> tFte sam� s�ali tiiereJ�or�t��corne�Ls ar3d y�ay��ble� w•e#i��raut any �re�Qntm�:�t,d�iea�ar.rJ, prot�;st�r�e�iEcp r�t�riy
<br /> kinr�. Th�re�ftE:r, l_�neic:r rrm�4+:
<br /> (�} Fith�r in Gsrs�n �r tsy ac�r;n4, u3ri�h c�r wiYf�u�tt br�ing':rir� arjy �cti�ti +ar �t�c��c�ariy, c�r by a rc:c�iv�r
<br /> ���pir�t�tJ by a caurt arjr� withc�ut rerJart� Y� �Fh� adatguacy vf iis s�r:�rity, �nter u�or� and tal�e �:ss�.ssit�n
<br /> trf th� PrcawerCy, t�x �ny g�art th�:recsf, in i:s cavrn n�m� ar in the n�ane �#Trustre, arrr�do any z3czs vuhi�.i�s it
<br /> cleems ner�ssary nr�fesisahl� to pres�rv�Fhe vzzEue, r7�arke:r�b€lity e�r rerttd�i�i€y af t��� Prc,perty, c�r �ar�of
<br /> thQ Prr����Yy c�r int�r�st irs [�1� Pro�erty; in�;rEase th� irzec�rn� �rcm the Pr,�perty or �roter.a 3'rie s�er.urity �if
<br /> the Prc:yf�erty, an�i, with af withaut r.a��ng �assc;ssinn nf ttse P�aperty�, �uc for sir �therwise celi�ct tfzE
<br /> �enx�, i�sue� and �rr�fiits c�# th� �'roper£y, inciur_lin� t�sase �ast du�e and un�si�i, �n�i so�zly ti�e sarne, 3�s5
<br /> �:ost� ancl expens�s c�f�aperation and �all�ctic�n atEorneys' i�.Es, t.o any irac#ebter9nes:�serrsrsd by ehi� 13�ad
<br /> of Tru:at, ail in su�:h order �s LeeieJer may ,ieserrninn. Thc: e�etPring �:}as�n <�ncl r�3crng pr�ssessior� ot if,e
<br /> �'rc���ray, The rs�llecti�n �a€ sur.h r�nts, is�uc�� 2n�1 Rt�fiLs, a=�e� IYie �ppiicats�rf tk�er�s�f �hia9B rt�t �urs or
<br /> waiv� ar�y�sfauit trr i�c�ti���# ci�fa�it uncl�r�thiis ��ed c�i TrusE �r ir4�alid�t�: any ��:F clr�n� in rr;s���ns� to
<br /> su;;h�efault car pwr5uant tc�such rsr�tiee��f c�efau�t; arr�i, not�vith:st�nc�ir,g thc::.�sntdnuar�ce in��assessic,rz�f
<br /> r.he Pr�-���rty�sr the Gr,ileGtior�, receipt �nd �,p,Uti�aci�r� r�f r�i7ts, i5�u�s c�r ��rQ�its; '�r�s5t�e f�r L,�ndi��sh�fl
<br /> �� ent+tis�ts��xercas� ev�rv r€�ht pr�viciec# for in the N::,te o�the Relatec€ [7cicui�ents r�r t5y faUr upon tt��
<br /> oc�uer�nca af any e�uent r�f d�ta�rlt, in�fuding t3ae ri�h3 to��e�cise the�awer o#s�1�;
<br /> (ta) Gca�nrnersee an �ciion tc� fc�reclpsn thi� �eed �7fi"�rust as�3 moetg�c�e, ��a�aoir�F t receiver ni-sp9c:�fis�ally
<br /> as�f4r•cw_. any of the eQv6n�ri�s h�r�tsf; anJ
<br /> tcl pei`sver-ic��es�ste� a u�r�itierz ci�c€�r�tiUr2 t�f�+�fau£t anti c�er�i�nc1 for s�l� arld ;� wriL�en n�tic� t�f dc:f�uit
<br /> anc9 �leitican to caus�Trust�c'n interusi in#i�e Prt�perty ir� �e sold. vvhit;h r�c�tice Trc,ytee sha€I ca�is�EQ ��
<br /> duly fifed f�e rer,ars�fn t#��a�,�s�ipEiatE �fifices of thi� Guunty� in wf�ict7 i#t� Prr>�3�rty is it�t.at��; anci.
<br /> {cfl L`v"iah �e:.�pe�;t t� all �r z ny�ari c�f t€�e F�r�pn�i Pr��ir rty�.Lzn�ier shaEP t�au� ai@ tfi� ric�trts �nd r�rnEr�ies
<br /> fli a serure� �arty uru�er th�hlet�ras{ca Urai�c�rrn �urnrrasrcia!CcS�E.
<br /> Farecl��ure by Ravu�er nf Sale, 1€ �i:�e�c,r�.I�c:ts tc� f�7rf:clase Y:y ex�:rr.is� c,f thc; Pov��cr�f S�l� herPin enntainec�,
<br /> Le.n�f�:r sn�fl nr�ti#y 'T'rusie� 3nci �haiB s�eposit wrfh Tr�istee this C)eei� �f Tr�rst ar�e� [Iz� EVv4e t�rad such r'ec�.ipE�
<br /> a�t�3 eui�enc�ot sx�ser��!"stures rnar�� and seGue�c� f�y it�i�: Geeci c�f 3'r�a�t a� TrustE� rr�ay rec��airw.
<br /> (�? Upor� receipt c�i �Uctw notice frc�rn [.er�def;TruStee shaii a:.ause t� tae re�:�rticd; �uL�9isheei and dfllavernd
<br /> tW �irustor such P�atic� �f Qef;�ult �nd Natice af �ale as th�:n s�:r�ui�eci tay l�w and l�y this L?eec�nf�i�rus,:
<br /> Trust�e sh�l3, 4vith�ut cier�anci on Trust�r, afePs si�ch time aa m�y th�n t,�� rsc�uirer� Uy la�r an�1 �fter
<br /> rer.orc��ati�n c�f such �loticP ofi ��'P2ui[aritl �fi�r Nc�'tic� r�f S�J� havint� t�een y�uan <;s r�qi�ired by law, s�il
<br />