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��15�4�47 <br /> If L��d�r exer�i�es th�s fl�t��n.,Lender shai�give Borrower notice of acceleration�,T�.e�ot�ce sha11 pra��de� <br /> per�od of not 1e�s than 3�days from the date the notic�is given x�aceardance wit�i Sect�an �S�vithin whxch <br /> Borrow�er must pa�y�.��sums secur�d.�y this Securi��nstr�ment.If Borro�ver fa��s ta pay th��e sums pr�or to <br /> the expiration af this per�od,Lender may it�v�ke any remed�es permitted by this Security Instrument withaut <br /> fi�rther natice or d�emand on Borro�ver. <br /> '��. Borrvv�r�r�'�Fiight ta �teinst�t�Ai#e�A�c�lerat�on.If Barro�ver m�ets c�rtai�.can.ditions, B�rraw�r <br /> shal�have the right to have�nfprcement of this S��urity Instrument d�scontinued at any time prior to the <br /> ear�iest of; �aj five days before sale v�the Pr�perty�urs�.a�t to any power of sa�e�ontained rn t�is Security <br /> Instrument;(b)such other period as Applicable Law m�ght specify for the termination vf Borr�wer's righ�to <br /> re�nstate;vr�c)entry af a�u�gm�nt enfarcing t�,i�Security Ins�rument.�'hose conditions are�hat�ono�ver: <br /> �a}pay��ender a�I sums which then would b�du�under this Security In.strument and the N�te as if no <br /> accel�rat�an had occurred; �b)cures any default of any other cav�nants or agreements; �c�pays all e�pen�ses <br /> in�urred in enforcing this Securi�Instrument,including,but not�imited�o,reasonable attorneys'fees, <br /> pr�p�rty inspe�tion and valuation fees,and other fees incurr�d for the purpos�of protecting Lender's�nterest <br /> �n.the Praperty and r�ghts under this Security�nstrument;and(d}takes such actron as Lender may <br /> rea�vnably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property an.d rights under this Securi.ty�nstrument, <br /> and Borrou�er's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument, sha�l cantir�ue unchanged. <br /> Lender may requ�.re that Barro�er pay such reinstatement sums and exg�n.�es in one�r more of the follow�ng <br /> forms,as�elected t�y L�nder: (a}cash;(b}m�n�y ord�r;(c��ertified che�k,ba���i�ck,treasurer's checl�ar <br /> cashier's cheek,pravided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose depvsits are insured by a <br /> fed�ra�agency,inst�m�entality or e�.�ti�;or[d}���ctrfl�ic Fund��ransfer.�pon reinstateme�.t by�3orrawer, <br /> thi�Security Instrument a�d a��igations secured hereby�ha��remain fu11y effective as if no a�celeration ha�1 <br /> occt���ed.Ho�vever,��his right ta reinstate sha11 not apply in the ca�e of ac�eleration under�e�tion 1 S. <br /> �Q. Sale of Nate; �han�e t�f Loan�ervic�r;Notice of Grievance.The Note vr a partia�interest in the <br /> N�te(tagether with�h�s Security Instrument}can be so�d one or mvre tim�s without prior not�ce to <br /> Borrower. A sa�e might r�su�t i�a�hange rn the entity��nov�,as the"Loan S��v��er"���hat co���ct��'e�ivdic <br /> Payments due under the Nate and this�ecurity Instrument and gerforms other martgage�aan servicing <br /> a�bligatio�s unde�t�h�l�o��,t�is Sec�ri�r��s�rumen���.�d Applicable Lav�.T�.ere a�so might be t�ne�r more <br /> cha�ges af the Loan�er�icer unrelated to a sa�e of the Nate. �f there is a�hange�f the�.oan S�r�icer, <br /> F3arror�i�er wi11�be given�v�'itten notice of t�.e�hange�v�h���i wi11 sta��t1�e name and address of the n.e�v Loan <br /> Ser�icer,the address ta which payments should b�made an�.any other informat�on RESPA requires in <br /> cann�et�an with a no�ice of�ransfer of serv�icing. If the Note is so�d and��.er�after the L�an is ser�iced by a <br /> Loan Servicer o�h�r than��purchas�r of the Note, the mor�gage loan ser�icing ab�igations to Borro�ver wi11 <br /> remain�vith the Laan Ser�icer pr be transferred�o a successar Loan Servi�er and are nat assumed by the <br /> Nate purchaser unless o�hervvis�prov�ded by the Note pur�has�r. <br /> Neither Borro�ver nor I�ender may cornmen�e,join, or be joined t�o any jud�cial action(as eit}aer an <br /> individual�it�gant or the m�m�ber�f a c�ass}that arise�frorn the other party`s acti�ns pu.�suant to this <br /> Secur�t�r Instrument ar that a1le�es that the oth�r par�y has breached an�r provisian of�ar any duty owed b�' <br /> r�asan of,t�is Secur�ty Ins�rumentA until such Borro�er or Lender has notif�ed the ather party(w�th such <br /> notice gi�e�.in campliance with the requir�ments of S�ctio�. �S}of such alleged bre�ch and afforded the <br /> other pa�her�to a reasonable period after the g�vin.g�f su�h no��ce to�ake corrective act�on.If Applrcab�e <br /> Law pr��ides a t�me period�hich must�Iapse before cer�ain action can be�en,that t�me perifld�vi11 be <br /> deeme�to be reasonable for purp�ses of this paragraph. The r�atice of acceleration and oppoxtun.ity to cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Secti�n�2 and the notice af acceleration gi�en t�Borrotiv'er pursuant to <br /> Sect�an 18 sha11 b�deemed to satisfy the notrce and opportunity to take corrective actio�.prQvisions of this <br /> Section 2a. <br /> NEBFtASKA-5ingle Fami�y-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac LJNIF{]RIV��NSTRUMENT'VV�TH MERS Form 3�28�1�1 <br /> VIUIP� VMPBA{1�IE}(13Q2}.Qd <br /> Walters i{I�rwgr F�nancial Senrices Page 13 af 17 <br /> qU3341184141 p�33 321 1317 <br />