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��15�4�47 <br /> I�the Loa��s sub,��ct t�a�a�w��ich se�s maxi�num loan charges,and.t�at lav�is�'inal�y i�terp�eted so�'�a�t <br /> the in�erest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in.connect�on with the Loan exceed the <br /> permitted l�mits,then.: �a�any such��an c�.arge sha��'be reduced by the amaun�necessary ta re�uce��e <br /> charg�t�the permitted I�m��;a�d(b�any sums already col�ected from Borrawer�vhich exceeded permitted <br /> limits will be refun.ded to Borrower.Len�er may chaose to make th�s refund�b�reducing the principal owed <br /> under the Note�r by making a dir�ct payment to Borro�rer. If a refund reduces pr�ncipal,the reduction wi11 <br /> be treated as a par�ia�prepayment without any prepayment charge[whether or nat a prepa3rmen�charge is <br /> provided for under the Nate�. Borrower's acceptane�of any such refund made b�r d�.rect payment to <br /> Borrower will constitute a wa�ver of any right af action Borrovver might have aris�ng out of such overcharg�. <br /> '�5. Noti�es.A11 notices given by Borro�er or Lender in connection�u�th this S�curi�r Instrument must be in <br /> �vriting.Any notice to Borrower in Gonn.ection with this Security Instrument sha�l be deemed to ha�e been <br /> given to Borrower�vhen mailed by f�rst class mai�or when actua���deli�ered to Borrawer's notice address <br /> if sent by a�h�r mea�s.Nat�ce to any one Sorrower sha1l canstitute natice to a��B�rrovvers un�ess <br /> Ap��icabl�Law expressly requires otherwxse. The no�ice address sha��be the Property Address unl�ss <br /> B�rr�wer has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borro�ver shall promptly notify <br /> Lender af B�rro�ver's chang�of address. If Lender specifies a procedu�e far reporting Borro�ver's change <br /> af address,then Barra�ver sha11 only r��or�a change of address through that specifi�d procedure. <br /> Th�re may be on�y one designa�ed notice addres�under this Security Instrument at any�ne time.Any nat�ce <br /> to Lender sha��be g��en by deliv�rin��t or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's addres�stat�d herein <br /> unless Lender has designated another ad�lress b�notice to Borro�er.�.n�notice in�ian with this <br /> Security Instrument sha���not be deemed to have been gi�en to Lender until actual�y receiv��.by Lender. If <br /> any notice requu�d by this Securi�y Instrument�s alsa required under Ap�plicable Law,the Applicable Law <br /> requirement v�vi�l satisfy tb.e�onesponding requirement under this Security Ins�rument. <br /> ��. Go�ern i ng Law; �e►�erab i 1 ity;Ru�es of�o nstru ction.This Secur�ty Instrument shal�be go�erned by <br /> federat law and the 1aw of the jur�sdi�tion xn.which the Pra�erty is located.AI�rights and�bligati�ns <br /> ��ntain.�d in this SeGurity Instrument are subj ec��a an�requirements a�.d lim�tatians of Applicab�e La�v. <br /> Applicabl�L�a,w might expl�citly or imp�icit�y allow the parties to agre�by cantract or it m.ight be s��ent,but <br /> su�h silence�ha11 not be cons�rued as a pr�►hibition against agreement b�contract. In the e��nt that any <br /> pr��ision ar clause�f this Security Instrum�n��r the�ote confli�ts with Ap���cab��I.a�v,such�on�lict sha�I <br /> not affect other pro��s�ons of this 5ecurity Instrument or th�Not�which can be gi�en effec�without the <br /> canf�icting gravi�ion, <br /> As used in this Security In.s�rument: (a}w��rds of the masculine ge�.der sh��l mean and inc�ude corr�spo�d�ng <br /> neuter words or wor�s af the f�m�nine g�nd�r; (b}words in the singulaar shall mean and include th�p�ural <br /> and vice versa;and�c}the�ord"may"gives sale discretion without any obl�gation t��ke any action. <br /> 17. Borrawer's Capy.I3orrowe�sha1�be giver�an�copy of t�.e Nate a�d of this Security Instrument. <br /> 18. Transfer af th�Proper�l vr� Ber�e�ciallnterest in Bo�rower.As us�d��this Secti�n�S, "Interest in <br /> the Praper�r"rneans any�egal vr benefi�ia�inte�est in�.h�Proper�y,inc��s�i�.g,but nat Iin��ted to,�hose <br /> benef�c�al interests�ransferred in a bond fo�dee�i,contract for deed, installment sa�es c�ntract or escro� <br /> ag�eement,t�e��tex�t a�v�hic'h is th�#rans�er of ti��e b��3orror�ver�.t a futur�date to a purc�.a��r. <br /> If a11 or any pa,�t of the Praperty or any Interest in the Prope��s sold ar transferred�or if Bartawer is nat a <br /> natura�person and a benef��al int�rest in$orrower��so�d or transferred}�vi�hout Lender's prior�ritten <br /> consent,�,ender rnay requ�re immediate paym�n��n full af all sums secured�y th�i�Se��ity In�trument. <br /> Howe�er,this option shall na�be exercised by Lender if such�xercise is prohibited b�App�i�ab�e Law, <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Fanr�ie MaelFr�eddie Mac LIN�F�RM iNSTRUMENT iI111TH MERS Form 3U�8 114� <br /> VAl4P� WMPfiA�NE}�Z3t}�}.Q4 <br /> Wolter�Kluw��Fir�anclaf 5ervices � Page��of 17 <br /> q€333�1184141 Q233 3�l 1�17 <br />