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��15�4�14 <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this Sectian 9 shall be�ome additional debt of Borrov�er secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. These amoun�s sha��bear ir�ter�st at�he N��e rate from the da�e nf dis�urs�ment <br /> and sha11 be payab�e, wit�i such�nteres�, upon notxce from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> If this S�curity Instrument is on a�easehold, Borro�er shall�vmply with a11 the provisions af the lease. If <br /> Borr�wer acquires fee title t�the Property, the leaseh��d and�he fee title shal�no�m�rge unless L�nder <br /> agrees t��he merger�n wri�in.g. <br /> '��. II�[�rt�a�e I nsuran�e. �f Lender re�uired Martgage Insurance as a condition flf making the Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay the premiums required tv mainta�n.the Mortgage Insuran.ce in�ffe�t. If, f�r any reasnn, �he <br /> Mortgage Insuran�e�overage required by Lender ceases t�be availa�al�fram the mortgage insurer that <br /> pre�iously provided such insuran�e and Borr�v�er was requ�red�o mal�e separate�y des�gna�ed paym�n�� <br /> �oward�he premiums f�r M�r�gage Insurance, Bnrrower shali pay the pr�miums required to�btain cvverag� <br /> subs�antrai�y equi�alent to the Martgage Insuranc�previously in effec�,�at a cost substantially equYva�en�ta <br /> �he cast to Borrower of the M�r�gag�Insurance previvusly in�ff�ct, from an alterna�e martgag�u�.surer <br /> s�lec�ed by Lender. If substan�ially equivaient Mar�gage Insuranc�coverage rs;�at a�ailable, Borra�v�r shal� <br /> ��n�inue tv pay�o Lender the amount�f the separately designated payments that were due when th� <br /> i�suran�e covera�e ceased ta be in effect. Lender wi11 accept, use and re�ain these payments as a <br /> non-refundab�e loss reserve in lieu of Murtgage Insurance. Such loss r�ser�e sha11 be non-refundable, <br /> notwithstanding the fac�tha��he Laan rs u��imately paid in fu11, and Lender sha11 not be required to pay , <br /> Borrower an.�int�r�st vr�arnings on such��ss reserve. Lender�an no longer require loss res�rve�ayments <br /> if Mor�gage Insurance��verag��in the amaunt and for the periad�hat Lender requir�s}prv�id�d by an <br /> insur�r selec�ed b}�Lender again becames available, is ol�tained, and Lender r�quires s�parately designat�d <br /> payments t�v�ard the premiums for M�rtga�e Insurance. If L�nder re�uir�d Martgage Insurance as a .. <br /> condition flf ma��ing th�Loan and Borr�wer was r�quired to make separa�el}�designated payments�ovvard�he <br /> pr�miums for Mor�gage Insurance, Borrower shai�pay the pr�nliums required tv maintain M�rtgage ` <br /> Insurance in effect, or�a provrde a non-refundab�e Iass reserve, un�il Lender's requirernent for M�rtgage <br /> �nsuran�e ends in a�cordan�e w�th any written agreement b�tween B�rrower and Lender providing for such <br /> termina�ion vr un�i1��rmina��vn is required by App�icable Lavv. No�hing in this 5ec�ion 1 U affec�s <br /> B�rrawer's ob�igation to pay in�erest at the rate provided Yn the Note. <br /> r.' <br /> Mortgage�nsurance reimburses Lender�ar any entity that purchases the Note}for�er�ain losses it may incur <br /> if Bvrrov�er does not repay�he Loan as agreed. Borrvvver is not a party to th�Mvrtgage In�urance. <br /> Mortgage insurers evaluate their t��a�risl��n all such insuranc�in f�rce frvm t%me to time, and ma}�enter <br /> i.nta agreements v��th��her parti�s that share or m�dify�heir r�sl�, or r�duce 1�sses, These agreements ar�on <br /> � terms and c�ndit�flns�hat are satisfact�ry tv the mor�gag�insurer and�he other party�or parties�tn�hese <br /> agreements. These agreements may the mortgage insurer to ma�e paymen�s using any source of funds <br /> . <br /> tha�the mvrtgage insurer may have avai�able�which may include funds obtained fram Mor�gag�Insurance <br /> premiums}. i <br /> As a result�f these agreements, Lend�r, any purchaser of the Note, anfl�her insurer, any reinsurer, any <br /> other entity, ar any affiliate af any of the faregoiri�, may r�ce�ve�directly�r�ndir�c�ly�amaun�s tha� <br /> der��e fr�rn�or m�ght be characterized as}a pvrtion of Bvrrflwer's pa}�ments for Mortgage Insurance, in <br /> e�chang�fur sharing or mvdi.fying the m�rtgage insurer's r�sk, ar losses. If suCh agr��men� <br /> �r�vides tha�an affiliate�f Lender ta�es a share af�the insurer's risk in exchan�e f�r a share vf the <br /> paid to the uasurer, the arrangement is a�ten�ermed "capti�e reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> � <br /> �a�5 2s�s�2� . ��aa497aoa��a47s�❑ ❑sa� <br /> NEBRRSKA-5ingle F�mily-Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac UN[FDRM 1N5TRiJMENT WfTH MERS ' Form 3�28'�1�'I <br /> VMP(] . ° VMPSA�NE}��3�2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fnancia[5ervices 6l8120'�5� '12:33 Pil(I Page 9�f'[7 <br />