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��15�4�14 <br /> �� �ccupan�y. Barrower shaii vccupy, esta��i5�h, and use�he Property as Bvrrov�er's principal resrdence <br /> v��thin G4 days after th�ex�cu�ion of this Security Instrument and shall cvntinue to occupy the Prop�rfiy as <br /> Borrower's prin�ipal res�den�e for at least flne year aft�r�he da�e of v�cupancy, unless Lender athervv�se <br /> agrees�ri vwri�ing, v�h�ch�onsent sha��not be unreasanab�y wi�h�eld, �r w�less ext�nua�ing��rcumstances <br /> exist vvh�ch ar��e��nd Borrov�er's cvntrv�. . � <br /> 'T. Preservatian, �UI aintenan�Q and Prvtect�an �f the Praperty; l nspecti�ns. Borrvv�e�r shall nvt d�str�y, <br /> damag��r impair the Property, a���vv the Pruperty to deteri�rat�or cvmmi�waste on the Property. Wheth�r <br /> or n��B�rrower is r�siding in th�Prnperty, Borrflvver sha11 mainta�n�h�Property in flrder��preven�the <br /> Property fr�m deteriorating vr de�reasing in�a�ue du�to i�s cnndit�an. ilnless it is det�rmined pursuan�to <br /> S�ction 5 that repair or restaration is not�convmically feasible, Barrower shall promp�l}�repair the Pr�perty <br /> if damaged ta avaid further deterioration ar damage. �f insurance or candemnation pro�eeds are paid�.n <br /> cvnnec�ivn v��th danZage t�, �r�he ta�ing of, the Property, Borrower shali�e responsible for repair�ng or <br /> restaring the Propert�on�y if Lender has releas�d proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburs�prnc��ds <br /> f�r the repa�rs and restora�ian in a s�ngle paym�nt or�n a series of prflgress paymen�s as the work is <br /> completed. If t�ie i_nsurance or�ondemna�ion pro�eeds are not suff�ci�nt to r�pair vr restore the Pr�perty, <br /> Borrflw�r is n�t re�ie�ed of Barrower's obligati�n far�h�comp��tinn�f su�h repair or restvra�ion. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasvnable entries upon�and inspec�ions vf the Property. If i�has reasana�l� <br /> cause, L�nder may insp���the interr�r�f�he im.provemen�s on th�Property. Lend�r shall give Barr�wer <br /> nati�e at the�ime�f�r prior ta such an interior i.nspection specifying such reas�nab�e�ause. <br /> 8. Barrvw er's Laan A pplicati�n� B�rrower sha�l 1a�in defau�t if, during the Loan applica��on process, <br /> B�rrower or any persons�r enti�i�s acting at�he dire�tinn of Borrovver nr with Borrovver's I�no�vledge ar <br /> cansent gave materially false, mislead�ng, or inaccura��e infarmation or sta�ements to Lender��r failed t� <br /> provide Lend�r v�rth material i.nfarma�ian�in connection with the Laan. Materia�r�pres�ntativns include, but <br /> are n��limited to, repr�sentations cancerning B�rrower's.occupancy af the Pr�perty as BorrnWer's principa� <br /> residence. � <br /> •� - <br /> 9. Prot�ct�vn �f Lend�r"s �nter�st in the Prv�er�y an� Rights Under this Security �nstrument. If�a) <br /> Borrower fails to perform�h�covenants and agreements c�ntained in this 5ecurity Instrument, �b��her��s a <br /> ��ga1 prviceeding tha�might significant�y affect Lender's int�r�st in the Proper.ty andlor rights under�his <br /> Securit�Instrument�such as a prflceeding in bankruptcy, prvbate, for c�nd��inn or forfeiture, for <br /> enf�r�ement of a��en which may at�ain pri�r�ty aver-this 5ecurity Instrument�r���nforce laws ar <br /> regulatians}, �r�c�Borr�v�er has abandvned the Property, then L�nder may do an.d pay for v�hate�er rs <br /> reasonable�r appropr�at�ta protect Lender's interes�in�h�Praperty and rights under�his 5e�ur�ty <br /> instrum�nt, including protect�ng andl or assessing�he�alue.of the Property, and securing andl or repairin� <br /> the Propert�. Lender's a�tians can in�lude, but are not�imi�ed to: �a}paying any sums secured by a li�n <br /> vvhi�h has priorit�over this 5e�urity Instrument; [b� appearing in c�u.r�; and�c}paying reasonable attorneys� <br /> f�es t�pro�ec�its�n��rest in the Property andlflr righ��under this 5ecurity Instrumen�, including i�s se�ured <br /> pnsition in a banl�ruptcy pro�eeding. S��uring�he Pr�perty i_nclud�s, but is nat 1%m�ted ta, entering the <br /> Pr�perty to make repa�rs, change Io�ks, replace�r board up d��rs and windo�s, drain water from p�pes, <br /> �li_m�nate building or v�h�r cfld�viola�ions nr dangerous�ondi.tivns, and have u�ilities turned on or vff. <br /> A�thaugh L�nder rnay take actian under this Section 9, Lender does na�have ta d� so and is not under any <br /> duty�r ob�igation to d� so. �t is agr��d that Lender inc�rs no�iahility for not�aking any or a11 a�t�ons <br /> auth�rized under this Sect�rna 9. <br /> 20�15 2679427 ��0049T00�1244793❑ . ❑903 <br /> NEHRASKA-5ingle Fam ily-Far�r�ie M aelFreddie Mac UNIF�R�11 INSTRIlM ENT 1lIlITHrM ER5 � Form 3�28'l 101 <br /> VM P� • .. VM P6A�NE}{13D2} <br /> Wolters Kluw er Fnancia!S�rvices 618120�5 1�:33 PM Page 8 of'I 7 <br />