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, ��15�4�14 <br /> �a� Any such agreements will n�t affe�t the amounts that Borrower ha�agreed tv pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, ar any other terms flf the Loan. Such agr�ements w��i nvt�ncrease th�amount <br /> Bvrrower wi�l owe f�r Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Bvrrvwer to any refund. <br /> ��} Any such agreement�w�l� not aff�ct the rights Bvrrower has�-if ax�y-with respect to the <br /> Mvrtgage Insurance under the Hvmeowner�Pratectian Act vf 19�8 vr any❑ther Iaw. These rights <br /> may inc�ude th�right to receiv��er�ain di5clvsures, tfl reque�t and obtain cancellation of the <br /> Mvr�gage Insuran�e, to have the Mflrtgage Insuran�e terminated autvmatically, andlvr to r�ceiv� <br /> a refund �f any Martgage In�urance prem�ums that were unearned at the time vf 5uch <br /> cancellati�n or termination. <br /> '�'!. Assignment �f M�scellaneaus Proceeds; F�rfieiturer All Misce�laneous Pra�eeds are hereby assigned�o <br /> and sha��be paid tv Lender. <br /> If the Property �s damaged, such Miscellanevus Proc�eds shall be app��ed to restorat��n or repa�r of�he <br /> Property, if the res�oration flr repair is��onomi�ally f�asib�e and Lender's se�urity is not�essened. Durin� <br /> such r�pair and restorat��n period, Lender shall have the right to hald s�ch Mis�ellan�ous Prnceeds until <br /> Lender has had an opportunity tv�.spec�such Prvperty t� �nsure the vwork has b��n cample�ed to Lender's <br /> satisfa�ti.on, prnv�ded that such�nspe�tian shali b�under�aken pr�mptly. Lender may pay for the r�pairs and <br /> res�ara�i�n in a single disbursem�nt�r in a ser�es of progress payments as the w�rk rs cvmpleted. Unless an <br /> agreenl�nt is made in v�r�ting or Appli�ab�e Law r�quires i.nterest to be paid on such Misce�Ianeous Proceeds, <br /> Lender sha�1 n�t be r�quired t�pay Borrower any interest or earnings�n such Misc�Ilaneous Pra�eeds. If the <br /> res�oration or repa�r is not econ�m��a11y°fe�sible vr L�nder's security wauld b�lessened, the Misce�laneous <br /> Praceeds sha11 be applied to th�sums secured by this S�ecurity Instrumen�, whe�her�r na��hen due, with�he <br /> excess, if any, paid t�Bvrrov�er. Such Misce��aneous Prviceeds shall be appli�d in the order provided far in <br /> Sec�ion 2. � ' <br /> In�he event of a t�tal tal�in�, destruc���n, or loss in va�ue of the Property, �he Miscellanevus Proceeds sha�� <br /> be applied�o�he sums secured hy this 5ecurity Instru.ment, wh��her or n�t then due, wi�h�h�exc�ss, if any, <br /> paid t�Borr�vver. � <br /> In�he e��nt�f a partial tal�ing, d�struct�on, or loss in value�f the Pr�perty in�hich�he faYr marke��alue of <br /> the Prvperty immediate�y b�fare the par�ial�aking, destruction, vr lvss in value is equal t� or greater�han th� <br /> am�unt of the sums secured by this Se�urity Instrument immediat��y��fore the partial ta�in.g, destru�tion, or <br /> loss in�alue, un�ess B�rrovc�er and Lender��herwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument sha11 be redu�ed hy th�amaunt af the Mis�ellan�ous Proce�ds mu�tiplied by the follow�ng <br /> frac�ion: �a��he tata�amount of the sums secured immediate�y hefar�the partial�aking, destruct�an, or lass <br /> in va�ue divided by �b�the fair marke�value af�he Property imm�d�ate�y hefvre the par�ial tak�ng, <br /> destruc�ion, ar Ioss in value. Any balance sha11 be pa�d tn Borrovver. <br /> In the�vent of a partial taking, destruc�ian, vr�oss i.n value�f�he Pro�erty in which the fair marke��alue nf <br /> the Praperty�.mmediately b�fnre the part�al taking, destruction, or l�ss in value is 1�ss than the amount of the <br /> sums secured immediately before the partial, d�stru��i�n, or loss�n�alue, unless B�rr�w�r and <br /> L�nder othervvise agree in wr�ting, th�Mis�e��aneous Pr�c�eds sha11 be applied to the sums secured 1ay this <br /> Se�urity Instrument whether or not the sums ar�then due. <br /> If�he Proper�y is abandoned by Borrow�r, ur if, after n�ti�e by Lender tv Borrow�r that the�pposing Party <br /> �as defined�.n.the n�xt senten�e�❑ffers to make an avWard ta settle a claim for damages, B�rr�v�er fails tn <br /> respond�a Lender v��thin 3� days after�he date th�n�tic�is g�ven, Lender�s autharized to �ollect and app�y <br /> the Miscellanevus Praceeds either ta restoration or repa�.r of�he Prvperty nr�o the sums se�ured by this <br /> 2�'[5-�579427 'l���497000'i 2�47930 �903 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIF�RM INSTR�MENT V1�ITH MERS Form 3�28 110� <br /> VM P Q , • � VM PfiA�NE}{1302} <br /> Wolters Kluw er Fnancia!5ervices ' 6I8I2�]'!5 "I 2:33 PNI . Page'{�af�7 <br /> . , <br />