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. <br /> � ��15�4�14 <br /> 5e�urity Instrwnen�, whe�her or nv�then due. "�ppasing Par�y" m�ans the third par�y that�wes Borrvvsrer <br /> M�scellan�aus Proceeds or the party against wl�om Borr�wer has a r�ght of acti�n in regard t�Miscellane�us <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in defaul�i�f any ac�ion or pr�Ceeding, whether G�vi1 or cri.minal, �s begun that, in Lender's <br /> judgm�n�, couid result in forfeitur�of the Property ar ather materia�impairment of Lender's int�r�st in the <br /> Prvperty �r rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can cure such a default and, if acc�I�ratian has <br /> vc�urr�d, reinsta�e as pra�ided i.n 5e�tian I9, b}��aus�ng the ac�i�n or pro��eding to be dismissed with a <br /> rul�n�that, in Lender's judgm�nt, pr�cludes fvrfeiture of�he�roperty or ather material vnpairment�f <br /> L�nder's interest in the Property ar r�ghts und�r this Securi.ty Instrument. The praceeds of any award or <br /> �1aim for damag�s that are attributabi�ta the impairment of Lend�r's interest i_n the Property ar�h�reby <br /> assigned and shall be paid tn Lender. <br /> A11 Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds t�at are n�t applied to restaratian or r�pair af the Prop�rt-�sha11 b�app��ed in <br /> �h�order pravid�d fvr�n 5e��ion�. <br /> '!�. Borrvwer Nvt Re[easeds Farbearance 6y Lender Not a Waiver. Ex�ensivn of the�i_me fnr payment or <br /> modif��ation of am�rti2ation vf the sums secured by this Security Instrument gran��d by Lender to Borrov�er <br /> ❑r any Suc�essar 7n Interest❑f Borr�wer shall n�t opera�e t�releas�the I�ab�lity of Bvrr�w�r or any <br /> Success�rs in Int�rest of Borrovwer. Lender sha11 nvt be r�quired ta cummence proceed�ngs against any <br /> Su�cessor in Interes��f Borrawer or tv refuse to �xtend time far payment ar otherwise modify amor�i�at�an <br /> , <br /> of�he sums secured hy this Security Inst�m�nt by reas�n of any demand made hy the arigina�Borrov�er or <br /> any Success�rs in Interest nf Barrawer. Any forbearance l�y Lend�r ix�e�ercising any right ar remed}� <br /> �.n�luding, vw�thout 1i_mitat�on, Lender's a�ceptance af paymen.ts from third pers�ns, entities or Su��essars in <br /> Interest of Bnrraw�r or�n amounts less�han the amvunt�hen due, sha��n��he a v�aiver of ar pr�clude the <br /> exercise�f any right or rem�dy. <br /> '!3. Joint and Severa� Liabiirty; �o-signers; 5u�cessvrs an� Assign� B�und� Borrower�vvenants and <br /> agr�es�hat Barrov��r's obliga���ns and liabii�ty sha11 be j oint and s�veral. Howev�r, any Borrv�er who <br /> �o-�signs this Security Instrumen�but does n�t execu�e the Note�a"�owsi�n�r"�: �a)�s co-signing this <br /> S�curity Instrument only to mortgag�, grant and cvnvey the ca�s�gner's iri�erest in the Property under th� <br /> �erms af this 5��urity Instru�nent; [�b}is not personally o�ligated�o pay the sums secur�d by this S�curity <br /> Instrumen�; and���agr�es that Lender and any other B�rr�v�er can agree to e�tend, modif�, for�ear�r ma�� <br /> any accommodations with regard to t��ternas of this 5e�ur�ty Instrument or the Note�rithout the cv�signer's <br /> c�nsent. <br /> Subj ec�ta the provisron�of 5�ction 1 S, auy Successor in Interest of I3orro�ver who assumes Borrower's <br /> ❑hliga���ns under th�s S�curit�Instrum�nt in wr��ing, and is approv�d by L�nc�er, sha�l ab�ain a��of <br /> Barrvv�er's ri�hts and benefits under�his Se�ur�ty Instrument. Borr�wer sha11 nvt be released frvm <br /> Borrower's�bl�gatians and l�abilit�under this 5e�urity Instrum�nt unless Lender agrees to such release in <br /> �ri�ing. The covenan�s and agreements�f�his Security Instrument shall bind�ex�ept as provided in 5ecti�n <br /> �0� and benefi��he successors and assigns�f Lender. <br /> 'i 4. Loan Charges. Lender ma}�charge Borrovsrer fees for ser�rices performed�n connection v�ri�h Borrovver"s <br /> d�fau��, for th�purpose of protec�in.g Lender's i_n�erest in.�he Prvperty and rights under this Security <br /> Instrument, inc�uding, �ut nvt li�nited t�, attorn�ys' fees, prop�rty inspec�ion and valuation fees. In regard to <br /> any other fees, the absenc��f�xpress authority�n this Security Inst�umen���charge a specif c fee to <br /> Borrav�er shall nat be construed as a prohibition on�he charging vf su�h fee. Lend�r may nvt charge fees <br /> that are expressly prohibited by this 5ecur�ty Instrument�r by Appli�ab�e Law. <br /> 20'I 5 257942? 1�0�4970001244793❑ 0�03 <br /> NEBRASECA-Single Fam ily�Fa�nie M aelFreddie Mac l]NIF�RM INSTRLfM ENT WITH M ERS , Form 3�28�10� <br /> VMP p VMPSA�NE}{13D2} <br /> Wafters Kfuwer Fir�ancial 5en►ices 6/8/2015 . 'I 2:33 PM Pa9��'� �f'�7 <br />