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<br /> l]EED �F TRLJST`
<br /> Laan Na: �'�1�73a-3 ���t�titlu�d� P�ge �
<br /> appointed under this Deed o# Trust by an instrumenfi execu#ec� and acknoe►vledged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> o��ice a� the recnrder vf Ha�l Coun�y, State of Nebra�ka. The instrument sh�lf c�nta�n, En addition �� all other
<br /> ma�t�rs required by state iavir, th� names af the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustvr, the book and pag� �ar
<br /> �omputer system referen�e� vvhere this Deed ❑# Trus� �s recorded, and �he name and address of the successor
<br /> �rus�ee, and th� instrumen�shal� he ex�cuted and acknow�edged by a[(the b�neficiaries und�r this Deed n�T�ust or
<br /> �heir suc�essors in in�erest. The successar trustee, with�ut con�eyance of�h� Property, shaf� su�ceed �o aE� fihe
<br /> ti�ie, pawer, and duties conferred upon the Truste� in this ❑eed of Trust and by app�icable lawd This proc�dure �or
<br /> substi�ut�on of Trustee sha(I gv�ern to the exclusi�n�f al�other prflvisions #or substi#uti�n.
<br /> NOT[�ES. Any notic� �-equired �a be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, �nc�ud�ng w��thou� fimitatian any notic� af defau[t
<br /> and any no�ice o� sale shall b� �iven in vuri�ting, and shall be ef�ect��e when actually d�li�ered, when actually rece��ed
<br /> by fielefacsimi[� �unless otherwise requi�ed by law}, when depasited with a na�ionally recagnized o�ernight courier, ar, if
<br /> mailed, when d�p�sited in the United S�a�es mail, as #irst class, ��rt��i�d or regis�ered mail pos�age prepaid, dir�cted to
<br /> �he addresses shown near the beginning of this Deed of Trust. A�l copies of noti�es o� fiorecfosure from the hvlder of
<br /> any �ien which has priority o�er this Deed o� Trust shall be sent �a Lender's add�-ess, as shown near the beginning �f
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any party may change i�s address far notices under this Deed a�F Trust by gi�ing �vrma� written
<br /> notice �v �he flther part�es, specifying that the purpose af the nati�� is to change the party's addre�s. For notice
<br /> purpvses, Trustor agrees to keep Lender in�ormed at all t�mes ��Trustor'� �urrent address. Unless �th�rw�se prv�ided
<br /> �r r�;quired by law, if�her� is more than ane Trustar, any notice gi�en hy Lender fio any Trustor is d�emed tv be noti��
<br /> gi�en to a{!Trust�rs.
<br /> N[[SCELLANE�US PR�Vl51DIVS. The'�o�lov►ring miscel[aneous pro�isions are a part of this D��d af Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This Deed of Trust, tageth�r wi�h any Related Documents, const�tut�s the entire understanding and
<br /> agreemen� of th� parti�s as �o the matters set far�h in this Deed of Trust. No alt�rat�on �f vr amendment ta this
<br /> [�eed of Trus�shall be e��ecti�e unless gi�en tn writing and signed hy the party or par�ies sought�o be charged �r
<br /> bound by the a�tera�ion ar amendment.
<br /> Annuat Reports. lf the Property is used �or purposes other than Trustor`s residenc�, Trustflr shall furnish ta
<br /> Lender, upon request, a �ertified statement of net operating income re��i�ed from th� Property dur�ng Trustor's
<br /> pre�iaus fiscal year in su�h form and detail as Lender shall require. "Net vperating income" sha�E mean all cash
<br /> rece�pts#rom the Property�ess af[ cash expenditures made in connection v►rith the opera��on❑f the Praperty.
<br /> �aption Headings. Caption headings in this Deed af �rust are f�r can�enience purposes only and are nvt to be
<br /> used�� interpret or defiine the pro�isions of this ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> M�rger. There sha�l be no merger vf the interes�or esta�e created by this D�ed of Trust with any�ther interest or
<br /> estate in the Prvper�y at any time held by vr fvr the bene#it of Lender in any capa�i#y, w�thout th� ►nrri�fien consent
<br /> afi Lender.
<br /> Gvverning Law. This Deed o� Trust w�ll be gvvern�d by federa� la►nr applicab�e to Lender and, tn fihe ex#enf no�
<br /> pre�mpted by federal iaw,fih� laws vf�he S#ate of Nebraska w�thvut regard to its cvn#[�cts vf�aw pro�isions. This
<br /> Deed of Trust has been a�cep#ed hy Lender in�he S�ate vf Nebraska.
<br /> �hvi�e vf Venue. If ther� is a lawsuit, Trus�or ag�ees upon Lender's request ta submit �v the jurisdictE�n of the
<br /> courts of Hall C�unty; State o�Nebraska.
<br /> No IlVaiver by Lender. Lender shall no� be deemed t� ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Deed of Trus� unless such
<br /> vvai�er �s gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. N� delay or om�ssinn on th� part of Lender in exercis�ng any right
<br /> sha(I ❑perate as a �vaiver vf such righ�or any other righ�. A wai�er by Lender of a provision of this Deed of Trus�
<br /> shal� not prejudic� �r c�nstitute a wa��er �f Lender's right atherw�se to demand s#rict cvmpliance with that
<br /> pravision or any �ther pra�ision ofi �his Deed of �ru�t. N� prior wai�er by Lender, nor any �aurse of dealing
<br /> betvveen Lender and Trusto�, shall canstitute a wa��er of any of Lender's righ�ts or of any flf Trustfl�`s abliga�ion�
<br /> as �t� any futur�e transactions. VVhene�er the cvnsenfi o� Lender is requ�red under �h�s aeed of Trust, the g�-anting
<br /> ❑f such consent by Lender in any instance sha11 not consti�ute continuing cnnsent t❑ subsequent instances where
<br /> su�h consenf is required and in all cases such�vnsent may be granted or withheld in�he sole dis�retian of Lender.
<br /> Se�erabiCi#y. If a caur� o� competen�aurisdict��n finds any provis�on of this ❑eed of Trust to he i��egal, in�alid, vr
<br /> unenf�rceat�l� as fiv any Cir�ums#ance, that �inding shal� not make the ofifendEng proWision illegal, in�alid, ar
<br /> unentvrceable as to any other �ircumstan�e. If feasik�le, the offending pro�ision shall be ct��sidered madi�ried sv
<br /> � tha� it be�orn�s lega[, va��d and �nforesab�e. !f the offending pra�Es�an cannvt b� sv modified, i��shall be
<br /> Y.
<br /> �onsidered de�eted from this ❑eed of Trus�. Unfess otherwise required by faw, the il�egality, in�alidity, or
<br /> unenfor�eability �f any pro��sion of this Deed af Trust shall no� affect th� I�gality, �alidi�ty or �n#or�eability.n� any
<br /> ° oth�r pro�ision of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Suc�essars and Assigns. 5ub�eCt to any limi#ations stated on �his �]�ed Q�Trust on transfer of.Trust�r's interes�,
<br /> this []e�d o� Trus� shai� be binding upvn and inure �o the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. f�
<br /> �wnership ❑f the Proper�y becomes �es�ed in a persor� other than Trustor, Lender, without notice tv Trustor, may
<br /> deal wi�h Trustor's successors uui�h reference to this D�ed of Trus�and the lndebtedness by way of fvrbearance Qr
<br /> extensian without releasing Trustor frvm the�bligations of this ❑e�d o�Trust❑r liability under�he Endebt�dness.
<br /> Time is of�he Essence. Time is❑f the essence in the performance o��his Deed v�Trus�,
<br /> Waiver af Homest�ad Ex�mptiora. Trus�or herehy �gleases and wai�es al! r�gh�s and b�n�fits of �he homes-��ad
<br /> exemptian laws of the �tat�o�Nebraska as ta all lndebtedness secured by fhis ❑eed �f T�-ust.
<br /> DEFIN�Ti�NS. The fv[Evwing capi�a�ized w�rds and terms shall ha�e the following meanings when used in this Deed a�
<br /> Trus�, Unfess sp�cffically stated to the contrary, all references ta doflar amounts shall mean amounts in law�ui money
<br /> af the Uni�ed States ❑# America. 1N�rds and terms used in the singular shall �nclud� the p�ural, and the plural shall
<br /> inClude the singular, as the context may require. W�rds and terms not otherwise de#ined in this Deed of Trust sha{f
<br /> ha�e the m�anings attributed t�such�erms in the lJniform Cvmmercial Code:
<br /> 6eneficiary. Th�wa�d "Bene-�i�iary" means First�la�ional �ank�f nmaha, and i�s successo�s and assigns.
<br /> ��rrorrver. The ward "`Borrawe�" me�ns Jonathan M. �berbeck and includes afi co-signers and co-makers signing
<br /> �he No�e and a[�their su��essors and assigns.
<br /> ❑eed af Trus�. The words "[]eed ❑� Trust" mean this Deed �fi Trus� amon� Trustor, Lende�, and Trust�e, and
<br /> inciudes without limitatian all ass�gnm�nt and security interest pro�Esions r�lating to the Personal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Default. The word "Default" means the Defau��set farth in this Deed��Trust in the sec-tion tit�ed "DefauEt".
<br /> En►►iranmenta! La►n►s. The words "En�ironmen�al Laws" m�an any and a�� state, federal and lacal sta�utes,
<br /> regulatians and ordinances r��ating tn �he protectifln o� �uman health or the �n�ironm�nt, in�[uding w�thaut
<br /> limitation the ��mpreh�nsi�e En�ironm�ntaf Respanse, �ampensation, and Liability Act �f �98�, as amended, 4�
<br /> U,S.�. Se�tion 96��, et seq. {"CERCLA"}, the Super�und Amendments and Reauthoriza�ian A�� vt 198G, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 t"SARA"}, the Ha�ardous Materiai�Transpartation Act, 49 U.S.C. 5e��ivn 18��, et seq., the Resaurce
<br /> Conser�a�ion and Recavery A��, 42 U.S.C. Section 69��, et seq., or other applicabEe s�ate or fed�ra� �aws� CE.1�E5r
<br /> or regulati�ns adop�ed pursuant theret�.
<br />