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� . ��15�4��4 <br /> I�EE� �F TFiU�`f <br /> Lvar� Nor 'N 71'173�-� ���ntinu�d� Page 5 <br /> �f Trust, all �n such a�der as Lender may determine. The en�ering upvn and �aking possessian of the <br /> Property, the C�IIeC'tion of such ren�s, �ssues and profiits, and the applicatian thereof shall not cure ar <br /> waive any de�au�� �r nat��e af de�ault under�his �e�d of Trus�or in�aiidate any ac� dons in respanse t❑ <br /> such defau��❑r pursuant fio such no�iGe o�de�aul�k; and, notwi�hs�anding the c�ntinuance in possession �f <br /> the Praperty flr �he collection, r�ceipt and applicati�n a� rents, issues or prflfits, Trus�ce� ar Lender shall <br /> be entitled t❑ exercise ��ery right pravided��for'�Tn�"th'�7``Note-ar#he R�fated Documents or by law up�n the <br /> occurrence of any e�ent❑f de�auft, including the righ��o exercise�h� power of sa[e; <br /> �h} Gommence an activn to forecl�se,this Deed a�._Trus�-as�:a mortgage, ap�o'rnt a receiver or speci�ically <br /> enfvrc� any pf�he caWenants herev#f and <br /> 4c} Deliver to Trustee a wri#ten declaration a�de�ault and demand #vr sale and a written nati�e of de#ault <br /> and election to cause Trusfiar's interest in�he Property ta be svld, whi�h nvtice Trustee sha�l cause t� be <br /> dufy�iled for record in the appropriate a�r�ices of the Coun�y in which�he Property is �oca#ed; and <br /> �d� With respe��to a�! �r any par�k o�the Persanal Praperty, Lender sha�� have all the rights and remedies <br /> of�secured party under the Nebraska lJniform �ommerciai Code. <br /> Fore�losur��y Pvwer of 5ale. ft L�nder el�c�s to�arecioSe by�xercise ��the Power o#Sale herein cflntained, <br /> Lender shall nvtify T�us�ee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note and such receipts <br /> and e�idence v�f expenditures made and secured by this De�d of Trust as Truste� may require. <br /> {a} Upvn re�eip�of such notice from Lender, Trustee shall �ause ta be reGarded, published and delivered <br /> to Trustar such No�F�� ❑f De�raul� and Natice of SaEe as then required �y law and by�his Deed o#Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, without d�mand an Trustor, af�er such time as may th�n be required by �aw and a#ter <br /> recardatian vf such Notice af aefaukt an�l after Not�ce vf Sale harring been gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> fihe Prop�rty a'� �he �ime and place af sale ��xed by it in such Notice of 5ale, either as a �rvhole, ar in <br /> separate I�ts or parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such �rder as it may d�termine, <br /> at public auction to �he highest bidder fvr cash in lawful man�y of the Unified States payable at�h� time <br /> of saie. Trus�ee shall defi�er to su�h purchaser ❑r purchas�rs thereaf i#s gvod and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds con�eying the praperty so sold, but without any co�enant ❑r warran�y. exp�ess or implied. The <br /> recita�s in such deed vfi any mat#ers ❑r �acts shall be conclusi�e prvv� �f the truthfulness �hereof. Any <br /> person, including with�ut limitation Trustar, Trustee, ar Lend�r, may purchase at such sale. <br /> �b} As may be permi��ed by law, after deducting all cvsts, fees and expenses a# Trustee and of this <br /> Trust, including costs of e�iden�e of title �n �onne�tivn with sale, Trustee sha�� apply the prviceeds of sale <br /> ta payment vf �i} a�E sums expended under the terms of this ❑eed o�Trust or under the terms v�the No�e <br /> nvt then repaid, inc�ud�ng but nnt limited to accrued interest and �ate charges, �ii} all vther sums then <br /> secured herehy, and {iii� #he remainder, if any, t�the persan or persons legally ent��led thereto. <br /> �c} Trustee may En the manner prv�ided by law posfpvne safe vf all or any p�r�ian�f the Praperty. <br /> Remedies Nof Exclusirre. Trustee and Lender, and each of th�m, shal� be entitled ta enfvrce payment and <br /> p�rf�rmance ��any�ndebtedn�ss or obliga�ions se�ured by this Deed v�Trust and to exercise al[ rights and powe�s <br /> under this Deed a� Trust, under the Nate, under any vf the Rsiated Dacuments, or under any a�her agreement or <br /> any laws now or herea#ter in fvrce; notwiths�anding, some or all of such indebtedness and obligatians secured by <br /> this De�d af Trus� may nvw or hereafter be otherwise secured, �rvhether by mortgage, deed of t�ust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignmen� ❑r vthe�wise. Neither the a�ceptance �f this C3eed of Trust nor i�s enf�rcement, whether by courf <br /> action vr pursuant ta th� pvwer vf sale ar other pawers �ontained in this Deed vf Trust, shall prejudice ar in any <br /> manner affect Trust�e's �r Lender's right to realize upvn ar enfvrc� any other securi�y naw or hereafter hel�! by <br /> T�ustee vr Lender, it being agreed that T�ustee and Lender, and�ach vf them, shall be entitied�to enforce�his Deed <br /> of Trust and any other secu�ity now ar hereafter he�d by Lender vr Trustee in su�h order and manner as they or <br /> ei�her vf them may in their absolute discretion determine. No remedy cvnferred upon vr reser�ed tv Trustee or <br /> Lender, �s intended to �� exciusi�e vf any other remedy in this Deed ❑f Trust or by Iaw pra�ided ar permitted, but <br /> each shall be cumula�ive and shall be in addition to e�ery oth�r remedy gi�en in this Deed vf Trust or now or <br /> hereafter existing at law or in equity o�by statute. E��ry pawer or remedy gi�en by the Note ar any o�the R�lated <br /> Dvcuments to Trustee vr Lender ❑r to whi�h eith�r �f them may be vtherwise en�itled, may be exer�ised, <br /> con�urrent[y vr independently, frvm time ta time and as of�en as may be deemed expedient by Trustee �r Lender, <br /> and e'r#her of them rr-�ay pursue incansistent rsmedies. Nathing in �his Deed o� Trust shall be construed as <br /> prohibi�ing Lender frvm seeking a defi�iency�udgment against the Trust��tv the extent su�h a�t�on is permitt�d by <br /> law. Electivn by Lender to pursue any remedy sha1� not excEude pursuEt of any �ther r�medy, and an e[e�tion tv <br /> make expenditures vr to take activn to per�orm an obfsgativn of Trustor under this De�d of Trust, after Trustor's <br /> failure to perform, shall not affe�t Lender's right to declare a defau�t and exercise ��s rerr�edies, <br /> Request for Notice. Trust�r, on behal#of Trustvr and Lender, hereby requests that a co�y of any Notice of Default <br /> and a copy ❑�F any Notice at 5ale und�r this Desd vf Trus� be mailed to �hem at the addresses set far�h �n the first <br /> paragraph a�this []eed ❑f Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit vr a�tian t� enfor�� any af the terms of this Deed of <br /> Trus�, Lender shali be entitled to reco�e� su�h sum as the court may adjud�e reas�nable as attorneys' �ees at trial <br /> and up�n any appeal. Whether or nat any cvurt activn is in�o��ed, and ta the extent nvt prohibited by law, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's apinion �r� necessary at any time �ar �he pro�kec�tion of its <br /> interest vr the en�ar�ement of its rights shall become a part flf the �ndebtedness payable �n demand and shall bear <br /> interest at the Not� rat��rvm the date ot the expenditure unti[ repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include, <br /> withaut limitativn, howe�er subjec�tv any limi�s under appli�at�le law, Lender`s attvrneys` fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether or not there is a lawsui�t, including a�tvrneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> �incfuding effo�ts tv modify vr�acate any automati�stay or injuncti�n}, appeals, and any an#ic�pated post-judgment <br /> collectEan services, �he cost vf searching records, vbtaining �itte repvr�s {including �areclvsure repvrts}, sur�eyors' <br /> r�pvrts, and appraisal fees, ti�le insurance, and fees for the Trustee, t❑ the extent permit�ed by applicab�e law. <br /> Trus�ar a�sa will pay any cou�-�costs, in additivn to a!f ather sums p�o�ided by law. <br /> Rights vf Trusfee. Trustee shall ha�e a�l vf�he righfis and duties o�Lender as s�t for�h in this sec�ian. <br /> PDWERS ►qND �gLIGATIUNS �F TRUSTEE. The faflowing pro�isions rela�ing ta the p�wers and vbligatians o�Trustee <br /> are part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers o�Tru��ee. In additian t❑ a�l pvwers of Trust�e arising as a ma��er af law, Trustee shall ha�e the pawer t� <br /> take the fo�Eawing actions w�th respe��tv th� P.roperty upvn the written request❑� Lender and Trus�or: �a} �ain in <br /> preparing and ��iing a map �r p[at o# the Rea� Prvperty, including the dedi�at�vn of streets or other rights tv th� <br /> publi�; �h} �v�n in gran�ing any ea�emen� o� cr�ating any r�st�ictivn an th� Real Prv�er'�y; and �c� jvin in any <br /> subor�inativn�r ather agreem�nt affec�ting this Deed af�"rust�r the interest o�Lender under thi� C]eed of Trust. <br /> Trustee, Truste� shaf� m�et a�� q�aaEificat�ons required for Trustee under appli�ahle 1aw. ln addition �❑ the rights <br /> and re�n�dies se� �orth abvve, �wi�h r�spect t� all or any par� ❑f the Praperty, the Trustee shall ha�e the right tv <br /> f��eclvse by natic� and sale, and Lender shall ha�e the right �o fvreclose �y judic�af #vreclasure, �n either ca�e in <br /> accvrdance�avith �nd�v�he fu�l extent pr��ided by�applicable lawo <br /> �a�c��ssvr 7'a�usteea Lende�, a� Lend�r°s opt��n, may from time t❑time appoint a succ�ssor Trus�ee �o any Trustee <br />