4� , . . ��15�4��4
<br /> �EE�] �F �R1�51"
<br /> Lt�an iV�: '17'!'1735-3 �C��$�n��d� �age 7
<br /> Event of Default. The wo�ds "Even�of ❑efau[t" mean any❑f the e�ents of de�ault se�forth in this fle�d of Trust�n
<br /> the eWents v�default se�tivn vf this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Cuaranty, The word "Guaran�y" means�he guaranty from guarantor, endorser, sure�y, vr accvmm�da�ian party ta
<br /> Lender, inc�uding withau�t limi�ativn a guaranfiy o�a!!�r part vf the Note.
<br /> Hazardaus Substanc�s. The words "HazardQus 5ubstanc�es"�:'mean materials that, because af the�r quantity,
<br /> cancentra�ion or physical, chemi�a� or infectious character�st�cs, may::�:cause ar pvse a present vr patential hazard
<br /> to human health o��he en�irvnment v�hen,imp_rvperfy used,=.treat�d,:s_tared, disposed of, gen��ated, manu�actured,
<br /> t�ansported vr otherw�se handled. The�words�'"Ha�ardvus Su�stances" are used in �heir �ery 1�roadest sense and
<br /> in�lude without lim�ta�ion any and ali ha�ardvus vr toxi� su�stan�es, ma�erials ❑r waste as �lefined by or listed
<br /> under the En�ironmenta� Laws. Yhe term "Hazardous Suhstanc�s" a�sv includes, withaut limita�ion, petrvleum and
<br /> petroleum by-prvducts or any fra�tivn therevf and asbestvs.
<br /> fmprv�ements. The word "�mpro�ements" means a�� existing and future �mpro�ements, buildings, structures,
<br /> mvbile homes affixed on th� Rea! Property, facilities, additions, replacements and other constructivn on the Real
<br /> Pr�pertys
<br /> indebtedness. The wvrd "Indebtedness" means a11 princ�pal, interes�, and vther amaunts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the Na�e vr R�iated Dvcuments, tagether virith a{i ren�wals o�, e�tensians of, modi�ica�ivns ❑f,
<br /> c�nsolidativns ❑f and suhstitutivns fvr the Nvte vr Related Dacuments and any amvunts expended or advanced by
<br /> Lende� to discharge Trustor's obligations ar expenses incurred by T�uste� or Lender to enforce Trustvr's
<br /> vb�igations under this ❑eed vf Trus�, together vvith interest vn such amounts as provided in this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Lenc�er. The ►rvord "Lender" m�ans Firs�IVativna� Bank�f�7maha, its successors and assigns.
<br /> 1'Vate. The word "Note" means the promissary nate da�ed Apri� 1, 2��5, �n the orEg�na� prin�i�pal ar�e�unt of
<br /> $��,D��.Q❑ fram Trustvr ta Lender, together with all renewa�s o�, extensions a�, modifications o�, refinancings
<br /> of, consolidations of, and substitut�vns for the pram�ssory note v�agreement.
<br /> Persona! Rroperty. The wvrds "Persona� Praperty" mean all equipmen�r �l?C�L10E5� and ofiher articles of persvnal
<br /> prvperty now Qr hereaf�er vwned by Trustor, and now ar her�after atta�hed or affixed to the Real Praperty;
<br /> toge�her v►rith all accessivns, par�s, and additions to, al[ rep�acements of, and all su�s�itutions for, any o� suGh
<br /> proper�y; and tvgether with all proceeds {inctud�ng withvut �imitation a11 insurance proceeds and re�unds o�
<br /> pr�miums} frvm any sale or ofher dispositian of the Property.
<br /> Property. The word "Property" means coliectively the Real Praperty and the Personal Praperty.
<br /> Reai Prv�er#y. The words "Real Property" mean the rea� prvper�y, interes�s and rights, as fur�her described En this
<br /> �]eed af`�rust.
<br /> Rs�ated �]vcuments. The words "Re�ated Documents" mean all promissvey notes, �redit agre�men�s, laan
<br /> agreemen#s, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, se�urity agreements, mortgages, deeds �f trus�, security
<br /> deeds, co[�atera! martgages, and all other instruments, agre�ments and documents, whe�her n�w ar hereafter
<br /> existing, executed in cvnnection with th� lnd�btedness.
<br /> F�ents. The vv�rd "Ren�s" means afl present and future ren-ts, re�enues, income, issues, roya��ies, profits, and
<br /> ather benefi�s deri�ed �rnm the Property.
<br /> Trus�e�. The word "Trustee" means F�rst Nativnal Bank o� �maha, whase add�ess is 81� Allen �3r, Grand Island,
<br /> NE 688D3 and any subst�tu�e ar successar truste�s.
<br /> Trustvr. The word "Trust�r" mean� Jonathan M. �berbeck.
<br /> �I�REES TC3 IY TERIIfl,�.
<br /> TRUS�f .
<br /> �
<br /> Jvna an MI. �berb�ck
<br /> �N�11IIC3L�AL �►��NC31illLEi�GMENT
<br /> STATE�F �
<br /> �
<br /> �55
<br /> C�UNTY �F �, �
<br /> On this day before me, the undersigned Nvtary Pub�ic, persona�ly appeared Jonathan l'111. �]herbeck, a Sin91e Persvn. to
<br /> me known to be the indi�idual described in and who executed �he �eed of Trust, and acknowledg�d that he or she
<br /> signed the Deed vf Trust as h�s or her tree and �vluntary ac�and deed, for�he uses and purposes therein mentioned.
<br /> Given under my hand and offi�ial sea�this �� day of �� ��"
<br /> .
<br /> �y e��
<br /> Printed Nam
<br /> ,�������"�� � Notary Pu�lic 'rn and fvr the State vf
<br /> �� � � �
<br /> +� �� � Residing at
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