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<br /> []EE[� �]F TF�UST
<br /> L�an No: 11�'i�35-3 ����tii�ued} �ag� �-
<br /> can�ern�ng the secu�ity snteres� granted by th�s Deed of Trust may be obta�ned �each as required by the LJniform
<br /> C�rr�m�rciai Cvde� are as stated on the fi�rst page v�this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> FURTHE� �#SSURAN�ESo �#YTURIVEY-IiV-FACY. The �ofl�w�ng prv�isi�ns relating to #urther assuranGes and
<br /> a��arney-in-fac�are a part❑f this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Further Assuran�es. A� any time, and firvm time t� tirn�, upon request ❑f Lender, Trustvr wi�! mak�, ex�cut� and
<br /> deli�er, ❑r will �ause�a be made, exe�uted or de[i�erec�, �a Lender��to Lender's designe�, and when reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, Cause �o be #iled, recordsd, ref€fed, or rerecorded, as the case may be, a� such times and-in such ��#ices
<br /> and places as Lender may d�em apprapriate, any and all such rr�a�-tgag�s, deeds �f�rus�, security deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, financing statem�nts, continuation sta�ements, instruments �f further assurance, ��r�i�icates; and
<br /> ather do�uments as may, in th� sole vpinion �f Lender, he nec�ssary�r desirable in order t� ef�ectua�e, camplete�
<br /> perfe��, c�ntinue, or preser�e 4�� Trusto�'s ablEgations under the Nat�, this Deed o� Trust, and �he Refated
<br /> Do�uments, and {�} th� i�ens and security interests cr�ated by th�s ❑eed t�f Trust as firs� �nd prior f iens �n the
<br /> Proper�y, whether nov►► vwned Qr hereaf�er acquired by Yrustnr. �nless prohibited by law vr Lender agrees t� th�
<br /> contrary in �rvriting, Trustar shall reimburse Lender �ar all casts and expenses incurred in connectian wi�h the
<br /> matters ref�rred�o in this paragraph.
<br /> A��orney-"rn-Fact. If T�us�or fails �❑ do any vf th� things re#erred tv in the prec�ding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> for and in �he name c�f Trustor and at Trus�or's expense. F�r such purpases, Trustor hereby irre�vcably appvints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-tn-fac�far�he purpose of making, exe�uting, delivering, �i{ing, re�ording, and d�ing a��
<br /> ❑�h�r things as may b� necessary ❑r desirahle, in Lender's sal� opin�on, tv a�complish #h� matters r�ferred to in
<br /> th� pre�eding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFORMANCE. �f Trustor pays all the lnd�btedness when due, and otherwts� performs a[I the ab�iga�ions
<br /> impased upon Trustor under this ❑eed n� Trust, Lender shai! execut� and d�li�er to Trust�e a reques� for full
<br /> recanWeyance and shall execute and d�li�er to Trustor suitab�e statements of terminati�n ��F any�Financing staternent on
<br /> file e�idencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and�he Pe�sonal Property. Any recan�eyance#�e required by law
<br /> shall be paid by Trustor, i�p�rm�t�ed by applicable lavv.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of�h� follvwing, at Lender's option, shall canstitute an E�ent vf aefault under this Deed
<br /> af Trus�:
<br /> Payment�efault. Trustor fails�ta make any paymen�vuhen due under the lnd�btedness.
<br /> flther �]efaults. Trustor fa�[s �o camply with or tti perform any other term, obligation, covenant ar condition
<br /> c�n�ained in this Deed af Trust or in any af the Relafi�d Docum�n�s ❑r tv camp�y wfth or ta per�orm any t�rm,
<br /> ❑bligation, cfl��nant v�conditi�n contatned in any o�her agreement betvueen Lender and Trus#or.
<br /> Compliance ❑efault. Fa��ure to comply with any �ther term, abiigation, co�enant or candition contained in this
<br /> �eed of Trust, the Nate ar in any of�h� R�lat�d [7ocuments.
<br /> De�ault❑n ��her Payments. Fai[ure af Trustor within the�ime required by this ❑eed �f Trust�a mak� any payment
<br /> fflr taxes or insurance, vr ar�y other payment n�cessary t� pre�ent filing vf or�o e��ect discharge of any lien.
<br /> �]efaul� in Fa�or of Third Parties. Should �rantar d�fau[t under any loan, extension ❑f credit, s�cu�ity agr�ement,
<br /> purchase or saies agreement, ❑r any other agreement, in �a�ar ❑f any ❑ther �reditor �r pers�n that may ma�erial[y
<br /> affect any a� Gran�or's pr�perty �r Grantor's abili�y 'to repay the lndebtedness �r Grantvr's ability �to per#orm
<br /> Grantor's vbliga'�ions under this C]eed of Trus�or any of the Rela-ted Documents.
<br /> False Statem�n�s. Any warranty, repr�senfiation or statement made or furn�shed to Lender by Trus�or or ❑n
<br /> T�-ustar's behalf under this De�d �f Trust or the Related I3ocuments is false or m�sleading in any material respec�,
<br /> either now o�-at�he time made or furnished or bec�mes false or mtsleading a�any time thereafter.
<br /> Defec�i�e Collater�[ization. This De�d of Trus� or any t�� the Re�afied Documents ceases ta be in full for�� and
<br /> �ffect �including failure of any collateral documen� to create a �alid and perfecfied secur+ty interest or lien} at any
<br /> tim� and f�r any reason.
<br /> Dea#h or Insvlr►ency. The dea�h of Trustar, the insal�ency�fl�Trustor, the appvintment of a rec�i�er�t�r any part a#
<br /> Trustar's prope�-ty, any assignment for the bene#�t �f credi�ors, any type a# cr�ditor work�ut, or the
<br /> commencement o#any praceeding under any bankruptcy or insol�en�y la�rvs by or against Trustor.
<br /> Credi��r or �orf��ture Pro��edings. �ommencement of fareclasur� or f�rfeiture pra�eedings, whe�ther by judicial
<br /> proceeding, se�f--help, repossessian or any oth�r method, �y any c�edi�or of Trust�r�r by any ga��rt�mental agancy
<br /> against any property securing the Indehtedness. This +n�lud�s a garnishment af any of Trustar's accaunts,
<br /> including depasit a�counts, with Lender. Hvwe�er, this E�ent ❑f aefault shall nvt apply if there is a g�vd tai�h
<br /> dispute by Trustvr as to.�he �alidi�y o� reasanabl�ness of the claim which is the basis o�f the creditar or �ar�ei�ure
<br /> proceed�ng and i� Trustor gi�es Lender ►n�ritterr n���ce o� the creditvr ar forfeiture praceeding and deposits w�th
<br /> Lender �-nvnies or a surety l�ond far the �redi�or or�arf�iture pr�ce�ding, in an amnunt de�ermined by Lender, �n its
<br /> so[e discretion, as being an adequate reser��vr bnnd for the dispute.
<br /> 6r�ach of Qther Agr�emen�. Any breach by Trustor under�he terms �f any vther agreement betwe�n Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is not remedied within any gra�e perifld pr��ided therein, including without limita#i�n any agreem�nt
<br /> cvncerning any indebt�dness ar other obligation o#Trustor to Lender, whether existing nvw or later.
<br /> EWents Affe�#ing �uaran�o�. Any of the preceding e�ents accurs rivith respe�t to any guarantor, endorser, surety,
<br /> vr accommodation party o� any of the lndeb�edness Qr any guaran�or, endvrser, surety, or accammadation party
<br /> d�es vr becames in�ompe�ent, or re�okes or dispu�es the �alEd�ty t��, or �iabElity under, any Gua�anty ofi the
<br /> Indebtedn�ss.
<br /> Adverse Change, A ma�erial ad�erse chang� ❑c�urs in Trustor's #inan�ial cvnditian, or Lender heFie��s fihe
<br /> prvspect of payment or perfarmance o�the Indeb�edness is impaired.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in good fa�th helieves itsel#insecure.
<br /> RIGHTS AND RElI!{EDfES �N DEFAULT. [f an E�ent�f De#ault accurs under�his �eed of Trust, at any fime thereaf�er,
<br /> Trustee vr Len�er may exer�ise any on�o�mors ofi the to��owing �ights anc� r�medies:
<br /> A�celeration Upvn De#aul�k; A�ldi�innal Remedies. lfi any Event a� De�au�t accurs as per the terms of�he Nvte
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may dec[are all lndebtedness se�ured by this Deed ❑f Trust to be du�and payable and
<br /> the same shall ther�upan hecome due and payab�e wi�h�u�any presen�ment, demand, protes��r notice o�any
<br /> f�ind. Thereaft�r, Lender may:
<br /> 4ay Either in person �r hy agent, w�th or with�ut bringin� any a�tian or pr��eeding, or by a rece�Wer
<br /> appfl�nted.by a caurt and wi#hout regard to the adequacy vf its security, en�er upon and take passessi�n
<br /> �f the Property, ❑r any part there�f, in its ❑wn name fl� in �he name of Trustee, and do any a��s which it
<br /> de�m� necessary or desirabl�'tv preser�� the �aiue, marketabElEty ar�-entabili�y�f th� Property, �r par�t�f
<br /> �he Property or in��rest �n �he Praper#y; increase the income from the Property ar pro#e���he se�urity af
<br /> the Prop�rty; and, with or WI�hDUfi �aking p�55E5S1Q1� ❑f the Proper'ty, sue far o� otherwise collec� fihe
<br /> rents, issues and p�vfi�s of the Prt�perty, including those past due and unpaEd, and apply the same, less
<br /> c�sts and expens�s o#operation and callection attorneys' �ees, to any ind�bt�dne�s securec� by this Deed
<br />