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��15�39�3 <br /> �nterest from the date of dxsbursemen� a� �he sam� rate assessed on advances under �he Contract and shalI be <br /> payable,vv�th znterest,upon no��ce fr�m Lender��Borr�wer requesting payment. <br /> In�pectivn. Lender or i.�s agent may make reasanab�e en�ries up�n and inspe���ons �f�he Pro e . Lender shall <br /> g�ve B�rrav`rer no��ce a�the��me af�r r�ar to an�ns ec�i � � � <br /> p p an spec�,fyYng reas�nabie c�,use far the�nspe���on. <br /> �ondemnat��n. The proceeds of any av�ard or claim for dama es,�direct ar conse uent�a� �n c n <br /> � y , a r�ec��an vv��h any <br /> c�ndemna�ion ar��her taking of any par��f the Proper�y, vr for canveyance �n �ieu of�ondemtna�i�n, are hereb <br /> asszgned and sha����be paxd to Lender. y <br /> In the e�en� of a tota� �aking of�he Proper�y, the prt�ceeds shaI� �e a� txed �a t�e sums secured b t ' <br /> �� y h�s S�cur�ty <br /> �nstrument, whe�her or not �hen due, ���h any excess pa�d �o Borrower. �n th� e�ent of a par�ial tak�n of the <br /> � <br /> Property in whi�h the faxr market �alue of�he Proper�y immed�a�ely before �he �a��ng �s equa� �o ar grea�er than <br /> �he amoun� of�he sums s�cured by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� immediate�y before �he �a��ng, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender�the�-�vise agree �n v�ri�ing, �he sums secured by�his Secur��y Instrument sha��be reduced by the amaunt of <br /> �he proceeds mu�tip��ed by the fo�Io�v�ng firaction: �a)th����al amoun�af the sums secured�mmedia�ely befare the <br /> tak�ng; divided by �b} �he fa�r mar�et �ra�ue �f�he Pr�per-ty �mmed�ately bef�re �he taking.�Any ba�ance sha�I be <br /> pa�d t� Borrflwer. �n the e��nt of a part�al tak�ng af�he Pr�per� �n �hich��he fair mark��.va�ue flf�he Pr� �rt <br /> p Y <br /> immediate�y befare the �ak�ng �s �ess than the am�un� af�he sums secured immed�ately �efore the taking, unless <br /> Borr�wer and Lender o�herw�se agree �n�r un�ess Appl�cable Lav�atherv��se pro��des, �h�proceeds shal� <br /> be appixed�a the sums secured by th�s Secur�,ty Instrument v�he�her or na��he surns are then�ue. <br /> �f the ProperCy is abandoned by B�rro�ver, ar�f, aft�r n����e by L�nder ta Borrawer tha��he c�nd�mnor affers�o <br /> make an award or set�le a cla�m far damages, Barr�vver fails�fl respond to Lend�r v�i�h�n the minimum number of <br /> days estab�ished by App��cab�e Lavv after�he date�he n�t�ce �s given, Lender xs,authori�ed ta co��ec�and app�y�he <br /> praceeds, at i�s aptian, ei�her �� res�orati�n or repa�r �f the Pr�perty or �o �he sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> �ns�rumen�,vsrhether or na�then due. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rra�ver a�h�rvv�se agree �n wr�ting, any app�ica��an flf pro�eeds�o pr�nc�pa� shal t na�extend <br /> �r postpone�he due date of the paym�nts due under�he C�ntrac�or change the amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not R.el�ased; Forbearance By Lender No� a Wa��er. Extens�an of the �ime for paymen� or <br /> mfld�fi�a�i�r� �f amart�za��on �f�he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument gran�ed by Lender �o Borrower or <br /> any su�cessor �n �n�eres� af B�rr�vver sha�l n�� aperate �o re�ease the l�ab�l�ty flf th� orYg�na1 Borr�vc�er �r <br /> Borr�v�er's su��essors �n �nteres�. Lender shall no�be requ�red�o commence pr��eedxngs aga�ns�an suc�essor in. <br /> Y <br /> �n�erest or refuse to ex�end�ime for paymen��r otherw�se mad�fy amor��za��an�f�he sums�ecured by�h�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument by reason of any demand mad� by the orxg�na� Borrovver vr Borrflwer's successors in in�erest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerclsing any r�gh��r remedy sha�l n�t�be a waiver af ar preclude the exercise af any <br /> r�gh�ar remedy. <br /> Success��s and Assigns Bound; Jv�nt and Severa� L�ab���ty; Accommadat�an S� ners. T�e cv�enan�s and <br /> � <br /> agreemen�s of�h�s Secur��.y �nstrument shall b�nd and b�neft�he successars and ass�gns �f Lender and Borro�er, <br /> subjec� �� the pr��is��ns �f se�tian ti�Ied Transfer of �he Property flr a Ren�f�c�ai �nterest �n Borr�wer. <br /> B�rrower's cavenapts and agreemen�s �hal� be jtiin�and several. Any persfln vvho co-signs�his Security�ns�rumen� <br /> but has no persona� �xab�l�ty under the Cantract �"�lccammadat�on S�gner"}: �a} is ca�s�gning this Security <br /> �nstrumen� anly �o mox�gage, grant and convey tha� Acc�mm�da�ion S�gner's interest in the Pr�perCy under the <br /> terms af the Securi�y Instrumen�; �b} is no� persflnal�y �b��gated �o pay �h� sums secured �y this Security <br /> �ns�rum.ent; and�c� agrees�ha�Lender and any other Borrov�er may agree�fl ex�end,.modify, farbear ar make any <br /> accommoda�iflns v�rith regard t�the�erms of this Se�ur�ty�nstrument or the Con�ract v��tihout�hat Accammodation <br /> S�gr�er's consent. . <br /> L�an �harg�s. �f�he_ loan secured by this Secur��y Instrument �s su�bject �o a taw �vhich se�s max�mum laan <br /> charges, and�hat �a�v is fnaiiy in�erpre�ed so�hat the in��rest�r ather�oan charges co��ec�ed ar�o be ca�iected in <br /> connect��n vvith �he toan exceed �he perm�t�ed lim�ts, �hen: (a} any suc� �aan charge sha�l be reduced b� the <br /> amour��necessary tv reduce�he charge to�he perm��ted Iirn.its and �b} any sums already cal�ec�ed frflm Borravver <br /> v�h�ch exceeded permit�ed ��mits v��l� be refunded �� Barrower. Lender may cho�s� to make �his refund by <br /> reduc�ng �he pr�nc�pai ovU�d under the �ontrac� or by mak��ng a di.rect paymer�� �� Barravver. �f a refund re�uces <br /> princ�pal,�he redu��i�n v�ri�1 be�reated as a par��al prepaymen�und�r the Con�ract. � <br /> Not�ces. Any not�ce to Borr�wer pr�vided for in this Secu��ty �ns�rument shal� be gi�en b de�i�eri� i� or b <br /> �' g Y <br /> ma�,l�ng��by frs�class ma�i un�ess App�icable Law requires use of.ana�her me�hod. The noti�e shaI�be d�rected to <br /> �he ProperCy Address or any other address Borr�wer des�gna�es by�no��ce ta Lender. B�rrower agrees �o prc��id� <br /> Lender vv��h Barravver's m�s� curren�mazXing address, as �t may change fram.time-�to-��me. Any no��ce �o Lender <br /> sha��be g��en by frs�cIass ma�l ta Lender's address sta�ed here�n�r any o�her address Lender designates by not��e <br /> ta Borrav�er. Any n�tice provided for �n th�s Security Znstrumen�sha��be deemed�fl ha��been given�o Borrawer <br /> ar Lender when given as pr��x�ed�n�h�s paragraph. . � <br /> �overn�ng Law; SeWerab����y.This Security ins�rument sha�l be gaVer�aed by federa��atu and t��.e�avvs�f�he s�ate <br /> of Nebras�a. .�n �he e�ent thati a�y pr���si�n or �lause �f this Se�ur��y �nstrumen� or �he Con�ract conflic�s v��th <br /> App��cab�e Law, �uch conflxc� shal� n�t affec� o�her pr��isi�ns af�h�s Security �ns�rument �r�he Captrac� �h�ch <br /> can be g�ven effect vv��hau�the confl�cting pr��is�an. To�h�s�nd the praW�s�ans of th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�and�he <br /> ��ntract are dec�ared�o be severabie. - <br /> B�rrowerrs��p�.Borro�er sha1�be g��en nne�opy of�hYs S��urity�nstrumen�. <br /> �2�04-2�]4 Camp�ia�ce Systems,ir�c.FDd�-D777-2�13LZ.l Q.I.895 <br /> Consurr�er Reai Esta#e-Security instrurr►ent DL�03b Page 3 af 5 www,cvmp�iancesystems.cvm <br />