. ��15�39�3
<br /> Transfer of the Prop�rty�r�Benef�cial Interest in B�rr�wer.�f a�l or any�par�af�he Pr�perty�r any i��erest
<br /> �n i� is s��d or transf�rred �or if a �enef�c�al interest �n Borrower �s sold �r 1:ransferred ar�d Borrower is not a
<br /> na�ural pers�n} wi�hQut Lender's prior writ�en consen�, Lender may, at i�s op�lon, requ�re �mmedia�e payment �n
<br /> fu�1 of a�1 sums secured by this Security �nstrument. Hnv�rever; thi� �p�ion sha�l not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> , e�erc�se�s prahibi�ed by�ederal�aw as of the da�e of th�s Security Instrumen�. �
<br /> �f L�nder exercises th�s opt�on, Lender sha11 give �orrower notice of accele:ra�ion. The n��ice sha11 pr���de a
<br /> perivd af no� �ess than the min�mum �u�nber of da�s es�ab�ished by App�icab:[e Law fr�m the da�e �he notice is
<br /> de�i�ered or mailed within �vhich Barrov�er mus� pay all sums secured by �h��� 5ecurity �nstrumer�t. �f�3�rr�wer
<br /> fa�is to ay these sums prior�o the expira���ri af�his pe��ad, Lender may in�ra�l�e any remedies permitted by this
<br /> �
<br /> Securxty�ns�rumen�w�thout fi.�r�her notii���r demand on Borr�vver.
<br /> Borr�rver's Ri ht ta Re�nState. rf B�rrow�r meets certa�n canditi�ns, Borrawer sha1� ha�e the righ� �� ha�e
<br /> � .
<br /> enforcemen� of this Secur��y Instrumen� disCon�inued at any time prior�fl the ear�ier of �a} 5 days ��r such other
<br /> periad as App��cable Law may specify for reinsta�eme�t}before saie of the Pro��er�y pursuant�a any po�ver of sa�e
<br /> �on�ained in this Se�uri�y �nstrumen�;, or �b} en�ry af a �udgment e�forc�n�� �hxs Security Instrument. Those
<br /> condi�ions are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lend�r a1� sums �vh�ch then wou�d be ��ue under this Secur�ty �nstrumen�
<br /> and the�on�ract as if nfl a�celera�ifln had occurred;�b}cures any defaul�of any�ther covenants�r agreements;(c}
<br /> a s a�i expenses in�urred�n e�forcing this Security Instrument,inc�uding,but��at�im�ted to,reasonable�.tt�arneys'
<br /> pY
<br /> fees to the ex�ent permitted by Iaw; and�d�ta�es such actifln as Lender may rf�as�nab�y require to assure�hat�he
<br /> l�en�f�his Secur�t�Instrument, Lender's r�gh�s �n�he Pr�perty and Borrov�er's obi�ga�ion t�pay the sums�ecured
<br /> by this Securit� Instrument shall �on�inue unchanged. I�p�n rei.ns�atement by Borrawer, �h�s Securi�y �nstrumen�
<br /> and the obligatior�s secured hereby shail remain ful�y effecti�e as �f no ac�e�e�rat�on had o�curred. However, this
<br /> righ�ta reinsta�e shali n��apply in�he case af accelerat�an under the section tit�[ed Tran�fer�f the Prop�rty ar a
<br /> Beneficia�In�erest in B�rrawer. . .
<br /> Hazardau5 Substances.Borrower shal�n�t cause or permit the pres�nce,use, d�sposal, s�orage, or release�f any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances an ar in�he Prflper�y.B�rrow�r shal�not do,nor a11ow anyflne else to do,anythin�affec�ir�g
<br /> �the Properfiy �hat is �n viala�ion of any En�iranmen�al La�. The preceding tvvo sen�ences shall not apply to the
<br /> presen�e,use,or s�vrage on�he P�ropert�of smail quan�ities of Hazardous Subs�tiances�hat are�enerally recognized
<br /> �Q be appropria�e to narmai resid�n�ial uses and��main�enance af the Pr�per�y.
<br /> Borr�wer sha�l promptly gi�e Lender v�rit�en no���e of any�nves�iga�zfln,claim; demand,�a�suit�or o�ther action by �
<br /> any governmen�al or regulatory ag�n�� or pri�ate party �nval�in�the Pr�per�y and an� Ha2ardaus Subs�ance or
<br /> Envir�nmen�al Law of �hich �Borrovc�er has ac�ua� �now�edge. �f Bflrrovver learns, ar is n��if�ed by any
<br /> governmen�ai�❑r regulatar�auth�rity,tha�any removai or other remedia�iari of a�y Hazardous Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Prop�rry is necess�.ry, Borrovv�r sha�l prompt�y �ake ai� necessary rerr�edial actions�in accordance wi�h
<br /> En�r�r�nmen�al La�v. .
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "�azardous �ubstan�es" are those su�stances defin�vd as�oxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmenta� Lavv and �he�foll�vving subs�ances: gasaiine, kerosene, o'ther flammab�e or taxic petroleum
<br /> products, to�ic pest�cides and herb��c�des, �o1a�i�e sol�en�s, mater�als con�ain.ing as�estos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioa�ti�e materials.�As used in this paragraph, "Envir�nn�en�al Law"means�ederal�aws and lavvs of�he s�a��of
<br /> Nebraska�hat rela�e ta heal�h,safety or en�ironmenta�pra�e�ctian.
<br /> Accel�rat�on; Rem�dies. Lender sha�l give notice to B�rrower prior tv a�c�eiera�ian fnl�nwing Borrower's
<br /> breach of any cvvenant ar agreem�nt i�.this Security�nstrument�r the��ntract under which a�celeration
<br /> i� perm�tted �but n�t.priar�o ac��lerat�on under the sec��on titied Transfer�f the Property or a �3eneficia�
<br /> Int�r�st in Barrower, �nless Appl�cab�e Law prov�des ��h�rw�s��. The nc�ti�e �hall specif�: �a� the defaul�;
<br /> �b) the action required t� cure the defauit; �c} a d��e, not �ess than, �he r�inimum number �f days
<br /> esta�lished by Applicab�e Law fram the date the n�tice is g��en to Borr��v�r, by�which the default must be
<br /> cured; and (d� that failure �v cure �he defauit on or hefare the da�e specified in the notice may r�sult in
<br /> acceieration af the sums secured by this Secur�ty Ins�rument and sa��� �f the Propert�. To �he ex�ent
<br /> permitted by IavW, �he notice shail further inf�rm Borrflwer of�he right�o reinstat� after acceierat�an and
<br /> the right to bring a court act�on to a��ert the non�-existence of a de�ault vr any ot�aer defense of Borr�wer t❑
<br /> acce�eratiun and sale. If�he defau�t is nat cured ar� vr before th� da�e sp+vcif�ed in the notice,Lender a� �ts
<br /> option may require ir�mediate, payment in fu�x of a�l sums secured by this Security�Instrument �vithaut
<br /> further demand and may inv�ke the po�ver�f sa�e and any ��her remedies permitted by Applicab�� Law.
<br /> To �h� �xtent permitt�d by law, Lernder sha�l be enti�Ied to col�ect all �xpens�s incurred in pursuing �he
<br /> remed�es provided �n this Sec�ion, �nc�uding, hut not l�rni�ed to, reas�nab:le attarneys' f�es and costs of t�tle
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If�he p�w�r�f Sa�Q is inv�oked, Truste��ha�� �ecord a r�otic�of defau�t in€ach c�ount� in which a�y part of
<br /> the Prnp�rty is locatec� and shail mail cop�es vf 5uch no�ice in the manner pre�crib�d hy Appiical�le Law ta
<br /> Bnrr��er and ta the o�her persQns prescribed by Appl�cab�e Law. Afte�• the ti�n.e required by �pplicable
<br /> Law, Tru�tee shal� gi�e public notic� af�aYe to �he persons and in the �r��nner prescribed by �►pplicable
<br /> Lavv. Trus�ee,w�thaut demand on Sorrov�er,shall se���he Pr�perty at p���lic auction to the high�st b�dder
<br /> at the time and p�ace�nd under the terms designated in the n�tice of sa�e in�ne ar more parce�s and�n any
<br /> order Trus��e deter�x�.ines. Trustee may p�stpone sale af a�� or any ��arce� of th� Prvperty by puhiic
<br /> ann�uncement at�he tame and place of any pre�ious�y�ch�duled sale.Le�nder or its designee may p�rchase
<br /> the Prope�ty at any sai�.
<br /> Upon receipt af pa�m�nt of the pr�c� bid, Trustee shail d�liver t❑ �he pu�rchaser Trustee�s d��d �or��eying
<br /> the Prflp�rty. The reci�ais in th�TruS�ee's deed shall be prima facie evid��n�e af�he truth of the�tatements
<br /> Q 2��4-2Q 14 Compliance Sys�erris,Inc.FI360-b777-20 t 3L2.10.1.895
<br /> Consurr►er R�al Estate-Security Inst�ment DLZ�3d Page 4 c�f 5 r+r�ww.compliancesystems.�om
<br />