<br /> Payment❑f Principa�and Int�rest; �ther�harg�s.Barr�vv�r s�all pr�mp�ly pay when due�he pr�n�ipa��f and
<br /> in�eres��n the d�b�owed under�the�ontra�t and late�harges flr any�ther f�es and charges due under the�ontrac�.
<br /> A licable Law. As used in �his Secu.r-xty, �ns�rument, the term "Applicabl�: Law" sha11 mean all �ontr�l�ing
<br /> pp -
<br /> app�i�abl� federa�; s�a�e and lo�a1 statutes, regula�ions, ordinan�es and admin����ra�ive ru�es and orders �tha�ha�e
<br /> the effec�of law�as well as a��appl�cable fina�,non-appea�ab�e�udic�a�op�n�an�a.
<br /> Charges; Lieris. Barrov�er shal� pay aIl �axes, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes a.nd imposi���ns attribu�ab�e to th�
<br /> Fr�perty which may attain pri�r�ty over th�s Security Ins�rument, arid Ieaseh��t[pa�xnents �r ground rents, if any.
<br /> At the requ�st of Lender,Borrov�er sha1l pramptly furn�sh to Lender recexpts e�r�dencing the pa�rnr�.�n�s.
<br /> Borrower shall promp��y dzscharge any�ien wh�ch has pr�ority o�er th�s Security�nstrument un�ess Borr�vver: �a}
<br /> agrees in vvritxng �� �he payment of the abliga�ion s�cured by the l�en in a manner acceptable to L�nc�er; �b�
<br /> c�n�ests in g�od faith �he lien by; or defends against enforcemen� of�he lien �n, 1ega1 praceedings wh�ch in the
<br /> Lender's opin�on opera�e �o prevent �he enfo'rcement of the Iien; or �c� se�u��es fr�m the holder of the lien an
<br /> agreement satisfac�ory�o Lender subardinating the �ien�o th�s Se�urity �ns�run�ent. �f Lender determines�hat any
<br /> par�Qf the Property is subjec��o a �ien v�hich may atta�n pr�arity o�er th�s Sec�ur�ty��strumen�, Lender may gi�e -
<br /> Borr�vc�er a no�i�e �den�ifying the lien. Borrawer sha�� satisfy the �ien or�ake tfne �r more of�he actians s��forth
<br /> ab���w��hin l.U days of the g��ing�of n4�zce.
<br /> Hazard or Pro�e"rty Insurance. Borra�er sha�l keep�he improvemen�s now ex�s�ing or hereaft�r erec�ed an the
<br /> Property insured against l�ss by f re,hazards�ncluded within�he term"e�.tended�o�erage" and any ather hazards,
<br /> including f�o�ds �r fl�ooding, for vvhi�h Lender requires �nsurance. Th1s �n�urance shal� �e maxntained in the
<br /> amounts and for the peri�ds�ha�Lender requ�res. The insurance carr�er pra�id�ng the insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> Borrov�er subjec��o Lender's approva� whi�h sha�l not be unreasonab�y with?_Zeld. If B�rrower fails to maintain
<br /> Coverage described ab��e, Lender may, r�t L��IC���'T5 �ption, obtain co�erag+� ta pratec� Lender's rig��s �n �he
<br /> Proper�y�n accardanGe�vith sec�i�n�itled Pro�ee�ian vf Lender�s R�ghts in the Property.
<br /> A�l �nsurance p�l�cies and renev�als shall be accep�able t� Lender.and shall i��c�ude a standard mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall ha�e fih�righ�to h�ld�he paiicies and renev�ra�s. �f Lender requirF�s, Barrower shal�pr�mp�ly give ta
<br /> Lender a1�recexp�s of paid pre�niu.ms and rene�a�no��ces. �n the even��f�oss, Borr�vver sha1�gi�e prornpt notice
<br /> t��he insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender�may make proof af Ioss if no�made promptly l�y Barrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borr�vver otherw�se agree in wri�ing; .insurance proceedC; sha�l be app�ied t� restoration �r
<br /> repair af the Property damaged, if, �n Lender's sole discr�t��n, �he restorati�r� �r repair is econ�mical�y feasible
<br /> and Lender's secur�ty �s not I�essened. If, in Len�er's sole disc�e�ion,,the res�o�-a��an or repair is nat economicall�
<br /> feas�ble or Lender's securi�y would be l�ssened,the insurance proceeds sha�1 be app�ied to�he sums secured by this
<br /> Se�urity �nstrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pa�d �to Borraw�r. �f Borr��er aband�ns �he
<br /> Proper�y, �r daes�ot answer vv�th�n the number of days prescri�ed by App�ica���e Law as se�for�h�n a noti�e from
<br /> Lender�o Barrower�ha�the insurance carrier has �ffered to set�le a claim, the�n Lender may co�lect the �nsura�nce
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �a repair �r restore �he Properry or#c� pay sums se�ured by this Secur��y
<br /> �ns�rument,whether flr n�t then due. The period of��m�for Borrawe��o answe�r as set for�h in the no��ce v�i1�beg�n
<br /> when the no�ic��s g��en.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rrow�r atherwise agree in wr�ting, any applica�ian of proceeds t�prxnc�pa� sha�I no�extend
<br /> or pos�pone the due da�e of the payments due un.der�he �ontra��or change th� amaun�af the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he sectian ti��ed Ac�ele�-ati�n; R.emedies, the Property xs acquired�by Lender, �orrower's r�ght�� any insurance
<br /> policies and proceeds resulting from damage �o the Pr�per�y pr�or t� �he acg uisitifln sha1� pass to Lender to the
<br /> exten�of the sum�secured by th�s Security�nstrumen�i�nmedia�e�y pr�or to the acqu�s�ti�n.
<br /> Pr�servation, 1Vlaintenance and Prvtection of the Property; Borrawer's Laan A.pp�icatian; Lea�eho�ds.
<br /> Borrovver shall nat destray, dam,age �r impair�he Praper�y, allow the Proper��to deteri�rate, or commit vvaste on
<br /> the Property. Borr�vver shal�be in defau��xf any forfeiture ac���n or proceedin�;,whe�her ci�i�or cr�mina�,is begun
<br /> tha� �n Lender's go�d fa��h judgment could result in forfe��ure af�he Proper�}T �r�thervvise materially �mpair the
<br /> l�en crea�ed by this Secur�ty �nstrument or Lender's security in�eres�. Borr��vver may cure such a d�fau�t and
<br /> reins�ate, as pro��ded in section ti��ed Borrower's Right to Reinstate, by ca��sing the a�t�on ar prvc�eding to be
<br /> d�smissed vvith a ru�ing tha�,in Lender's g�od faith de�ermina�ion,prec�udes f�rfeiture of the BQrr�vver's interest in
<br /> �he ProperCy or other ma�erial impa�rment af the lien created by �his Security �ns�run�en� flr Lender's security
<br /> in�eres�.Bflrr�wer sha�l alsa be in defaul��f B�rrower,during�he loan application pro�ess,ga�e mater�a�ly false ar
<br /> inaccura�e �nforma��fln or s�a�enaents t� Lender ��r failed to prvvide Lende�• wi�h any ma�erial �nf�rmation} in
<br /> �onnectifln w�th�he �oan ev�denced by�he Contract. �f�his Security�nstru�ne:��is on a�easehold,Barr�v�er sha�1
<br /> �omp�y with a11 the provis�ons�f the lease. �f B�rrower acquires f�e��tle to�h��Praper�,the leaseho�d and�he f�e
<br /> t�tle shall nQt merge unless Lender agrees to the merg�r in writing.
<br /> Prntect�on of Lender's Rights in the Proper�y. �f Borrov�er fails �o perfarm �he covenants and agr�emen�s
<br /> can�ained�n this Securi�y Ins�rumen�, or there is a�egal pro�eeding that ma�z�ignifican��y affec�Lender's righ�s �n
<br /> �he Properry �such as a proceeding �n bankrup�cy, probate, for �ondemna��or� or forfeiture or�o enforce laws or
<br /> regula��ons}, then Lender may da and pay for v�hatever is nec�ssary �a pr��tec� �he �a�ue �f the Property and
<br /> Lender's rights xn the Proper�y. Lender's a��tians may inc�ude pay�ng any sums secured by a lien wh�ch has pr�ority
<br /> �ver thzs Security Instrument, appear�ng�n cour�,paying reasonable a�t�rneys'fees and en�ering on the ProperCy�o
<br /> make repa�rs.Al�h�ugh Lend�r may�ake a�t��n under�his sec�ian,Lender doe,�no�ha�e t�dv so.
<br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed �y Lender under th�s sect�fln sha�� b�c�me addi�i�n��� deb� Qf Borr��ver secured by �his
<br /> Securi�y �ns�rument. U�.less Barrower and Lender agree to �ther terms of payment, these amoun�s sha�1 bear
<br /> Q 2bQ4-201�Complian��Systems,�nc.FD6�-a777-2013L2.1 a.1.895
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