<br /> [�EED �F TRUST
<br /> ��antinu�d� Pa9e �
<br /> False Statements. Any w�rranty, re�resent�tivn ar statement made ❑r furnished ta Lender ay Trustar or an
<br /> Trustor's behalf under this ❑eed of Trust or the Relsted Documents is fa�se nr misle�ding in any materia!respect,
<br /> sither nvw or at the time made ar turnished ar becumes fatse ar misleadin8 at any time thereafter.
<br /> Defacti�e Coflataralizativn. This Deed vf Trust �r any v�the Related QoGuments ce�ses tv ha in full force and
<br /> effect �including failure of any callateral document tn create e ►►alid and perfected security interest vr lieny �t any
<br /> time and far any reason.
<br /> Insol�enay. The dissolutian�r termination of Trustor's existence as a going businsss. the insvl�ency ❑f Trustvr,
<br /> the appointm�nt af a re�eiver for any part a#Trustor's prop�rty, any assignment for the benefit vf creditors, any
<br /> type af cre�iEtar wvrkout,Qr the c�mmencement af any prv�eeding und�r any bankrupt�y o�insaF�ency iaws by or
<br /> against Trustvr.
<br /> Creditar or Forferture Pr�cssdings. Commencement vf#oreclosure ar fvrfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial
<br /> prviceeding. self-help, rep�ssession or�ny nther method.by any creditar of Trustor vr by any go�ernmental agency
<br /> against any prvperty securing the lndebtgdness. This includes a garnishment af any vf Trustar's aGcounts,
<br /> in��uding deposit accvunts, with Lender. Hvwe�er, this Event ❑f Defeult shall not appiy if there is a goad faith
<br /> dispute by Trustor as tv the►►alidity ar re�sonabfeness of ths cl�Em which is the hasis of the creditvr or forfeiture
<br /> proceeding and if Trus#or gives Lendsr written notice af the �redi#or or farfeiture proGeeding end depasits with
<br /> Lender monies or a surety bond for the cr�ditor or forfeiture proceeding� in an amount determined hy Lender. in its
<br /> sflle discretian,as being an adequata res�r��or bond for ths disputg.
<br /> Br88Ch D�Oth81"Agreement. Any breech by Trus#nr under the terms of any other agre�ment between Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is nat remedied with+n any graGe period pra�id�d therein, �ncluding without limitation any asreemen#
<br /> concern�ng any indebtedness or ather ab�iga#ion af Trustvr tv Lender,whether existing now ar lat�r.
<br /> Events Affect�ng Guarantvr. Any�f the prec�ding e�ents a��urs with respect ta any guarant�r,endorse�, surety.
<br /> ❑r accommvdatinn party ❑f eny ofi the tndebtedness vr any guarantor, andorser. surety, or accvmmvdativn party
<br /> dies or he�vmes incampetent, or re�okes or disputes the �alidity o�, ar liab�l+'ty under, any Guaranty of the
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A materia� advers� �hange occurs En Tru�tvr's financia! condition� or Lender belie�es the
<br /> praspect Qf payment❑r performence of the indebtedness is impeir�d.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in goad faith b�iie�es itself inse�ure.
<br /> Right ta Cure. if any default,other than a de��ult in payment i�curab�e and if Trustar has nat been gi��n a notice
<br /> of a breach vf the same pro�ision o�this�Deed of Trust within the preceding twel�e�'i�} mvnths, it m�y be cured if
<br /> Trustor, a#�er Lender ssnds written notice to Trustor demanding cure o�such default: �1� cures the default within
<br /> twsnty ��C�} days; ❑r t2y if ths cura requires mvre than twenty �ZDy days� immediately initiates steps which
<br /> Lender deems in Lender's sole d+scretivn t❑ be �ufficient to cure the defauit and thsr�after �ontinues and
<br /> �ompletes all reasanable and necessary steps sufficient tv praduce Gampliance as sonn as reasan�bly practical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND RENiEDIES�N DEFAULT, if an E�ent of Def�uit occurs under this Deed vf Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee vr Lender m�y exercise any❑ne ar more of the follvwing rights and remedi�s:
<br /> Accelerativn l�pon Default;Addition�l Remed�es. if any E�ent of Defau�t❑ccurs as per the terms o�the Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lendsr rnay decl�re a�t Indebtedness secur�d by this Deed af Trust to be due and payable and
<br /> the same shal�thereupon become due and payeble withaut any presentment,demend�proteat ar nv#ice of any
<br /> kind. Therea�ter, Lgnder may:
<br /> ta� �ither in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appvinted by a�ourt and without regerd to the adequacy of its se�urity,�nter upvn and tekg p�ssessivn
<br /> o#the Property.or�ny part thgreof, in its own name or in the name of Trustee, and da any acts which it
<br /> deems necsssery or desirab�e to preserve the�alue, marketabi�ity❑r rentability vf the Property,�r pert v�
<br /> the Praperty or interest in the Property; increase the income from the Property or prote�t the�s�urity of
<br /> the Property; and. with or without teking possessian af the Property, sue fvr �r otherv►►ise cvllect the
<br /> rents, 'rssues and profits of the Prvp�rty, including thvse past due and unp�aid, and apply the sama. less
<br /> costs and expenses of aper�tion and coilection attorn�ys'f�es,to any indebtadness secured by this Qesd
<br /> af Trust, ail in su�h order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking poss�ss�on a�the
<br /> Property, the �ollectian of such rents� issues and prvfits► and the app�icativn thereof shali nvt �ure ar
<br /> waive any defau�t or natice o�defau�#under this Deed of Trust or in�a�ida#e any act done in respvnse ta
<br /> such default ar pursuant to su�h natice af default;and�natwithst�nding the continuan�e in possession of
<br /> the Property or the cQllect�on. receipt and application of rents, �ssues or p�p�its, Trustee or Lender sha�l
<br /> be entitled to exercise euery righi pro�ided for in the Not�vr the Related DoGuments or by law upan th�
<br /> oc�urrenGe of eny e�ent of de�aul#. including the right to exarcise the pvwer of�a�e;
<br /> tb) Cammence an act�on to fareclase this Deed❑f Trust�s a mor�seye. eppoint a reG�i�er or specifi�ally
<br /> entarce any of ths co�enants hereof;and
<br /> �c� Deii�er to Trustee a written decl�ration of de#auit and d�mand f�r sale and a written not�ce of defauit
<br /> and election#o�ause Trustor's interest in the Property Co be sold►which nvtice Trustae shall cause to be
<br /> duly filed�or record in the appropri�te offices af the County in which the Property is Iacated;�nd
<br /> td} With respect to alI vr any part�f the Pers�na� Prop�rty, Lender sh�ll ha�e ail ths rights and rernedies
<br /> ❑f a secured party under th�Nebraska Uniform Cammercial Cvde.
<br /> Foraciasure by Pawsr of Sale. I#Lender�lects tv�ore�fosa by exercise af the Pvw�r of Saie harein cvn�ained►
<br /> Lender sha�l nvtify Trustee and shaEl d�posit with Trustee this Dsed of Trust and the Nate and su�h receipts
<br /> and e�iden�e of expenditures mad�and secured by this D�ed of Trust as Trustee may requi�e.
<br /> �af l�pan receipt af such notice from Lsnder�Trustee sh��l cause to b�recc�rd�d, published and deli�erad
<br /> to 7rustor such Notice a�Dsfault and Nvt�ce of Sal� as th�n required by law �nd Fay this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustar, a�ter such time as may then be �equired by iaw and after
<br /> recvrdativn af such Nvtice af flefaui#and after Notice vf Sala ha�ing been gi�en as required by lawt seEl
<br /> the Property at the time and place af sale tixed by �t in such Notice af Sele, sither es a who�e, or in
<br /> separate Ivts or parcels or items as Trustee shall dsem expedient� and in such arder as it may determine,
<br /> at publi�auction to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money o#the United States payable at the time
<br /> vf sale. Trustee shall deli�er tv such purchaser or purchas�rs thereof its gaod �nd su�ficient desd ❑r
<br /> deeds con�eying the property sv �vid, but without any covenant vr warranty, express or imp�ied. The
<br /> recitals in such dead af any m�tters or facts shalt be canclusi�e praof o�the�ruthTutness thereof. Any
<br /> persan,�ncluding without limit�tian Ttustor,Trust�e,ar Lender.may purchase�t such sale.
<br /> {bf As may he permitted by law. after dsdu�ting all costs, fees and expenses of Trustee and af this
<br /> Trust,including costs of evidence af title in connectton with sa�e�Trustee shall�pp�y the proceeds of sal�
<br /> t❑payment af [if ell sum�expended under the terms❑#this Deed of Trust vr under the terms of the Note
<br /> nvt then repaid, incEuding bu�t not iimited tv accrued interest and late charges. �iiy al!other sums thsn
<br /> se�ured hereby,and tiii�the remainder, if any,ta the per�vn nr persons leg�lly entitl�d thereta.
<br /> tc� Trustee mey in the manner pro►►ided by iaw postpan�sale❑f all❑r any pQrtian o#the Property.
<br />