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��15�3579 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ���ntinued� Pa�e 4 <br /> may be th� n�mina[party in su�h prac�eding, but Lender shell be entitled to part�cipata in the�roGeeding and to be <br /> repr�sent�d in the �ro�ee�ing by coun�el o# its a�wn choice, �nd Trustor will delf�er or cause �v be dei��ered to <br /> Lend�r such instruments and d��umentation as mey be �equested by Lender fram �ime to tim� t� permit such <br /> particip�ation. <br /> Applic�tion af Net Proceeds. If all ar any part❑f the �'ropeE-ty is condemned by eminent domain prviceedings ar by <br /> eny pro�e�ing ar�urchase in�ieu af��ndemnation� Lender may at its electivn require tha#a�l or any port�a�n vf the <br /> net praceeds af the aw�rd be appfi�d ta th� Indebtedness or the repair or re�tvratian of the Prop�erty. The net <br /> praGegda of th� award shali m�an the award after pa�yment vf al! reasanable c�sts, expens�s, and attorneys' fees <br /> incurred by T�ustee�or Lender in connectian w�th the cvndemna�ian. <br /> IMPC�SITI�N �F TAXE�. FEES AND CHAR�ES BY ��VERNIIAENTA�, AUTH[3RITIES. Th� followin� pro�isic�ns relating <br /> tv ga��rnmentsl tax�s, fe�s and�h�rges are a part of this De��l��Trust: <br /> Gurr�nt Taxes. Fees ar�d Ch�rges. Upan request �y Lender, Trusta�shai� gxecute such da�um�nts in addition to <br /> this Deed❑f Trust and tal�g whate�rer other action i� request�d by Lend�r to perFe�t and cantinue Lender's lien Qn <br /> the Real Property. Trusta�r shall reimburs� Lender for a!I taxes, as de�Gribed beivw, tagsth�� with a�l expenses <br /> incurred in recording, psrf��ting ar continuing this Deed of Trus�, includin� with�ut limitatian all t�xes, fees, <br /> dacumentary stamps, �nd other charges for record�ng or registering this Deed of Trust. <br /> T�x�s. The �ollowing shall constitute t�xes to which this se�t�an applies: t 1� a specific t�x upon this ty�e a� <br /> Deed �f Trust ar upon all or any part ❑�the Indebtedness sacured by this Deed pf Trust; ��y a �p�Gific tax �n <br /> Trustor which Tru�tor is authorized or re�uired ta deduct f�om payments an the indebtedness secured by this ty�e <br /> vf Deed vf Trust; �3} a tax an this t�pe�af Deed af Trust Ch�rgeak�le ageinst the Lender or the holder af the Note; <br /> �n� �4y a specific tax on all �r any parti�n of th� Indebtedness ar on peyments of prin�ipai and inte�est made by <br /> Trustor. <br /> 5ubsequsnt Taxes. �� any tax to which th�� sectian applies is enacted subsequent #a the da#e �f this Deed a� <br /> Trust, this edent shal! ha►►e the same effect as an E�ent vf Default, end Lende� may exercise any ar a�fl of its <br /> a�ailable remedies f�r an E�ent of Defauft as pro�ided below unless Trust�r either {'�� pays the tax before it <br /> hecames delinquent, �r ��� cantests the tax �s pra�ided abo�e in the Tax�s and Liens se�tion and c�epvsit� w�th <br /> Lender cash ar a sufficient c�rporate s�rety b�nd❑r vther secur+ty satisfaGtory to L�nder. <br /> SE�URITY A�REEMENT; FINANCING STATENlENT�. The folfowing prv�isions refating to th'rs L��ed of Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part af this❑eed vf Trust: <br /> SeGurity Agree�ment. This instrument shall c�nstitu�e a Security Agr�ement to the ext�nt any a� the Pr�pterty <br /> consti�utes fixtures, and L�nder sh��! ha�e ali af the rights of a secured p�arty under the Unif�rm Commercial �vde <br /> as amended fram time ta time. <br /> Security Interest. Upon requ�st by L�nder. Trustor shal! take what��er action is requested �y Lender to perfect <br /> and �ontinu� L�nder'� seGurity interast in the Rents and Persanai Pcaperty. In additivn to recarding this i�eed of <br /> Trust in the re�l praperty recards, L�nd�r may, at �ny time and witha�ut further authori��tian �rom Trustor, fi�e <br /> execut�d counterparts, �api�s vr reproduGtians o# �his Deed of Trust as a finan�ing stat�ment. Trustor sh�ll <br /> reimburse Lender for a�l expenses incurted in perfe�ting vr continuing this security interest. Upon default, Trustor <br /> shall nat rema►►e, se�er or d�tech the Personal Proper�y from the Pro�erty. Upon de�ault, Trustor shall assemble <br /> any Persona! Property nQt effi�c�d to the Praperty in a m�nn�r�nd at a pl�ce reasonably can��nient ta Trwstvr and <br /> Lend�r and m�ke it aveilable tta Lende� ►rvi°thin thre� �3y days after rec�ipt �f writt�n demand from Lender t� the <br /> �xtent permi'tted by�pplic�bf�law. <br /> Addresse�, The mailing addre�se� �f rrustor �debtotf and Lender {s��ured par�ty� from which infvrmatifln <br /> cQncerning the seGurity intere�st granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtained �e�Gh as requir�d by the Uniform <br /> �ommerGiaf�ode� are as stated�n the first page af t�is Deed o�Trust. <br /> FUF�THER AS�URANGES; ATT�aNEY-IN-�A��T. Th� following pra�isions rel�ting to fur-ther assuran�es and <br /> a�tt�rney-in-f��t�re a ��rt of th�s D�ed of Trust: <br /> Further Asaurancea. At eny�ime, and frr�m time�to time, upan request vf Lender� Trustar will make, ex��ute and <br /> d�li�er, ar will cause t�be made��execut�d ar deli�ergd�to Lender or to Lender's de��gnee� and wh�n requasted by <br /> Lender� �euse to be fiied� recorded. re�iledR or rer�c�rded, a� the cas� r�ay he, a�such times and in such offices <br /> and places es Lender may deem apprvpria#e, any and ail�such mortgage�, deet�s of trust, se�urity deeds� security <br /> �greem�nts, fin�rt�ing stat�ments, �ontinuatio�n statements, �nstruments of further assurance, ce�tifiGates, and <br /> �ther dvcuments as may, in the sole o�ininn of Lendar, ba necgssa�y ar desirable in arder tn eff�ctuate, �Qmpfete. <br /> p��fect� cnntinue. ar preserv� �1 f Trustor's o�ligat�ans under the Nn�e, this Dee� nf T�ust, anc! the Related <br /> Documents� and �2� the �iens and security inter�sts creat�d by #his Deed of Trus�as first and pri�r li�ns on the <br /> Prope�ty, whether now�rwned ar h�reafter acqu��ed hy TrustarQ Un�ess prohibit�d by law or Lender agrees to the <br /> contrary in wr�ting, Trustor sheii reimburse Lende� #or all casts and exp�nses incurred in �onnection with the <br /> matters referred to in this par�graph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fa��t. lf Trustar fails to do �ny v�the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do sv <br /> for and in the name of Ttusto� and at Trustor's expense. For such pu�pases, Tru�tor her�by irre�Q�ebly app�ints <br /> Lender�s Trust�r`s attorn�y-in-fact for the Rur�vse o�mak�ng, executing.delE�aring, fil'rng, tecvrding, and dving all <br /> other things es m�y be neG�sssry ❑r desirabfe. in Lender's snfe vpinion, tv accvmplish the matters ref�rred to in <br /> the preceding para�raph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustor p�ys all the Indebtedness, �ncluding withaut�imitatian e!i �uture ad�ances, vvhen due, <br /> and other►�vise performs all the obligatia�ns imposed upon Trustar under this ❑eed of Trust. Lender shall exe�ute and <br /> deli�er to Trustee � request far fu11 re�Qn�eyance end shall execute end delir►er to Trustor suit�ble statements v�f <br /> termination �f any finencing statement on file e►►idancing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Persanal <br /> Prop�rry. Any recon�ey�nGe fea r�quired by law shal�he peid by Trustor. if perm�tted by applicabEe I�w. <br /> EVENTS t]F �EFAl�LT. Ea�ch af th� �nllowing. a�� Len��r's �ption, shall can�titute an E�ent vf Qefault under this Deed <br /> af Trust: <br /> Payment Defau�t. Trustor fails t�make any payment when due undEr the Indebtedness. <br /> �ther D�faults. Trustor fails to Gamp�y with ar to perfarm any o�her term, oblig�tian, co�enant vr canditivn <br /> contained in this Deed ❑f Trust or in any vf the I��leted Do�uments or t❑ comply with �r ta perf�rm any term, <br /> ab�i��t�on, co�en�nt or canditian Conta�ned in�ny other egreem�nt between Lender a�nd Yrustor. <br /> Compli�n�� Def�u�t, Failur� ta camply with any ather term, r�blig�tion, �ti�enant vr� conditian cantained in this <br /> Deed of Trust,the Note or in�ny of the Re�ated Documents. <br /> Defeu�t vn�er Paymen#s. Failure of Trustar within the time required by this D��d of Trust tca mal�g eny payment <br /> fvr te�e�o�insuran��,or�ny other payment nece���ry to pre��nt filing of or to eff�C�discha�rge of any lien. <br /> Defaul��n Fa�or o�Third Perti�s. Should Grantar����ult und�r any Ioan, eactension �� credit� �ecurity agreernent, <br /> pu��hase ar sales a�reement� or any a�th�r agree�ment, in favor of any o�her Greditor ar persan that may materially <br /> a#fect any �� Gran�or's prop�rty or Grantor's akaili�ty to rep�y th� lndebtedn�ss ar Grantar's a�i�4ty to perforrn <br /> Grantor's ohligativns under this D�ed of Trust ar any of the Rel�ted DoGuments. <br />