<br /> aEEa �F TRUST
<br /> ��t��tinu�d� ��gs �
<br /> �temediss Na�t Exclusi�e. Trustee ar�d Lender, and each of them, shall be entitled tv ent�rc� payment and
<br /> perfvrmanc�of any indebtedne�s or ob�igativns secured by this De�d a�f Trust�nd#a�exercise all rights and pnwers
<br /> under this �eed o�Trust, under the Note, under any o�#he Rel�ted flocuments, or under any other agreement ar
<br /> any laws naw or her�after En for�e; natwithstanding, some ar all of such indebtedness an�i abligations secured by
<br /> this ❑�ed of Trust may naw c�r hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed o#trust, �iedge, lien,
<br /> assignment vr otherwise. Neither the acceptance a� this Deed vf Trust nor its enfarGement, whether by C�urt
<br /> act�on or pursuant to #he pdwer of sa�e or c�th�r powers ca�nts�ined in this Deed af Trust, shall prejudice ar in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's vr Lender's right ta rea�ize upon vr en�orce sny other seGurity nav� or hereefter held hy
<br /> Trustee or Lender, �t being egreed that Trustee and Lender, and each o�them, shall he entitled to enforce this Deed
<br /> 8f 7rust and any vther �gcurity nvw ar here�fter held by Lsnder or T�ustee in such vrde� and manner as they or
<br /> either �f th�m may in their a�r�vlute discretivn d�termine. IVo remedX c�nfe�red upon or reser�ed tv 7rustee or
<br /> Lender, is intsnded ta be exclusi�� of any ather remedy in this Deed of Trust ar by �aw pro�ided ar permitted. but
<br /> each sh�ll he cumulati�e and shall be in additi�n to e�ery ather remedy gi�en in th�s Deed of Trust or now or
<br /> hereafter existing at law or in equity o�by sxatute. E�ery paw�r or remedy gi�en hy the Note ar any of the Related
<br /> Dacument� to Trustee vr Lendsr ar ta whi�h aith�r of them m�y be otherwise entitfed, may be exerGi�ed,
<br /> concurr�ntly or independe�ntEy, from tim�to time snd as aften as m�y be deemed�xppdient by Trust�e vr Lender,
<br /> and either o� them may pursue incansistent remedi�s. Nothing in �his Deed af Yrust shal� be G�nstrued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender from seeking a deficiency�udgment against the Trustor to the extent such activn is Rermitted by
<br /> law. Election hy Lender to pursue any remedy sh��E nat�e�clude pursuit of any othar rem�dy� an� an �fection tQ
<br /> ma1�e expenditur�s ❑r t� take actian to perf�rm an obiigati�n nf Trustor under this D�ed o� Trust, eftsr Trus�or's
<br /> f�ilure to per'form, shall not�f��ct Lender's right to decEare a def�ult end exercise its r�medies.
<br /> Request for Notics. Trusta�+ an behalf af Trustor and Lender. hereby requests that a copy af any Noti�e af Default
<br /> and a copy af�ny Notic�of Sale under thi� ❑eed af Trust be m�iled t�them �t the addr��ses set forth in the first
<br /> p�ragr�ph o#this ❑e�d�f Trust.
<br /> Attom�y�' Fsss: Expensea. If Lender institutes �ny suit or actian ta enfflrce any v� the terms of this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shall be entitled to reco�er such sum as the C�urt may adjudge reasflnehl�as attornays' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether or not any court a�tion is in�ol�ed, �nd to the extent not pr�hibit�d by law, all
<br /> reason�ble expen�es Lender incurs th�t in Lender's opinian are necessary at any time #ar the protection vf its
<br /> �nt��est ar the enfarGem�nt of i�� rights shaf� beGam�a pa�t of the Ind�btedness pay�ble on demand and sh�ll bear
<br /> int�res��t the Note rate from the date of the�expenditure unt�!r�p�id. Expenses�o�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> with�ut limitativn, howe�er subject ta any �imits under applicable law, L�nder's attarneys' #ees and Lender's legal
<br /> expens�s� whether or not there rs a lawsuit. including attarneys' f�es and expenses for bankruptGy proc�edin�s
<br /> tincluding effiot�ts tv mvdify o�r�acate any automatic�tay or injun�tion�, �ppeals� �nd any an�'rc'rpated pvst-judgment
<br /> �ofle�ti�n ser�►ices, the cast af seerchEng re�ards� ❑btaining title r�parts �including fvreclasure reparts�, su�ey�rs'
<br /> reports. �nd appraisal fe�s, title insurance, and fees fnr the Truste�, ta the extent permitted by applic�ble law.
<br /> Trustar elsv will pay any court casts. in addit�vn tv all❑ther surr�s pro�ided hy lew.
<br /> Riahts of Trustee. Truste�sha�#ha�e all of the rights�nd duties af Lend�r as s�t forth in this section.
<br /> R�WERS ANa DBLIGATI0IVS pF TRL�STEE. The���lawing pro�isions r�lating to the p�awers and obligations o�Trustee
<br /> are part o#this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Powe�s af Trustee. In�dd�tion to al�p�wers of Trustee aris�ng as a matter of law,Trustee shall ha�e the pvwer to
<br /> take the following acti�ns with r�speGt to the Property upvn the written request of Lend�r and Trustor: {�y join in
<br /> preparing and �i�ing a map vr pl�t of the Real Praperty, in�luding the d�dicativn a� s�reets or other rights to �he
<br /> public; �b� join in granting any easement or creating �ny restricti�n vn the Reai Property; and �c� jain �n any
<br /> subordination❑r other agreement a#tecting this Qsed of Trust or the interes#o�Lender under this Deed v#Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall me�t a!I qualifi��ations requirad for 7rustee under app�licab�e law. In additian t� th� rights
<br /> and remedies set farth above� wFth resp��t to �Il ar any part of ths Praperty. the Trustee sha41 have th� right t❑
<br /> foreGl�se by notice and sale, end Lender shafl he�e tha right tv�or�c�ose hy judicia! foreclosure, in either case in
<br /> accordence with and ta the full extent pra�ided by applicahle�ew.
<br /> Su�cesaar Trustee. Lender� et Lender's opti�n� may fram time t�tima appoint e suc�essar Trustee to�ny Trustee
<br /> �ppointed under this De�ed o�'Trust by an instrumsnt executed end acknow�edged by Lend�r and recard�d in the
<br /> office of the re�order vf H�II �ounty, Stat� �s� Nebr�ska. The instrument shall contain, in addition ta all other
<br /> matters requEred by state law, the names vf the ariginal Lender, Tfustee, �nd Trustor, the book and pa�ge tar
<br /> cvmputer systern refer�nce� where this Deed of Trust is r�carded, snEd the name and address of the success�r
<br /> tru�te�.and th�instrum�nt shall be exe�ut�d and a�knawledged by a!I the bene�icieries untiar this �eed af Tr�ust�r
<br /> �heir suc�ess�rs in interes�. The successor tru�tee, without �vn�eyance of the Prv�perty, shafi succeed to ail the
<br /> title, pawer, and duti�s con�erred upon the Trustee in thtis ❑eed fl�Trust end by appliceble iaw. This p�aGedure for
<br /> suhstitution❑f Trustee shal�go�ern t❑the exclusion af all other pro�i�i�ns for substitution.
<br /> N[3TICE5. Any notice required to be given under this ❑�ed ��Trust. in�lud�ng without iimitation any natiGe of default
<br /> and any natice n�sale shall be gi�en in wr�ting, and shell be eff��ti�e when aGtually deli��r�ed, when actuaily r�ceiWed
<br /> by telef�cs�mile �unles�otherwis�required by 1aw�,when deposited with a nationally rectagni�ed o►�ernight�aurier, or, if
<br /> mailed, when depositad in thg United 5tates mai�, as first class. �erti#�ed vr registered mail postage prepaid, directed �o
<br /> the addre��es shvwn near th� ��ginning �f this �eed o�Trus�. �All c�pies of notice� of forecivsure from th� halder of
<br /> any lien which has �arivrity o��r this D�ed of Trust shsll be sent tv Lend�r'� �ddress, as �hvwn ne�r the beginning of
<br /> this D�ed of Trust. Any perty m�y change i#s �ddress f�r notices und�r this Deed a# Trust by gi�ing #orma� written
<br /> notice tv the other parties, spe�iiying that the purp�se af the notice is ta change the party'� address. F�r not+�e
<br /> purposes, Trustor agrees tv kesp Lender intarmed at e�!times of Trustor's�urren#address. Unless otherwise prv�ided
<br /> or requirad by law, if ther� i� ma�re tha��one Trustor, �ny nati�e gi��n by Lender to any TrustQr is deemed tQ be natice
<br /> gi�en to ell Trustcars.
<br /> M15CELLAWEC�U�PR�VISIDNS. The follawing mis�ellaneous pra�isions are a part a#this❑eed o�Trust:
<br /> An�t�ndrrtent�. This Deed�f Trust, together with�ny Related Documents, constitut�s the entire understanding and
<br /> agre�ment of ths parties �s ta the matters s�t fvrth in this �eed o�Trust. N� alteration of or amendment tv this
<br /> De�d ❑f Trust shall be eff�cti�� unless gi�en in writing and s�gned by th� par#y or p�r�i�s sou�ht to be chSrged ❑r
<br /> bound by the alteration or amendment.
<br /> Annual Report�. 1f th� Property is used for purpose� other than Trustor's residence, Trustor sh�ll furnish tv
<br /> Lender. upan request, a certified st�tement of ne�t aperating in�ome reGei�ed from the Pra�perty durin� TruStor`s
<br /> previvus fis�al year in such form �nd detail a� Lender s�all require. "Net aperating �ncome" shall mean a11 ca�h
<br /> receipts#ram the Property less a�l�ash expendi�ures m�de in connection with the operatian of#he Prap�rty.
<br /> Caption Hea�ings. Captian headings in this Qeed of Trust are for �vn�enience purposes only and are not to be
<br /> used to interpret or define the pro�isions vf this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> IlAerger. Th�re shai� be no me�ger of the int��-est ar�state�reat�d by this Deed of Trust with any other int�res�or
<br /> estate in the Property at�ny time held by�r�or the�enefit vt L�nder�n any �apaCity, without the writt�n cansent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Governin� Law. Th� Qeed of Trust will be go�erned by feder�l iaw appficah�e ta Lendar and. t� the �xtent not
<br /> preempted by fedgra�I�w,the I�ws of the St�te�f Nehra�ka wrthout regard to its conflicts vf 1aw pro�isivns. This
<br />