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��15�373� <br /> C. ���up�n�y.Borrower shall ocGup�, estab��sh, and use the Property as Borrawer's principal r�s�dence <br /> v�ithi�f�days aft�r�he exe�ution flf this�e��rity�ns��n�.and.shall�onti�ue to occupy�t�e�Prop�rty as <br /> Bonower's prin�ipal resi�ence for at least one year a#�er the date of occupancy,unless Lender otherw�se <br /> �.grees in writing,�hich consent sha�l not�e unreas�nabiy withheld,or unless extenuating c�.rcumstances <br /> �exis��vhic�h are'b�yond�orrower'�control. <br /> �. Preservation,Maintenanceand Prvtectivnof the Property;lnspe�t�vns.Borro�ver sha��not destroy, <br /> damage or imgair the Prop�rty,all�w the F'ra�erty tv deterivrate�r�arnn�it�raste on the Pr4perty.Whether <br /> ar not Borrower is residing in the Property,F3orrower sha11 maia�ain the Property in order to prevent the <br /> Prope�ty from d�teriorating ar decreas�ng in va�ue due t�i�s candition.Unless it is determ�ned�aur�uant to <br /> S�ction 5 tha�rep�ir or res�ration�s n�t eco�na�ni��Ily�easible,Borr�wer shal�promptly repair the Prape� <br /> �f damaged to avv�d f�rther deterioratian or damage. If insuarance or condemna�ion proceeds are paid in <br /> connection w�th damage to,or the taking of,the Froperty,Borrower sha11 be responsib�e for repairing or <br /> th�Property only if i,ender has released proceeds for such gurposes.Lender may dis�urse proceeds <br /> for the r�pairs and restoration in a single payment ar in a series of progress payments as the vvork is <br /> complet�d. If the insurance or candemnati�n praceeds�,re not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, <br /> Borrower is not relieved af�3orro�er's obligation for the completi�n of such repai.r�r restaratian, <br /> Lender or its agent may mak�reasonable upon and insgec�ia�s of the P�roperty. If it has reason�ble <br /> cause,Lender ma�y insp�ct the int�rior a�th.e impro��rne��.s on the Praper�y.Lender shali give Bor�rativer <br /> notice at the time of or pr�ar to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonab�e cause. <br /> $. Borrv�ver`s LoanApplication.Borro�rer sha11 b�in defau�t if, dur�ng the Loan application process, <br /> Borrower or any persons or entities acting at th�direction of Borrower or�vith Borrower's knowledge or <br /> �onsent�ave material�y fa�se,mis�eading,�r inaccurate information or statements to Lender(ar failed�o <br /> pra�ide Lender with material information)in con.nection with the L�aan.Ma��rial repres�ntations incl�ude,but <br /> are nat�imite�to,representat�ons�oncerning Borrawer's o�cupancy af the Property as Borro�v�r's pr�ncipal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's I nterest i n the Praperty and Rig hts Un�ler this Security I nstru ment,If(a) <br /> Borrower fails to perform the co�enants and agreerxzents eonta�ned�a th�s Security Instrument,�b)there is a <br /> legal proce�ding that might signif��ant�y affect Le�der's�nterest in the I�rop�rty andlor ri�hts under this <br /> Securit�In.s�rum�nt[such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, far condemnat�on or forfeiture, for <br /> enforcement of a lien which may attain pr�ori�y o�er this Securi�y Instrument or to enforce lavvs or <br /> regulatian.�},or(c}Borr��ver has abandoned the Praperty,then Lender may da and�pay fQr�rhatever is <br /> reasonable or appropriate ta protect Lender's interes�in the Property and rights under this Security <br /> Instrument,including protecting andlor assess�ng the value of the Property,and securing andlor repair�ng <br /> the P�rop�rty.i,ender's actio�s can i���e�de,but are�ot limit�d t�; �a}payi�g an�sums sect�.�ed by a lien <br /> �hich has priority o�er th�s Security Instrument;�b)appea�-�ng in court;and(c)paying reasonabie att�rr�eys' <br /> fees to pro�ect�ts interest in the Property andlor rig�t�under thi�Security Instrum�n�, �ncluding its secured <br /> positian in a bankrupt�y pro�ees�ing. Secu.ring the�rop�r�y inc�uc�es,but is n�t limited to,entering t�.e <br /> Properfiy to mak�repau�s,change�ocks,replace or board u�doors and windows,drain�vater fram pipes, <br /> eliminate bu��ding or ather code violations or dangerous co�.ditions,and have u�i�it�es turned on or off. <br /> Althou�h Lender may ta,ke action under this Section 9,Lender daes not have ta do so and i�not under any <br /> du�r or obligation to do sa. It is ag�eed that Lender in.curs no liability for not taking any or a11 actions <br /> authorized under th�s Section 9. <br /> q433�14$52�5 0233 254 a817 <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Famiiy-Fannie MaelF�eddie Mac�NIFQRM INSTRUMENT WlTH MERS Form 3��8�14t <br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE}(13�2}.4� <br /> Wvlters Klvwer Financiai Sen�ices Page 8 of 17 <br />