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��15�373� <br /> Any amaunts disbursed�y Lender under this Section 9 shall become additiana�debt of Borrower secured by <br /> this Se��ty�nst�ument.�'hese am��nts shall�bear interest at the l�ote rate fr�m the�ate�f�is�ursement <br /> and sha�1 be payab�e,with such interest,u�on notice from Lender to Borrovver request�ng payment. <br /> If this 5ecurity Instrument is�n a leasehold,Borrower sha�l comply with a�1 the pro�ision�of the 1�ase, If <br /> F3orrower acquires fee title to th�Froperty,the 1ea�ehold and the fee title sha�1 not merg�uniess Lender <br /> agrees to the merger�n writing. <br /> �I�. 1VI o rtga�e I nsu ran ce.If Lender required Mortga�e Insurance as a condition of mak�n�the Loan, Borr�wer <br /> sha11 pay th��remiums requued to maintain the Mortgage Insuranc�in effect. If, for an�reason,the <br /> Mortgage Insurance coverage r�quired�y Lender ceas�s to be availab�e from th�mortgage in.surer that <br /> �rev�ous�y pr�vided such in.suranc�and Borr�wer�as required to make separate�y d�signated payments <br /> toward the premiums for 1Vlortgage Insurance,Barro��r sha11 pay the premiur�required to obtain ca�erage <br /> subs�a.ntiall�r equi�alent to the Mor�gag�Insurance previously in effectA at a�ost subst�ntially equiva�ent ta <br /> the c�st to B�rrawer of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an altemat�mortgage insurer <br /> se�ected by Lend�r,If substantrall�equiva�ent Mortgage Insurance co�erage is nat available,Borrower sha1� <br /> �ontinue to pay to Lender the amaunt of the�e�ara.te�y designated pay�nents that were due�avhe�n the <br /> insurance coverage ce�sed to be in effect. Lender�v�11 accept,use and retaia these payments�s a <br /> non-refurndable�ass reserve in lieu of Mort�age Insuranc�. �uch loss reser�tre sha11 be non-refundab�e, <br /> no�ithstanding th�fa���ha��the Loa�i�ultir�a�e�y�a���in�u11,and Lender sha11 not be required ta pay <br /> Borrower any inter�st or�arnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no 1ong�r requ�.re lass reserv�payments <br /> if Martgage�ance co�erage�in the amount and far the period that Lender r�quires}pro�r�ded b�an <br /> �nsu.r�r��lected by i.end�r aga�n becQmes�vailable, �s o'bta�ned,and Lend�r require�separately�.esignated <br /> payment�toward the premiurns far Mor�gage Insurance. If Lender r�quued Martga�e Insurance a�a <br /> condition of m�l��.n.g the Loan and Borra�rer was required to make separate�y designated payments toward the <br /> premiums for Mortgage Insurance,Borrov�rer shall pay the pr�miums required to maintain M��rtgage <br /> In.surance in effect,or to provide a non-refundable los�reserv�,unti�Lender's requirement for Mar�gag� <br /> Insuranc�ends in accordance tivith any written agre�ment between Borrawer and Lender prov�d�ng for such <br /> termination or until#ermination is required by Appl�cable Lativ.Nothing in this Sectivn 1�aff�cts <br /> Barrowef's obligation to pay interest at the rate pra�id�d in the Note. <br /> ��rt�age Insurance reim'burses i,�n�ler�or any entity t�at purchases the l�ote)for certain�osses it may incu.r <br /> if Borrower does not repa�the Loan as agreed.Borrower is not a pa,rty to the Martgag�Insurance. <br /> Mortgage xnsurers evaluate their�otal risk on a�l su�h ir�suran�e in fvr�e frorn time to�tin�e,ant�ma��nter <br /> into agreements with other parties that share or modify th�i.r ris1�,or reduce 1�sses. These agreements are on <br /> terrr�s and conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party�or parties}to these <br /> agreemer�ts.These�gre���n�s�a�require t�►�mortgag�i���rer to mal�e pa�y�ents using any s�ur�e�f funds <br /> that the mortgage insurer may have a�a�lable(�hich may include funds obtained from Martgage Insuran�e <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of th�se agreements,Lender,any pu.rchaser of the Note,�noth�r insurer,any reinsurer,any <br /> other entity,or any affiliate of any af the for�gaing,n�ay rece��e�direct�y or indirect�y}amounts that <br /> �erive fram(or m��ht be cha.ra�terized as)a�ortion of B�rr�wer's payments for Mortgage�nsura�ce,in <br /> exchange for sharin�or modifyin�the mor�gage insurer's risk,or losses. If such agr�ement <br /> pravides that an affiiiate of Lender takes a share of�he insurer's risk in exchange for a share af the <br /> pren�iums paid to the��surer,t�e anang��e�t�s ofte��er�ed�"capti�re rei�s�rance."�urthef: <br /> qa3341485�95 4233 254 091? <br /> - NEBRASItA�ingle Famiiy-Fannie MaeJFreddie Mac UN�FORM fNSTRIJMENT WITH MERS Form 3Q28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP�►4{NE}[1302}.OQ <br /> WoPters K[wver Fir�ancial Servlc�s Page 9 a�'17 <br />