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��15�373� <br /> ser�ices and subsequent charges each time r�n�appi�gs ar sim��ar changes flccur whrch reasonably might <br /> affect such det�inati�n flr c�ertification.B��r��rer sha11 a�so be�esponsib��for the pay�nent of any fees <br /> imposed by the Federal Err��rgency Man.agemeat Ageney in connection vvith the re�iew af any flood zone <br /> determination resu��tin�frvm an obj ection�y Barrav5rer. <br /> If Borrawer fails�o mainfiain any of the coverages described abo�e,Lender may abtain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obl�gation tv purchase any particular type ar <br /> amount of coverage. Therefore,su�h coverage shall cover Lender,but might or might not protect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equity�n the pr�per�,or the contents�f the Property,against any risk,hazard or�iability and <br /> might pra��de g�eater or lesser coverage than�vas pre�io��ly in effect. Borrower acknowledges that th�cast <br /> of the�nsurance c��erage so ob�a.ined might significant�y exceed the cost of insuran�e that Banavver could <br /> have ob�ained.Any amaunts d�sburs�d by Lender under this Section S shall become additional debt of <br /> Barrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts sha11 bear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and�ha�l be�a�a�te,with such iat�rest,u�on notice from Lender to Borra�v�r <br /> requesting payment. <br /> A��insurance p4licies required by Lender and renewa�s of such policies sha�l be subj ect t�Lender's right to <br /> disapprvve such pa�icies, sha11 ine�ude a standard mortgage clause,and shall name Lender as rnortgagee <br /> andlor as an additional loss pay�e. Lender sha�t have the right�o hold the poiicies and renewal c�r�ifica�es. <br /> If Lender req�ires,Barrower shall promptly�ive to Lender all receipts af paid premium�and renewal <br /> notices.If Borrower obtains any farm of insurance caverage,not otherw�se required by Lender, for darnage <br /> �o,or destruction of,the Property, su�h pol�cy shall include a standard mortgage clause and sha1�name <br /> L.en�er as mortgage�andlor as an additional loss payee. <br /> In the event of 1oss,Barro�er sha�l gi�e prompt n�tice ta the insurance carr�er and Lend�r.Lender may <br /> make proof of lass�f not made promptly by Borrower.Unless Lend�r and Borrower othervvis�agree in <br /> v�riting,a�y in�u�a.nce proc�eds,v�rhether or not the underl�ing insurance was req�uir�ed�y Lender,shall be <br /> applied ta restoration or repair of the Fr�per�, if the r�stora.tion or repair is ecanomical�y feasible and <br /> Lender's security is not lessened.Iauru�g such repau and restorati�n per�od,�.ender shall ha��the right to <br /> ho�d such insurance p�oceeds until�.ender has had an apportuni�r to znspect st�ch�ro�ert};�o enst�re the <br /> work has been comp�eted t�Lender's satisfaction,provided that such inspecti�n shall be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and rest�ration in a payment ar in a series of <br /> progr�ss payment�as the worl�is complete�.Unless an agre�ment is made in writing�r Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on.such insurance proceeds,Lender sha11 not be required to pay F3orrower any <br /> interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for publ��adjust�rs,�r other third part�es,reta.ined by Borr�wer <br /> sha�1 not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and sha11 be the sole obligatiofl of Barrower. If the restoration <br /> or r�pair is n�t econamically feasib�e or Lender's security wou�d b�lessened,the insurance pr�ceeds sha11 be <br /> applied to the sums seeured by thi�S�curity In$trument,whether or not then due,tivith the excess, if any, <br /> �aid to Borrower. Such insuraac�proceeds sha11 be applied�n the�rder provided for in Section 2. <br /> If Borrawer abandans the Property,Lender may fi1e,negotiate and s�ttle any avai�able insurance claim and <br /> r�lat�d matters.If Borrc�wer does n�t r�spond with�n 34 days tQ a notic�frvm Lender that th.e�nsuran.ce <br /> carrier has aff�red to settle a claim,then Lender m.ay negotiate and settle the claim, The 3�-day period will <br /> begin�vhen the notice is given. In either event,or if Lender ac�uires the Property under Section 22 or <br /> �t�er�vise,Borra�rer�ere�y ass�gns ta L�nde��a)Bo�ower's rights to a�y in.sura�.ce proceeds in a�ar�a�nt <br /> not to exceed the amounts unpaxd und�r th�Note or th�s Security Instrument,and(b)any othe�r of <br /> Borrower's rights��ther than the r�ght to any refund of unearned prerniurns paid by Bonower)under��1 <br /> insura�c��olici�s coveri�g t�he P�operty,inso�ar as such rights axe applicabte to the co�erage of the <br /> Froperty. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to r�pair or restore the Property ar to pay amaun�s <br /> unpaid under the Note or th�s Security Instrument,whether or nat then due. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Famify-Fannie MaelFr+sddie Mac UNiFQRM INSTRIJMENT WITH MERS Form 3�42g 1iU1 <br /> yMp� VMPBA(NE)�1302}.44 <br /> Woiters F�Iw�ner Fin�ncia[5er��ces Page 7 of 17 <br /> qU33414$52� 0233 2f4 � 17 <br />