<br /> DEED t]F TRUST
<br /> ���ntinued� Page 5
<br /> ei�her naw ar at�he time made❑r furnished or��cames false flr misleading at any time thereaft�r.
<br /> Defecti�e �vl�ateralization, This D�ed vf Trust ar any of the Reiated Docum�n�s ceases to be in full farce and
<br /> effect {including failure Qf any collateral document tv create a �alid and p�rfect�d security interest or �ieny at any
<br /> tim�and#ar any reasan.
<br /> Death or insvl►rency. The d�ssalution of Trustor's (regardless af whether ele�tion to cantinue is mad�y, any
<br /> member withdraws fram the limified liability company, ❑r any ❑ther termination o� Trustor's existence as a gving
<br /> business vr the death af any m�m�er, the insfl���n�y o# Trus�or, �he appvintment af a recei�er for any part of
<br /> Trustar's property, any assignmen� for the benefit of creditars, any �ype af creditvr workvut, ar the
<br /> �vmmencement of any pr��eeding under any bankrupficy or insal�en�y laws by ar against Trustar.
<br /> Cred�tar or For#eiture Praceedings. Commencement of farecl�sur� ar �ar�ei�ure proceedings, wheth�r k�y judicial
<br /> pro�eeding, s�f�-help, repossession or any oth�r method, by any c�editvr af Trustar or by any go�ernmenta� agency
<br /> against any prvperty secu�ing the lndehtedness. This includes a garnishment of any of Trustor'� accaunts,
<br /> incfudin� deposit ac�ounts, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent v� ❑efault shali not appfy if ther� is a goad faith
<br /> dispute hy Trusto� as ta the �afid�ty or r�asonableness of the claim whi�h is the basis of the credi�or ar farfei�ure
<br /> prac�eding and if Trustor gi�es Lender written natice of the creditor or for�e�ture pro�eeding and depasits with
<br /> Lendsr mvnies ar a surety bond fior the cr�ditor or forfeiture proceedin�, in an amaunt determined by Lender, in its
<br /> sole dis�retion, as being an adequate reser�e ar bond for the dispute.
<br /> Brea�h of�ther Agreement. Any k�reach �y Trustvr under the terms vf any vther ag�-eement be�v►reen Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is nvt remedied w�thin an� grace perivd pravided therein, including without limita�ian any agreement
<br /> conc�rning any indebt�dness or other abligation af Trustvr to Lender, whether existing nov+r or fater.
<br /> E►rents Affec�ing Guaran�vr. Any o� �he preceding e�ents occurs with respec� to any Guaran�or of any vf the
<br /> lndebtedness or any Guarant�r di�s or becomes incvmpetent, or re�flkes or disputes #he �alid�ty ❑�, ❑� liab�litY
<br /> under, any G uaranty vf the Indebtedness.
<br /> Adverse Change. A materiai ad�erse change ❑ccurs in Trustvr's financial c�nditivn, or Lender belie�es the
<br /> prosp�ct o�payment ar performance of the 1nd�b�edness is impair�d.
<br /> inse�urity. Lender in gaod fai�h belie�es itself insecure.
<br /> Righ�to�ure. lfi any de�ault, other than a de#auit in payment is curable and if Trustor has nat been given a natice
<br /> af a br�ach of the same provisivn of this Deed o�Trust with�n the preceding twel�e �1�f manths, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lenc�er s�nds written nvtice tv T�ustar demanding cure of such defaul�: ��� cur�s�he defaul�v+rithin
<br /> twenty ��Oy days; or ��} if the cure requires mare �than twenty �2�� days, immediate�y initiates st�ps which
<br /> Lender deems in Lender's sole discretivn t❑ be sufficien� �v �ure the defaulfi and �hereaf�er cvntinues and
<br /> comple�es all reasonable and necessary steps sufficient to produ�e compliance as saan as reasonably praGtical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMED�ES �N DEFAULT. l# an E�ent vf Default�cGurs under this ❑eed vf Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustse or Lender may exercise any one or mor��f th�fvl�aw�ng rights and r�medies:
<br /> Accelera�ion Upan Default; Addi#ional Remedies. If any E�ent vf ❑�fault accurs as per the terms of the N�te
<br /> secured h�reby, Lender may declare all lndebtedness s�cur�� by this Deed of Trust tv be due and payable and
<br /> �he same shafl thereupon become due and payable withvut any presentment, demand, protesf or na�ice af any
<br /> kind. Ther�after, Lend�r may:
<br /> {a� Ei�her in person or by agent, with or withou� bringing any action or proc�eding, or k�y a rec�i�er
<br /> appainted by a �ourt and w�thout r�gard to the adequacy of its seCurity, enter upon and take possessian
<br /> of the Property, o�any par��her�vf, in its own name�r in the name vf Trustee, and d� any acts uvh'rch i#
<br /> deems necessary or desirable to preser�e the �afue, marketabili�y or rentability of the Property, ar part v#
<br /> the Prvperty or interest in the Praperty; �ncrease the income #rom the Praper�y or protect th� se�uri�y �f
<br /> �he P�oper�y; and, with vr without taking possession of th� Property, sue for vr otherwise caffect the
<br /> ren�s, issues and pro#its of the Proper�y, in�luding those pas't due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> cvs#s and expenses of opera�ion and callection attorneys' fees, ta any indehtedness secured by this Deed
<br /> of Trust, ali in such order as Lender may determins. The �ntering upon and taking pvssession ❑f the
<br /> Property, the co�le��ion of such rents, �ssues and prafits, and the applicafiian thereof sha[[ not �ure or
<br /> wai�e any default ar notic� o�de�auit under this Deed o#Trust or inva�idate any act done in response to
<br /> such de�rault or pursuant to suGh no�ice of default; and, notwithstanding'�he continuance in possession of
<br /> the Proper�y ar the collecxian, receipt and appl�cat�vn af r�nts, issu�s ar profi�s. Trustee or Lender shaff
<br /> be entitled to exerc�se e�ery right prv�ided far in �he Note ar�he Related Documents o� by lav►► upon the
<br /> o�currence of any e�ent vf default, including the right to exercis��he p�wer ofi sale;
<br /> �by Commence an act�on�a foreclose this Deed of Trus�as a martgage, appoin�a recei�er or speGifi�ally
<br /> enforce any of the co�enan�s hereof; and
<br /> �c� Deli�er to Trustee a wr�tten deciaratian a#d�#auft and demand far sale and a ►nrri��en notice❑�F dsfault
<br /> and election to cause Trus��r"s int�r�st in the Pr�perty ta be sa�d, which natice Trustee shall cause�o be
<br /> dufy f�ied fvr recard in the appropriate af�ices af th� County �n which the Praperty is facated; and
<br /> �d� 1Ni�h respect tv a!! ar any part❑f the Personal Prvper�y, Lender shall ha�� all the rights and remedies
<br /> of a se�ured party under the Nebrasl�a Uniform Commer�ial �ode.
<br /> Fvreclasure by Power vf 5ale. ff Lender elects�o for�cl�se by exerCise of the Povuer af 5ale herein cantained,
<br /> Lender shall noti�fy Trustee and shall depasit with T�ustee #his Deed af Trust and �he IVote and such receipts
<br /> and ev�dence af expenditures made and secured by this C�eed a�Trus�t as Trustee may require.
<br /> {a� Upan receipt af such notice fr�m Lender, Truste� shall cause�o �e recorded, published and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustvr such Notice af ❑efault and Notice of 5ale as then required hy iaw and by this Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> Trustee sha��, v►rE�hout demand an Trustar, a#ter su�h time as may then be required by law and after
<br /> recordation vf such Na�ice af �efault and after Notice of Sale ha�ing be�n gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Property at the time and pla�e ❑f safe f�xed by i� in such Natice o� 5afe, either as a whole, vr in
<br /> separat� lats or parc�ls ar items as Trustee shalf deem expedien�, and in su�h order as it may det�rmine,
<br /> at public auctian tv the highest bidder �vr �ash in fawful money of the lJnited 5�ates payable at the time
<br /> of sal�. Trustee shall deliver ta such purchaser or purchasers ther�of its govd and sufficient deed or
<br /> deeds c�n�eying the property sv s�fd, but without any covenant or warranty, express or impfied. Th�
<br /> rec�ta�s in such d�ed of any matters �r fa��s shall be cvnclusi�e provf �f the tru�hfulness thereo�f. Any
<br /> person, inGluding without limitation Trustvr, Trustee, ar Lender, may purchase at su�h sale.
<br /> �hj As may he permit't�d by la►►v, after deducting a!I CDS�Sr fees and expenses of Trus�ee and of �h�s
<br /> Trust, �ncluding costs of e�idence v�title in cvnnection wi�h sale, Trus�ee shall apply the pro�eeds of sale
<br /> to paymen�af �i� al1 sums expended under the terms�f this Deed of Trust or under the terms of the Note
<br /> not then repaid, including but not limi�ed t� accrued interest and late �harges, �ii} all other sums then
<br /> secured h�reby, and �iiiy the remainder, if any, to the person vr persons legally entit�ed thereta.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manngr pr��ided b� law pvsfipane sale of all or any portion of the Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and �ach of them, shall he enti�led ta enfor�e payment and
<br />