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��15�3733 <br /> �EED �F TRUST <br /> ��ar1t1�1u�d� Page 4 <br /> Lender such i�strumen�s and documenta�ion as may b� r�ques'�ed by L�nder fr�m tirr�e �� time to permit such <br /> partiGipa��on. <br /> Applicativr� of Net Proceeds. If al{ ar any part af the Property is condemned by enninent dor�ain proceedings ar by <br /> any praceedin�ar purchase in lieu of cvndemnativn, Lender may a#its elec�ion �•equire th��t�ll or any por�ion o�the <br />� net praceeds of the award be applied tv �he �ndebtedness or the repair or re:�tarat�on ��f �he Property. Th� net <br /> pr�ceeds �f tr�e awar�i shal! msan �the a�rvard aft�r paymen� ❑f aff r�asanable ct�s�s, exp+::nS@5r and at�orneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trus�e�ar L�nder in conne�tion with the condemnatian. <br /> IMP�SITI�N �F T►��ES, FEES ►4ND CHAR�ES BY GUVERNN�ENTAL AUTH�RITIES. �he fvflowing pr��Es�ons relafiing <br /> to ga�ernmenfial taxes, �ees and charges are a part of this �eed of Trus�k: <br /> Current Taxes■ FPrES and Charges. Upan reques� by Lender, Trustor shall exec:u�e suc�� documen�s in additi�n ta <br /> this D��d �f T�rust and take wha�e�er other activn is reques�ed by Le�der�a p��r�fe�t and� ca�tinue Lender's lien on <br /> the Real Prop�rty. Trustor shall �eimburse Lend�r f�r all taxes, as describ�d belvw, tagether with afl expenses <br /> incurred in recarding, per�ecting ❑r �antinuing �h�s Deed ❑f Trus�, including uvithaut limitation all tax��, �ees, <br /> documen�ary:a�amps, and other charges fv�re�ord�ng ar regis�ering this Deed of=Trus�. <br /> Taxes. The foffawing shal! constitute �axes t❑ which this s���ion app�ies: 41 y a specific tax upvn �his �ype of <br /> Deed ��Trust or upon al� or any par'� o� the Ind�btedness secured �y this Deed af Trirst; ��} a specific tax vn <br /> Trus�or which Trustvr is authori�ed ar required �v deduct�From payme�ts on the Indebtec�ne�s s��ured by�his type <br /> of Deed of Tr�ast; (3y a tax vn this type ofi Deed o�Trust Ghargeable against t��� L�nd�r ar the holder af the Note; <br /> and �4� a sp�cifi� tax on ali or any portivn of the lndebtedness ar o� paymen�ts of prin�:ipal and in�erest made by <br /> Trustor. <br /> Suhsequen� Taxes. lf any tax to which this sectivn applies is enact�d su�s��quent �� the da�e o� this ❑eed �f <br /> Trust, this ��ent shaff ha�e �he same effect as an E�ent v� Defau[�, and Ler�der may ex�r�ise any or all ❑f its <br /> a�ailab�e remPdies far an E�en� of De�ault as pra�ided he�aw unless Trustor either �1) pays the tax befare it <br /> �e�vmes delir�quent, or {�y con�esxs the tax as prv�ided abv�e in �he Taxes [�nd Liens section and d�pvsi�s with <br /> Lender cash vr a suf�icient corporate surety �ond ar o�h�r security satis�act�ry t:� Lender. <br /> SECURITY A�REEf1VIENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following pr��isions rE:la��ng t❑ this Deed o� Trust as a <br /> security agreem�nt are a part��this Deed o#Trust: <br /> Security ►4greement. This instrument shai� constitute a 5ecurity Agreement t� the e:k:tent any of the Property <br /> �anstitu�es #��tures, and Lender shalB ha�e all o�the rights �f a se�ured par�y under the �Jn+�arm Camm�r�iaf �ode <br /> as amended from tim�tv t�me. <br />, Se�urity inter�st. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shal� take whate�er a�tiori is �equested by Lender �o per��ct <br />_ and con�inue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Praperty. I�� additi�n to recvrd�ng this ❑e�d �� <br /> Trust in �he reai property recards, Lender may, a� any time and without further auth�,�ri�a�ian firam Trustor, fiie <br /> ex��uted Gou�tterpar�s, �vpies ar rep�aductions of this ❑eed af Trust as a f�inancing sta�ement. Trustor shall <br /> re�mburse Lender for a�l expenses in�urr�d in perfecting o�-continuing this s�curity inter�:�st. Upon de�au�t, Trus�vr <br /> sha!! not �emc�ve, se�er or de�ach the P�rsonaf Proper�y from the Praperty. lJpon de�a��(t, Trustor shal� assemhle <br /> any Persanal i'roperty not affixed �o the Prvperty in a manner and at a p�a�e reas�nably convenien�tv Trustor and <br /> Lender and make i� a�aiiable to Lender w�thin three �3� days a�te� rece�pt af ln�ritten d+::m�nd �fram Lender �o the <br /> ext�nt pe�mitt�d by appiicabfe law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses ❑f Trustor �debt�r� and Lend�r {securE.d par�y� �ram which in�ormatian <br /> concerning th� seGurity interest granted by this Deed ofi Trus� may be abtained t�a�h ��s requ�r�d by th� Uniform <br /> Cvmmerciai Code� are as stated❑n the first page o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER AS�URAIVCES; ATT�RNEY�IN-FACT. The fiv�lowin� pro��sians relating #o fu��ther assurances and <br /> attorney-in-fa��ar� a part of this ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Further Assur�n�es. At any time, and from time to �ime, upon requ�st af Len�ier, Trusi:ar will make, execute and <br /> deii�er, �r wili �ause t� be made, executed�r deli�ered, to Lender or to Lender's design�=�e, and when requested #�y <br /> L�nd�r, cause to �e filed, recarded, re#iied, or r�recorded, as �he ca�e may be, at su�h ��rr,es and in su�h offices <br /> and places as Lender may deem apprapria�e, any and all such mortga�es, dee�is af trus�t, s�Guri�y deeds, security <br /> ag�eements, financing sta#emen�s, G�ntinuat�on s'tatemen�s, �nst�-uments �fi fur�ther assurance, Gerti#icat�s, and <br /> a�her documents as may, in �h� svle apin�an vf Lender, be neGessary or desira��le in ❑rd�:.r to �ffie�tua�e, �ompiete, <br /> perfe�t, conti�ue, vr preser�e t 1 y Trusto�'s vbfiga�ians under the Note, �r�is Deed E�f Trust, and the Related <br /> Dacumen�s, and �2� the �iens and se�urity interests created by thi� ❑�ed ❑�Trt�st as �Firs� and prior liens on the <br /> Proper�y, whether now owned or hereafter acqui�ed by Trustor. Unless prohibited by I�w ar L�nder agrees �a the <br /> cantrary in vur'sting, Trustvr shall reimburse Lender far all cos�s and exp�nsf�s �ncurr�::d in conn�ction with the <br /> matt�rs re�err�d ta in this paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fa�c#. I�Trustor�ails ta da any of the things referred to in the pre�eding pai�agraph, Lender may da sa <br /> far and ira the n�me of Trus�vr and at Trustar's expense. For such �urposes, �rrusta� hf:reby� irre�oca�[y appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trus�vr's attorney-in-�a�t�or�he purpvse of making, ex�cuting, deli���r�ng, fi[ir��g, recording, and doing all <br /> other things �s may be ne�essary ar +desirabl�, in Lender's sale opinian, to accomplish th� ma�ters r��erred �o in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RiI�AN10E. lf Trustor pays all the Inde�t�dn�ss, including without [imi�tativn all f�.��ure ad�ances, when due, <br /> and otherwise per��orms all the obliga�ions imposed up�n Trustor und�r this ❑eed of Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> deli�er to Trustee a request ��r full rscon�eyance and shall execute and de[i�er tv Trustvr su�table s�atem�nts of <br /> �ermina�ion v� any� financing sta�ement on file e�idenGing Lender's securifiy int�r�yst in th�� Re�ts and the Persona[ <br /> Property. Any rec+�n�eyance fee r�quired by law shall be paid by Trustor, i�f permitted f�y appli�able iaw. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFA�ULT. Each vf the fo[lawing, at Lender's opt'ron, shall cons�i�u�e ��n E�ent ��� Default und�r this ❑eed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Paymen#�e�Fault. Trus�vr fails ta m�1�e any payment when due under the �ndeb�edness. <br /> flther D�faults. Trust�r fails to comply with ar �o per�arm any other term, o�ligati��n, co�enant or condition <br /> cantained in 1:f�is D��d of Trust or �n any �f '�he Rela�ed Documents or to campiy wit{� vr �v per�o�m any �erm, <br /> obligation, couenant�or condi�ion con�ain�d in any o�her a�reement between Ler�der and'�"rustor. <br /> Compiian�e aefault. Fai�ure ta compfy with any ather �erm, obiiga�ion, co�enan� ar clonditian contained in this <br /> D��d of Trust, the Note or in any v�the R��at�d Documen�s. <br /> Default an�tl��r Payments. Failure af Trustor within the time requ��ed by this aeed o��i�rust�o make any payment <br /> for�axes or�nsuran�e, or any other payment necessary to pre�en�filing of or to ef�f���di���ha�ge of any lien. <br /> De�Faul� ir� Fav�a� of Third Parties. 5hvuld Grantor defauft under any loan, ext���sion of c,.redit, securi�ty agre�m�nt, <br /> purchase or sa[es agreement, or any ather ag�eem�nt, in fa�ar ofi any vther crf�ditar ar €�ersan that ma� materially <br /> afi�ect any �f �rantor's property or �ran�ar's ability tv repay the �ndebtedn�ss or Gr•an#:or's ahility ta per�o�m <br /> �ran�tor's obli�,�atians under th�s Deed�fi Trus�or any of�he Rela�ed Documen�s. <br /> False Statem�nts. Any warranty, �epresenta�ian ar sta�ement made or furnished ta Lender by Trustor ar on <br /> Trustor's beh�i� under this D�ed o�Trust or the Reiated Documents is #alse or m�s�eadi�•fg �� any ma�erial respe�t, <br />