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��15�3733 <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> ���rltinue�� Page � <br /> performance cr#any indebt�dness o�ab�igations secured by this Deed af Trust aE�d�❑exe�rcise all rights and powers <br /> under this D��d v�Trust, under the Note, under any o��he Related �vcument�, �r und€�r any other agreemenfi or <br /> any faws now �r her�after in farce; na�withstanding, same ar aNl o�such ind�t�tedness c�nd �bligations secursd by <br /> this D�ed of�!-rust may naw ar hereafter b� vtherwise se�ured, wh�th�r E�y mc�rt�age, tileed of trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignm�nt ❑t- o�herwise. Neith�r the a�ceptan�e vf th�s Deed of �rust nor its en�orc�ment, whether by court <br /> ac�i�n or pursuant ta the pawer of �ale ar other pvvuers ��ntained in this Deef� of Trus�t, shal� pr�judice v� in any <br /> manner a���ct Trus�ee's or Lender's r�ght ta rea��ze upan vr enfor�� any other securi�y naw ❑r herea�ter hefd hy <br /> Trustee or Lender, �t being agre�d that Trustee and Lender, and each v��h�m, sf�all I��en�ti�f�d�o enforce this D�ed <br /> of Trust and any o�h�r se�ur#ty now ar hereafter he�d by Lender or Trustee in such arder and manner as they or <br /> ei�her of �h�rr� may in �he�� absolut� discretion determine. Nv remedy con�erred upon or �es�rWed to Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intenc��d to be exclusi�e ot any other r�medy in this Deed ❑f Trust��r by law pro�ided or permitfied, but <br /> each shall be cumulati�e and sha�� �e in additian to e�ery vther remedy gi��n in this Deed o� Trust or nvw or <br /> hereafiter exis�ing at law or in equi�y❑r�y statute. E��ry power or rernedy gi���n by the Note or any of th� Re�ated <br /> Dacuments to Trustee �r Lender or to which either of them may be othe�wi�e en�titl�d, may b� �xercised, <br /> �vncurrently ar independently, from �ime to time and as o�ten as may be deemed exp�dien� �y Trustee or Lende�, <br /> and either a� them may pursue inconsistent remedies. hlvthing in �his De�d of Trc�9s� �hai� be construed as <br /> prvhibitin� Lerider�ram seeking a d�ficiency judgment against the Tru�tor to'�he�x#en'�s+uch action is permitted by <br /> faw. Ele�tion by Lender to pursue any rem�dy shall nvt ex�lud� pursuit of an�y o�her r+::m�dy, and an eiec�ion to <br /> make expendi�ures ar t� �ake actian t� perform an obligatian o� Trustar under fihis D��t:f of Trust, after Trustor's <br /> failure fia p�r��rm, shall not a'�fect Lender"s right t�declare a de�auft and exercis� �ts r�m���dies. <br /> Reques�fo�N�ti�e. Trustar, on heha�f o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a cap�y v�any Nofiic� of Default <br /> and a cvpy of any Notic� of Sale unde�this Deed of Trust�e mailed �v�them a�the addr�:sses set forth in the first <br /> paragraph o�t�is Deed vf Trust. <br /> Atfiorneys' Feus; Ex�enses. If Lender institutes any sui� or action tv en�orc� any �f �he terms o� �his aeed af <br /> Trust, Lender�hall be entitled to r�ca�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasvnahle as attarneys' �ees at trial <br /> and upon any appea�. Whether or not any �vurt ac�ian is �n�ol�ed, and �o the extent na� prahibi�ted by 1aw, ali <br />� reasonable ex�ens�s Lender incurs �h�t in Lender's opinfvn are necessary at any tim�, fvr �h� protectivn of i�s <br /> in�erest or the enfivrcement of its rights shail b���me a par��f the �nd�btedness �aya#�le on �emand and shaff hear <br /> interest at the Nate rat�from the da���f�he expenditure until �epa�d, Expenses co��r�d hy this paragraph in�lude, <br /> without Eimitatian, hawe�er subje�t to any limits under appficable iavu, Lender's attorney.s' fe�s and Lender's lega� <br /> expenses, wh�ther or no�t there is a lawsui�, including attvrneys' fe�s and ex�yenses far bankrupt�y prflceedings <br /> {including�ffoi-ts ta modi�y or�aca�e a�y automa�ki�stay vr injunction}, appeafs, and any ��nticipated post-judgmen� <br /> co�iectivn ser�ices, the cost af searchFng re�ards, obtaining t�tl� reports �including #arecf«sure rep��-ts}, sur�eyors' <br /> r�parts, and appraisa� �ees, titie insurance, and fees �For the Trustee, to the extent permi�ted by appficable faw. <br /> Trustor also wilf pay any court�asts, in addition to al�other sums pro�ided t�y �aw. <br /> Righ#s of T�us�:ee. Trustee shall ha�e a!I�f fihe rights and duties v�Lend�r as se�f�rth in�:his sectivn. <br /> P�'IJVERS AND QBLIGATI�NS aF TRUSTEE. The fvllowing pro��sions relating ta�he pawers �:ind ❑bl�gatians of Trustee <br /> are part vfi�his D�e�of Trust: <br /> Pvwers of Tru;��ee. ln addition tv all �awers v�Trustee arising as a matter of�a��v, Trus�e�� shall ha�e the power to <br /> take the �allo►n�ing actions v►�ith respsGt to th� Praper�y upan the writt�n reques�af Lendr;:r and Trusto�: {ay jvin in <br /> preparing and �€ling a map or plat of the Real Prflperty, �ncluding 'the dedicatian �f stref�ts or other rights tv the <br /> publi�; �b� join in granting any easement o� creating any restriG�ion on th� F�eal Prop�:rty; and �cy jain in any <br /> subard�natian tar vther agreemen�affe��ing this ❑e�d of Trust or the interest vf Lender un�:ler�his Deed of Trust. <br /> T�ustee. Trus��e� shall mee� a11 qua���ications required �or Trustee under applicc�ble law. 1n additian to the rights <br /> and remedies aet �orth abo�e, with respect t� all or any par� of �he Praperty, `�he Trustfre shall ha�e the right to <br /> �ore�lose by n4�ti�e and sale, and Lender shall ha�e �he right ta fareclase by �udi�ial �orE:.clasure, in ei�h�r �ase in <br /> ac�ordance wi�h and ta the�ull exten�pro�ided by applicable law. <br /> Successvr Tru��ee. L�nder, at Lender's vption, rnay from t�me to�ime appaint� successt�r Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appointed unde� this i�eed of Trust by an instrument �xecuted and acknowledGed by Lend�r and recorded in the <br /> afifiice vf th� r�Garder vf Hall County, State v� Nebraska. The instrument sh��fl contair��, in addition to a�l a�h�r <br /> matt�rs requ�red by sfiate faw, the narnes o� the original Lender, Trustee, ans� Trustor, the bovk and page �ar <br /> �omputer syst�m reterence� wh�re this ❑e�d flf Trust is recorded, and the name and ��ddress of �he successar <br /> truste�, and th�e instrument shali be ex�cuted and a�knawfedged by all the benefic�aries ur��er th�s Deed af Trust vr <br /> their successo��s in interss�k. The su�Gessor trustee, wi�thout can�eyan�e of th� Property�, shal� succeed to all the <br /> title, power, ar�d duties canferred upon the Truste� in this ❑�ed �f Trust and by appfi�abl�:� [aw. This procedure for <br /> substitution af Trust�e shaf�go�ern t�the exclusivn of all v�her proWisi�ns�or sul�sti�ution. <br /> NUT�CES. Any noti�e required tv b� gi�en under this Deed of Trust, in�luding wi�h�au� �im'rta�tian any notice of defiault <br /> and any nati�� o�sale shall be gi��n in wri�ing, and shaii be efi'�ecti�� when actually d�li��re�i, when a�tualfy recei�ed <br /> by telefacsimi�e �un[ess v�herwise re�uired by law�, when depvsited vuith a natianaliy reGagnizF��d a�ernight cvurier, ar, if <br /> mailed, when depo�ited in th� United Stat�s mai�, as first cfa�s, cer�ified or registerec� mail pa:.,tac�� prepaid, d�rect�d tv <br /> the �ddresses shov►�n near fihe b�ginning n�this Deed of Trus�. A1� copies o� noti�es o� fareclosure firam the h�lder ofi <br /> any lien whi�h has priority oWer this Deed af Trust shall be sent t❑ Lender's addres:�, as shoz►ivn near the beginning of <br /> this De�d vf Trust. Any par�y may chang� its address for notices under �his Deed af Trust: by gi��ng formal written <br /> noti�e ta the other parties, specifying that the purpose of th� nvtice �s to chang� the par�y`s addr�ss. For natice <br /> purposes, Trus��rr a�rees to keep Lender informed at a!! �im�s vf Trusfivr's current address. U,nless otherwise pro�ided <br /> ar required by law, if there is more#han vne Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender to ��ny Trust�sr �s deemed tv be notice <br /> gi�en�o al�Trus�ors, <br /> M IS�ELLANE�3US PRQV�SI�NS. The foifowing miscef laneous p�o�isions ar�a par�of this Deer.l of Trus�: <br /> Amendments. This Deed of Trust, �agether with any Reiated D�cuments, cons�itu�es the entire understanding and <br /> �greemen� o�the par��es as ta the mat�ers set �or�h in th�s Deed of Tr-ust. No ��lteration of a� amendment tv this <br /> Deed of Trust :�hafl �e effe�tiWe unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party or partie:� sought ta �e charged or <br /> baund by the a�tera�ion ar amendment. <br /> ►4nnual Repvrt:�. if the Praperty is used �or purposes v�her �han Trustor's r�sidence, Tr�stor shall #urnish to <br /> Lender, upon request, a cer�ified statement af ne't vperating in�ome re�ei�ed f�arn the I�'r�perty during Trust�r's <br /> p�e��vus �iscal year in such farm and d�tail as Lender shal� r�quir�. "Net op�r��ing i��came" shall mean all cash <br /> �eceipts from the Prop�r�y less ail cash�xpenditures made in connection v►rith th��apera�kio��v��h� Property� <br /> �apt�vn Headimgs. Cap�ian headings in this Deed o# Trust are far con�enience purpas�:a only and are �v� to b� <br /> used to interpret a�define the pro�isions of�his ❑�ed o'�Trust, <br /> 1V(erger. There shafl b� no merger of the in�erest or esta�� Greated by�his Deed o�Trust�i►vith any ather in�erest vr <br /> es�a�e in �h� Pr�aperty at any time held by or�Far the benefit afi Lender in any capac�ty, wi�thaut the writ�ten cvnsent <br /> af Lender. <br /> �v►►ernin� LaW►►. This �egd vf Trust will be gvr►erned by federal !aw appli�abf�; tc� L�ndc�r ar�d, tv fihe �xt�n# nvt <br /> preemp�ed hy fed�ral law,the laws a�the S�at�of Nehraska withou#r�gard tv it:s con�lici:s o��aw prv�isivns. This <br /> Deed v�Trust htas be��accepted by Lender in the 5tate of Nebraska. <br />