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��15�3�45 <br /> designated a subs���ute not�ce address by notice to Lender. Borraw�r shall promptl�natify L�nd�r of <br /> B�rrow�r's change of address. �f Lender speci�es a proGedure for rep�rting Barrower's�hange of address, <br /> then Bnrrower sha�� nn�y report a change�f address through�hat spec�fied proc�dur�, <br /> There may�e on�y ane des�gna�ed not�ce addr�ss under this S��ur�ty �nstrumen�at any one time. An� notice <br /> to Lender shai� b�given by de��vering it�r by ma���ng x�by f�rst c�ass mai� ta Lender's address sta�ed herein <br /> un�ess Lender has designat�d another addr�ss by na��ce ta Borrower. Any notice in connec��on wzth this <br /> Security�ns�rum�nt shal� n�t be deem�ti to have been given to Lender unt�� actuai�y recei�ed b� Len��r. If <br /> any n��ic�requ�r�d by th�s S�cur��y �nstru�ment is aisa required under App�xcab�e Law, the Appli�abl�Law <br /> requirem�n�w��� �atzsfy the carrespanding requirernen�und�r�his Secur���r�ns�rument, <br /> ��. Go�erning Law; Severa�aility; Fiules af Can�truct��n. This Se�urity Instrument shal�be ga�erned�y <br /> federa� Iaw and th�law af the jurisd�Gt��n in vsrhich�he Proper�y is lacat�d. A�� r�ghts an�obliga�i�ns <br /> contained �n th�s Se�uri�y �nstruxnent are subject ta an�requ�remen�s and��m��atians�f App�z�ab�e Law. <br /> App�zcab�e Law rnight e�plicitly ar imp�ici�I�alla� the partzes to agree by contract or�t m�ght be silen�, bu� <br /> �u�h siience sha�l n�t be construed as a proh��it��n aga�nst agreement by contract. �n the e�ent that any <br /> pro�ision or�lause of this Securi�y �nstrument or the Note conflic�s wzth Applicab�e Lativ, such conflict sha�� <br /> not affect other prov�s�ons af th�s Security Instrument�r�h� No�e v�h�ch can be given effect without the <br /> confl��t�ng pro�isi�n. <br /> As used in this Securi�y Instrument: �a}v�ords of�he masculine gender sha��mean and inc�ude carresponding <br /> neuter w�rds�r words of the fem�nine gender; �b} �vords in the s�ngu�ar sha�l mean and inc�ude�he plural <br /> and v�ce�ersa; and �c} the word "m.ay" gives so�e discreti�n w��hou� an�abligation to take any aC�ion. <br /> '17. B�rrower's Copy. Borrotiver shal�be gi�en ane copy of the Note and af this Security Instrument. <br /> '18. Transf�r of the Property or a Beneficia� Interest in Bvrrower. As us�d in th�s S�ctian 18, "In�erest �n <br /> th�Pr�per�y" m.�an� any �egal �r beneficial interest �n th�Proper�y, inc�uding, but rz�t��m��ed�o, �ho�e <br /> bene�cia� interests transferred in a bond for deed, Contrac�for de�d, zns�a�iment�a�es c�ntract or e�crow <br /> agreement, th� intent of�hi�h is the�ransfer of�����by Borrower at a fu�ure date to a purchaser. <br /> ��alI or ar�y par�of the Proper�y or any �nteres� in�he Praperty is so�d ar�ransferr�d��r if Borr��ver xs no�a <br /> natural person and a bene�cia� interes�in Borr�wer is s�1d ar�ransferred} with�ut L�nder's prz�r wr�tten <br /> cansent, Lender may re�uire immedia�e payment in fui� af a�� sums secured by this Secur�t� �nstrument. <br /> Hov�ever, this ap�ion shall not be e��rcised by L�nder�f su�h exercis�is proh�h�ted by Applicab�e Law. <br /> If Lend�r exerc�ses thz��p��on, Lender shall give Borrower no�ice�f acc��eration. Th�notice shal�pro��de a <br /> p�r�od�f no��ess than 30 days frorn the date�he notice zs g��en �n acc�rdance with Sect�nn �S v�i��th�n which <br /> Barrower must pay all sums secured by�his�eCuri�y �ns�rument. �f Borr�wer faz��t�pay these sum�priar to <br /> �he expiratian of this periad, Lender rnay invoke a.ny reme�ies permitt��by�h�s Security Instrumen�wi�hout <br /> further not�ce or demand an Borrower. <br /> 'I�. Bvr�vwer's Right t� Reinstate After Accelerativn. �f Borrower meets cer�ain Candit��ns, Borrower <br /> shal�ha�re the right to ha�e enforcement of th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�discantinued at any tirne pr�or to�he <br /> �arliest of: �a} ��e days�efore sale af�he Praper�y pursuant ta any power of sale contained in th�s 5ecur�ty <br /> Instrument; �b} such�ther perxad as App�icable L�v�m�.ght sp�cify for the�ermination of Bnrrower's r�ght tfl <br /> re�ns�ate; or�c}entr3r�f a�udgment enfarcing�his Securit��nstrument. Those conditions are�ha�Borrower: <br /> (a}pays L�nder all sums whi�h th�n wou�d b�due under�his Se�urity Instrumen�and the No�e as if no <br /> a�ceierati�n had occurred; �b} cures any default af any other co�enan�s ar agreemen�s; ��}pays all expense� <br /> incurre��n enforc�ng th�s Securi�y �nstrument, inc�uding, but n�t�imi�e�l to, reas�na��e a��orneys' fees, <br /> proper�y inspection and valuatian f�es, and other fees �ncurred f�r the purpase of protect�ng Lender's interes� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRLIM�NT Farm 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�}�1302i <br /> Wvlters Kfuwer Financial Ser�ices Page�2 af i 7 <br />