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��15�3�45 <br /> �n the Proper�� and rights under t�is Securit� �nstru�r�.�nt; a�.d�d} �akes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonabiy require to assure�hat Lender's interes� in the Prop�rty and righ�s under this Securi�� Instrum�nt, <br /> and Borrav�er's obliga��on tfl pay �he sums se�ured by this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, sha11 con�inue unchang�d. <br /> L�nder may require�hat Borrower pay such r�ins�a�ement sums and expenses �n�ne or more of th�foll�wing <br /> forms, as sele��ed�y Lender: �a} �ash; �b} money order; �c}cer���ed�h��k, bank checl�, �reasurer's�heck ar <br /> cashier's check, pr�vid�d any such�heck is drawn upon an inst�tution�rhase d�pos�ts ar�insured b�r a <br /> f�dera� agency, instrumenta�i�y�r entit�; ar�d} Elec�ron�c Funds Transfer. Upon re�ns�atement by Bflrr�v��r, <br /> �h�s Security Instrumen�and obii�at��ns secured hereby shall rema�n fu��y effecti�e as if no acce�erat�on had <br /> oc�urred. However, this right to re�nstate shall nat apply in the case af acce�eration under Sect�on �S. <br /> ��. Sale af Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Nntice af Grie�ance. The Note or a par��a� interest in the <br /> Note �together v�ith this Secur�ty �ns�rumen��can be sold ane or more t�mes v�ithout prior natice to <br /> B�rrower, A sa1�migh�resul� �n a change�n the�ntity �known as the "Laurr ►5ervicer"} �hat�o��ects Per�od�c <br /> Pa�ments due und�r�he No�e and��is Securi�y Instrument and perf�rms o�her m.ortgage�aan servic�ng <br /> obligat�ons under�he Note, th�s Security Instrumen�, and Appi�cable Law. There also might be one or mar� <br /> �hang�s of�he Loan Ser��cer unrelated t� a sale of the No�e. �f�here is a change of�he Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrower wi�l b�gi�en written no�ice of�he�hange w�ich w�ix sta�e the na�n.e and addr�ss of�he n�w Laan <br /> Serv�cer, the address to which paymen�s shou�d b�made and any�ther inforrnat�on R�SPA requires in <br /> connection with a no��ce af�ransfer of servicing. �f�he Note�s sold and thereafter�he Laan is ser�iced by a <br /> Lfnan Servicer o�her�han�he purchaser of�h�N`fl�e, the mortgage loan ser`ricing obl��at�ons to Borrfl�ver wi�� <br /> � rem.a�n w�th the L�an S�rvi�er or be�ransferred�o a success�r Loan��rv��er and are not assumed by the <br /> No�e purchaser unless fltherwi�e pro�ided by�he Not�purchaser. <br /> N�ither Borr�wer nor Lender may commence,jo�n, �r be��ined to any judicia� act��n�as e�ther an <br /> �nd�vi�.ual litzgant nr the member flf a class}�ha�arises from the o�her par�y's ac�ions pursuant to �his <br /> S�curity �nstrument or that a��eges�hat the�ther par��has breached any provision of, ar any du�y awed by <br /> reason af, �his Se�urity �nstrumen�, until such Borrower ar Lender has no�if�ed the o�her par�y �v�ri�h such <br /> noti�e g�ven in campliance with�he requirements of Sectxon 15} of such a�leged br�ach and afforded�he <br /> other party here�o a reasonabi�period after�he gi�ing of such nfltice to take correct��re ac��on. �f Applicab�� <br /> La�v pro��des a�ime per�od which must eiapse�efore c�r�ain ac�ian can be�aken, �hat time period will be <br /> deemed�a be reasonable for purpases of th�s paragraph. The notice of acce�era��on and appor�un�ty ��cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant�o Section 22 and the not�ce af accelerat��n�iven�a Borrower pursuan�t� <br /> Section 18 shall be deem�d�a sat�sfy�he not�ce and oppartuni�y to take corr�cti�e ac�ion pro�isions of�his <br /> �ect�on Za. <br /> ��. Hazardaus Su�stances. As used�n th�s Sec�ion Z�: �a} ".I�"a�ardous,substar�ces"are those su�stances <br /> de�ned as toxic or hazardous sut�s�ances, po�iutants, or wastes b�r En��ronmen�al Law and�he following <br /> subs�ances: �asal�ne, kerosene, o�her flam.�mab�e or toxic petroieum produc�s, �oxic pes�icides and herbi�ides, <br /> �ola�ile soivents, materials cantaining asbestos or for�ma�deh�de, and radioacti�re ma�er�als; �b� <br /> ".Envirot��rzent�a�L��v"means federal �aws and laws of the�urisd�ction where�he Propert�r is loca��d that <br /> re�a�e to heal�h, safety or env�ronmenta�protec�ion; �c� "Environr��e�tal Clear�up" inc�udes any response <br /> action, remedial ac�ion, or remaval action, as de�ned in Environm�n�a� Law; and�d} an ".Lnviranr��e��ta� <br /> �a�zditi�r�"means a condition�hat can�ause, contr�bu�e to, or ntherv�ise�rigger an En�ironmentat �Ieanup. <br /> Borr�v�er shall no�cause�r perm�t the presence, us�, disposal, s�orage, or re�ease of an� Hazardous <br /> Substances, or threa�en�o release an� Hazardous Subs�ances, nn or in the Proper�y. Borrawer sha��nat do, <br /> nor a�low anyone else to do, anything affe��ing�he Praperty �a} �hat is in v�olatian�f any Environmen�al <br /> Law, �b}wh�ch creates an�n�ironmenta� C�nd�tian, or�c} which, du�to the presence, use, or reiease of a <br /> Hazardaus Substance, cr�ates a�ondi�ion�ha�adversel� affec�s the�a�ue of�he Praper�y. The preceding �v�ro <br /> NE6RASKA-Single�amily-�annie Mael�reddie M�c UNI�QRM iNSTRUM�NT �orrn 3�28 1141 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�N�}��30�3 <br /> W�lters Kluwer Financial 5er�ic�s Page 7 3 af i 7 <br />