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��15�3�45 <br /> '1�. Borrower Nvt Re��ased: �orbearance By Lender Not a Vlrai�er�. Extension of�he tirne far payment or <br /> modification�f amor�ization of�he sums secured by this Secur�ty�granted by Lender t� Borrov�er <br /> or any Successor�n�nteres�of Borrower shall not operate�o rel�as��he liabili�y of Barrower or any <br /> Successflrs in�nteres�af Borrower. Lender shaii no�be required to commence pro�eedings aga�ns�any <br /> Successor in Interes�af Borrower or�a refuse�a e�tend�ime for payment�r o�herwise mad�fy amort�za��on <br /> nf the sums secur�d by this SeGuri�y Ins�rumen�by reason�f any demand made by the original Borrawer or <br /> any Successors in Interest of Borrav�er. Any forbearan�e by Lender in exerc�sing any right or r�medy <br /> �nc�ud�ng, without�im��ta���n, Lender's acceptance af pa�rnents from third�ersons, en�i�ies ar Success�rs in <br /> �nteres�of Borrower or�n amaunts les�than�he am�.ount th�n due, shall not be a waiv�r af or preclude the <br /> e�erc�se of any right or remedy. <br /> '13. Jv�nt and Se�era� LiabE�ity; Cv-signers; Succes�ors and Assi�ns Baund. Borrower co�enan�s and <br /> agrees�ha�Barrower's obliga�ions and��ability sha�l be join�and several. Hov�ever, any Barrower urho <br /> cowsigns this Security Ins�rumen�but does no�execu�e the Note �a "c�-signer"}: �a} is co-sign�ng thxs <br /> S�curi�y �ns�rument anly�o mor�gag�, grant and convey the�a�signer's interes�in the Proper�y under the <br /> ��rms of�his Securit�r �ns�rumen�; �b� �s no�personall�ob�iga�ed to pay th�sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Instrument; and�c} agrees �hat Lender and any o�her Borrower�an agree�o extend, mod�f�, farbear or make <br /> any ac�ammoda�ions w��h regard t� the�erms�f�his Securi�y�ns�rume�.t or t�.e Note w�thaut�he�a-s�gner's <br /> consent. <br /> Sub�e�t�o the pro�isi��s of Sec�i�n 1 S, an�r Successor in�n��res�o�Borrower who assum�s Borrower's <br /> �bl�ga�ians under this Secur�ty �ns�rum�nt in wri�ing, and is appr�ved by �nder, shall nbta�n a�� of <br /> Barrower's righ�s and benef��s under�h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument. Borr�wer shal� n�t be r��eased from <br /> Borrower's abligations and liabi�ity under th�s Securi�y�ns�rum�.ent unless Lender agrees t� su�h release in <br /> vvriting. The covenants and agreemen�s af this Se�urit��nstrument shall bind �e�cept as prov�ded�n Sec�ion <br /> ��} and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> '14. Loan �harges. I,end�r may charge Borrower fees for ser�r�ces perform�d in canne�tion vv��h B�rr��er's <br /> d�fau�t, f�r the purpos�of protecting Lender's �nterest in the Proper�� and righ�s under th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�, �nclud�ng, but not�im�ted �o, a��orne�s' fees, pr�perty inspect�on and va�ua�ion fees. �n regard�o <br /> any o�her fees, �he abs��ce of express authority �n�h�s Security �ns�rumen��o charge a specific fee to <br /> Borr�wer shall not b�cons�rued as a prohibit�on on the charging of such fe�. Lender may n�t charge fees <br /> �hat are express�y prahibzted by th�s Securi�� Ins�rumen�or by App�ica��e Lavcr. <br /> If�he Loan is subjec��o a Iaw which se�s max�mum��an charges, and that Iaw �� �nally interpreted so that <br /> �he interes�or o�her I�an charges co��ec�ed�r�o be col��cted in connec�inn w��h the L,�an e�xceed�he <br /> permitted �imits, �hen: �a} any such�oan�harge shaii be reduced by�he a�maun�ne��ssary�o reduce the <br /> charge to�he permitted limi�; and�b} any sums a�ready coile�ted from Borra�er which exc�eded permi��ed <br /> � ��mits v�ill be refunded to Barrower. L.�nder may choose ta make th�s refund b� reducing�he prin�ipal owed <br /> under th�Nflte or by makin�a dire�t paymen�ta Barrower. �f a refund reduces princ�pal, �he reduet��n w�l� <br /> be treated as a par��a�prepaymen�without any prepayment charge�whether or nat a prepaym�n�charge is <br /> prflvided far under the Nate}, g�rraw�r's acc�ptance of any such refund made by direc�payment to <br /> Borrov�er v�ri�� constitute a v�raiv�r of any rzght of action Borrov�er m��ght have arisin��ut of such ov�rcharge. <br /> �5. Nat�ces. A�I not�ces given b� Borrower�r Lend�r�n connect�nn with this Secur��� �ns�rumen�mus�be in <br /> �rriting. Any na�ice fio Borrower�n connec�ian w��h this S�cur��y �ns�rument sha1���deemed to ha�e b��n <br /> given�o Borrov�rer when maiied by �rs�class mai� or whe�ac�uaily de���rered�fl Borrov�rer's no��ce address �f <br /> sent by other means. Not�ce�o any flne Borrower shal�c�ns���u�e n��ice ta all Borr�wers unless Applzcable <br /> Lavv expressly requires atherwise. The notice address sha��be the Proper�y Address unless Borrawer has <br /> N�BRASKA-Singie�amily-�annie Maet�reddie Mac UNIFORM INSTR�M�NT �orm 30�8 714'� <br /> VMP Q VMP�{NE1�'�342y <br /> Wvlters Kluwe�Financia!S�r�i��5 Page 1 1❑f 17 <br />