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��15�3�45 <br /> satisfaction, pra�ided�hat such in�pect�Qn shal� b�undertaken promptly. Lender may pay far th�r�pairs <br /> and r�storatian in a s�ng�e di�burs�rnent or�n a ser�es nf progr�ss pa�ments as th�w�rk is comp��ted. <br /> Un1�ss an agreement is made in writing ar App��cab��Law requires interes�t�be paid on such <br /> Misce�lane�us ProGeeds, Lender shall no�be requ�red t�pay Borrower an� in��r�st or earning�fln such <br /> Miscel�aneou� Praceeds. If the restoratian or repair�s not eC�namiCa�iy feasible or Lender's se�ur�t� would <br /> be lessened, the Miscel�aneous Proceeds shal�be applied t�the sum.� secur�d by �his �ecur�ty �nstrument, <br /> wheth�r or nat then due, vw�th�he excess, if any, paid ta Borrower. Su�h Mzsc���anenu� Prac�eds sha�� be <br /> appiied in the order pro��ded for zn�ecti�n 2. <br /> �n the e�ent�f a�otal tak�ng, des�ruction, ar loss �n�value af the Proper�y, the Miscellarte�us Pr�c��ds shal� <br /> be app��ed�o the sums se�ured by thi� Secur�ty Ins�rurnen�, �vhether or not�hen du�, w�th�he excess, �f any, <br /> paid to Borrower. <br /> �n th�e�ent of a part.ial taking, des�ruc�ion, or loss �n valu��f�he Prop�rty in whi�h�he fair rnarket valu�af <br /> �he Propert� �mm�diately bef�re the partial taking, d�s�ruct�on, ar�o�s �n�alu��s equai to or greater thar�the <br /> amount af�he sums secured�y�his Securi�y Instrument immedia�ely befQre th�par��al taking, de��ru���on, ar <br /> Io�s in vaiue, unl�ss Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in vvrit�ng, the�ums secured by�his Security <br /> �ns�rumen�sha�l be re�uc�d by the amount of�he Miscellaneous Proceeds mul�ipl�ed by �he following <br /> fraCtion: �a}the tata� am�unt of the sums secur�d�mmed�a�e�y before the par�ial�aking, destructi�n, or l�ss <br /> in vaiue divided by �b} the fa�r mark��va�u�of th� Prflper�y immed�ate�y before the par��al tak�ng, <br /> destruc�ion, �r loss in va�ue. Any ba�ance sha�� b�paid�o Borrower. <br /> �n the ewent af a partiai �ak�ng, des�ruction, or�oss �n�a�ue af�he Property in u�hich th�fa�r marl�e�value of <br /> the Pr�pert�r�ate�y b�fore the par��a� taking, des�ruc�ion, or loss in va�u��s less than�he amoun�af the� <br /> sums secured immed�ate�y before�he par��a� taking, destructian, or loss �n va�ue, un��ss Borrower and <br /> L�nder other�vise agree in writing, the M�sCe��ane�us Pr�ceeds shal�be app�ied t� the sums s�cur��by �his <br /> Securi�� �nstrument whether�r nat the sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Praperty �s abandaned by Bor��wer, or if, after n���ce by Lender to Borrower tha��he�ppos�ng Party <br /> �as defined �n the n���sentence}�ffers ta make an award to �ettle a c�a�n1 f�r damages, Borr�vver fa��s tQ <br /> respand to L�nder wi�hin 3�da�s after the da�e th�no�ice is gi��n, Len�er is authorize�.ta ca�IeCt and app�y <br /> th�M�sc�ilaneous Praceeds either ta res�ora�ian�r r�pa�r af the Property�r to�he sums secured b��his <br /> Secur�ty �ns�rument, whether or no��h�n due. "�]ppasing Par�y" means th�th�rd par�� tha�owe�B�rrawer <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the par�y a�ains�wham Borr��uer has a r�ght of a��ion in regard to Miscellaneous <br /> Pro�eeds. <br /> B�rrou�er sha11 be in defaul� if any act�an ar proceeding, �xrhether c�v�� �r cr�mina�, �s begun that, �n Lender's <br /> judgn-�ent, cfluXd result in fnrfeiture�f�he Praper�y or other material impa�r�men�of Lender's interes��n th� <br /> Proper�y�r r�ghts under this Se�ur�ty �nstrument. Borr�wer can cure such a defauit and, if accelera�ion has <br /> occurred, r��n�tate as pravid�d in Sec�ion �9, by causing th�action�r proceeding to be dismissed w�th a <br /> ru��ng tha�, �n Lender's judgmen�, precludes farfe��ure of the Proper�y or other material impairment of <br /> Lender's inter�s� �n the Prap�rfiy�r r�ght�under thzs Security �nstrument. The proceeds of any award ar <br /> claim for damages that are a�tr�butab�e ta the impairmen�of Lender's int�rest �n th�Proper�y ar�here�y <br /> assigned and sha11 be paid�a Lender. <br /> Al� Misce��aneous Pro��eds�hat ar�nat appli�d�o restorat�on�r r�pa�r of th�Proper�y sha�l�e app�ie� in the <br /> order provided fflr in Sec�ion 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Farr�ily-Fa�nie Mael�reddie Mac UNiFdRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3D28�1�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfitN�f 41342� <br /> Woiters Kluwer Financiat Ser��c�s Page 1 a vf 17 <br />