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��15�355� <br /> cflnt�nue to pay to Lender the amoun�of�he separatel� des�gna�ed payment� that vvere due when the <br /> insurance coverage ceased to be�n effect. Lender wi�l accept, us�and re�ain these paymen�s a� a <br /> nan-refunda�le loss reserve in��eu of Mor�gage �nsurance. Such Ioss reserve sha�I be non-refundabl�, <br /> notw��hs�anding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid �n full, and Lender shall not b�required�o pay <br /> Borrow�r an� interest or earr��ngs on such�oss r�serve. Lender can no longer require Ioss r�ser�e paymen�s <br /> if Martgage �nsurance co�rerage�in�he amount and for the period tha�Lender r�quires}pra��de�by an <br /> �nsurer se�ec�ed by Lender again becomes avai�able, is �b�ained, and Lend�r r�qu�res separa�ely designa�ed <br /> payments �oward th�premiums for M�r�gage�n�uran��. �f Lender r�quired�lrlortga�e �nsurance as a <br /> cond��ion of rnaking the Loan and Borrawer was required to mak�separa��I� designated payments toward�he <br /> prem�ums f�r M�rtgage �nsurance, Barrovver sha�� pay the premiums required�o ma�n�ain M�r�gage <br /> Insurance �n effect, or ta pro�r�d�a non-refundable Iass reser�e, unti� Lender's requirem�nt for N�or�gage <br /> �nsurance ends �n accordance w�th an�wr�t�en a�reement be�ween Borrnw�r and Lender providing for sueh <br /> terminat��n or unti� termina�ion�s required by Applicable Law. Noth�ng in�his Sect�on �D affects <br /> Borr�wer's�bliga�ion to pay interest at the ra�e provided in the N�te. <br /> Mor�gage�nsurance rei�mburses Lender�or any en��ty that purchases the N��e} far c�r�a�n losses it may �ncur <br /> �f Borrower do�s no�repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower�s n��a party ta the Mortga�e Insurance. <br /> Mor��age�nsurers eva�ua�e their tota� r�sk�n aII such insurance�n f�rce from time to�ime, and may enter <br /> in�a agreements with o�her part�es that share or mod�fy the�r ri�k, or reduce l�sses. These agreements are on <br /> �erms and cand�t��ns�hat are sa�isfact�r��o�he mortgage �nsurer and the ather par�y ��r par�ies}�o these <br /> a�reemen�s. These a�reem�n�s may require the mor�gage�nsurer�o make pa�ments uszng any source nf funds <br /> tha���ae mor�gage insurer may ha�e a�a�iable�which ma� xnc�ude funds ahtained from Mortga�e Insurance <br /> prem�ums}. <br /> As a resuit of these agreernents, Lender, an�purchaser flf�he Note, ano�her insur�r, an� r�insurer, an�other <br /> ent�ty, or an�af��iate of any of�he foregoing, ma� recei�e �direc�ly or ind�re���y} amounts tha�derive from <br /> �or might lae characteri�ed as} a portxon of B�rrovver's paymen�s fQr Mortgage�nsurance, �n exchange for <br /> sharing or mod�fying�he m.or�gage insurer's r�sk, or reduc�ng�osses. If such agreem�nt pro�r�des�hat an <br /> aff�Iiate of Lender�akes a share of the insurer's risk in e��hange for a share of�he premiums paxd t��he <br /> insurer, �he a�rrangement is often termed "cap���r�reinsurance." Fur�h�r: <br /> �a� Any su�h agreenr�ents wil�not affect the anr�ounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for�Vlar�gage <br /> Insurance, ar any o�her terms of the Lnan. Such agre�rnents w�ll no��n�rease the amoun� <br /> Borrower►wili ovve for Mor�gage Insurance, and�hey vv��i not en����e Borrower ta any refund. <br /> �b; Any such agr�emen�s w���not affect the r�ghts Barrower has-�if any -with respect to�he <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Pro�ect�on Ac�of 1998 or any o�her�av��. These rights <br /> nnay �nclude the righ�to recei�e cer�ain disclosures, �o request and obta�n Cancellat�on of the <br /> �Vlartgage Insurance, to ha�e the Mortgage Insurance#erm�na�ed automat��aliy� andlor to rece��e <br /> a r�fund of any�Vlortgage In�urance premiums tha� were unearned a��he ti�e of such <br /> cancellat�on or termina�ion. <br /> '['i. Ass�gnment af M�scel[aneaus Prnceeds; Forfe�ture. All M�scelianeous Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> If�h� Proper�y i�damaged, such N�isce�iane�u� ProG�eds sha��be app�ied to restoration or repair of�he <br /> Pr�pert�, �f�he res�oration�r repa�r is ec�nnmical��feasi�le and Lender's se�ur�t� �s nat Iessened. During <br /> such repair and re��oration period, Lender sha��have the right�o ho�d su�h M�scel�aneous Proceeds until <br /> Lender has had an appor�unity to inspec�such Propert�to ensure the��rk has been comp�eted to Lender's <br /> NEBRAS�A-Single Farniiy-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT �arm 3�28�101 <br /> VMP� VMPfifNEy t13��y <br /> Woiters Kiuwer�ir�ancia!5er�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />