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��15�355� <br /> far the repairs and rest�rati�n�n a sing�e payment�r�n a seri�s�f progress paym�nts as the work is <br /> comp�et�d. �f the insurance or candemnat�on pra�e�ds are not sufficient to r�pair nr rest�r�the Pr�perty, <br /> Barrower is nat reli�ved�f Barro�ver's�b��gat��n far the C�mplet�on af such r�pair or r�staratian. <br /> L�nd�r or�ts agent may mak�reasona��e entries upon and inspections of the Praper�y. If it has reasonable <br /> cause, L�n�.er may �nsp�ct the interior of the�mpra�ements�n th�Property. Lender sha�1 give Borrow�r <br /> na��ce at the t�me�f or pr�ar�a such an in�er��r xnspect�on specifying such reasonable cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Appl�cat�on. Borrawer sha�l be in defaul�if, durzng th� Loan applica��on process, <br /> Borrower or any persons or ent�txes a��ing at�he directian of Barro�er or v�ith B�rrower's kr�ow�edge or <br /> c�ns�n�ga��ma�eriall� faise, mzs�eading, or ina�curate infarmation or s�atements ta Lender�ar failed to <br /> pr��ide L�n��r w��h material informatzfln} in Cnnne�tion with th�Loan. Ma�erial representatians �nclude, but <br /> are not l�m�ted�a, representat�ons�oncern�ng B�rrower's occupanc� of the Prnper��as Borrower's principal <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. Protection af Lender's �nterest in the Property and Rights Under this Security �nstrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrov�er fails t�perform the co�enants and agreements conta�ned in this Securi�y Instrument, �b} �here is a <br /> �ega�proceed�ng�hat m��.ght s�gnifican��y affec� Lender's interest�n th�Prop�r�y andl�r rights under this <br /> Se�ur��y �nstrum�n� �such as a pro���ding in bankrupt�y, proba�e, fnr cnndemnat�an flr forfeitur�, for <br /> enfar�em�nt of a lien which may at�ain priority ov�r th�s Security �nstrument ar to�nforce�aws or <br /> regulat�ons}, ar�c} Borrawer has abandoned the Property, then L�nd�r may do and pay for what�ver�s <br /> reasonable or appropriate to pro�ec�Lend�r's �nter�s��n the Prop�rty and righ�s under�his S�curity <br /> �nstrument, includ�ng protecting andlor as�e�s�ng the�a�u�af Che Pr�per�y, ar�d se�ur�ng an�lor repairing <br /> the Proper�y. Lender's act��ns can include, but are not limited to: �a}payxng any sum� �ecured by a��en <br /> which has priflrity over th�s Securi�y Ins�rument; �b} appearing in cour�; and �c}paying reasonab�e a�torneys' <br /> fees�a pro�ect i�s inter�st in the Proper�� andlor righ�s under th�s Security Instrum.ent, including its se�ured <br /> pasition in a�ankruptcy proce�ding. Securing�he Pr�per�� inciudes, �3U�15 Tl���1IIll�EC��Q, en�ering the <br /> Property to make repairs, chang��ocks, rep�ace or�oard up doars and wind�ws, dra�n water from pipes, <br /> e��m�na�e bux�d�ng nr��her c��.e�iolations ar dangerous cond��ions, and have ut��itzes turned on or aff. <br /> A�th�ugh Lender may take act��n under this Sec�ian 9, L�n�er does not have�o do s� and xs nnt under any <br /> duty or ob�iga�ion t� do so. �t�s a�r�ed that Lender�ncurs no Iiability f�r no�taking any or al� ac��ans <br /> authorized under this Sect�an 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed b�Lender under�h�s Se�t��n 9 shal�becom.e addi�i�nal debt of Barrow�r secured by <br /> �his Secur�ty �nstrument. Th�se amaun�s�hall bear interest a�the Note ra�e from the date nf d�sbursement <br /> and sha�� be payab�e, wzth such int�rest, upon natice from Lender t� Barrawer reques�ing pa�rment. <br /> If this S�curity Instrurnen� is an a�easeh�id, Borrower shall comp���v�th all the provisions of the lease. �f <br /> Borrower acquir�� f��tit�e to the Proper�y, the�easeho�d and th� fee�itle shall no�merge unless Lend�r <br /> agrees t� �he merger�n�riting. <br /> ��. Mortgage [nsurance. �f Lender required Martgage Insurance as a canditian af makin�the Loan, Borrower <br /> shal�pay�he premiums re�uired t�ma�ntain the Mortgag�Insurance in�ffect. If, f�r any reason, the <br /> 1Vlar�gage Insurance c�verage required by Lender cease� t�be availa�l�fr�m th�mnrtgage insur�r tha� <br /> pre�iously provided such insurance and Borrawer was requir�d t�make separa�e�y d�signated paymen�s <br /> taward�he prenuunls for Mar�gage In�urance, Borro�er sha��pay the premiums re�uired�a�btazn coverage <br /> substantially equival�nt to�he N�or�gage Insurance previously in effect, at a cast subs�antially equiva�ent ta <br /> the�os��a Barraw�r of the Mor��age�nsurance pre�iou�ly in�ffe��, frarn an alternate mor�gage in�urer <br /> ��le�t�d by Lend�r. �f subs�antia��y equi�alent�nrtgage�nsurance���erage is not availabl�, Barrower shall <br /> N�SRASKA-Singie�amiiy-�anni�MasJFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3��8�1�'� <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�y 413�2� <br /> Waiters Ktuwer Financial Ser�ices Page S nf 7 7 <br />