<br /> satisfaction, pro�id�d tha�such inspecti�n shall b�underta�en promp�l�. Lender may pay for the repairs
<br /> and restora�ian �n a singl�disbursement or in a series of progress payments as the work �s completed.
<br /> Unless an agre�men��s made i�n writing�r Appli�able Law r�quires inter�st to be pa�d on such
<br /> Miscelianeous Proce�ds, Lender shall not��r�quired to pay Barrower an�r �nterest�r earnings an such
<br /> Misce�laneous Pr�ceeds. �f th�r�storat�an or repair is no�econ�m�ca�ly feasib�e or Lender's secur�ty w�uld
<br /> be�essened, th�Misc���aneous Pr�ce�ds shall be appiied to the�ums secured by this Securz�y �nstrumen�,
<br /> whe�her or no�then due, w�th the ex�ess, if any, paid to Borrow�r. Such Misc�llaneous Proceeds sha�l be
<br /> applied�n�he order provzded for in Sec��an 2.
<br /> �n the e��n��f a��tal tak�ng, destruc�iony or Ioss in value af the Proper�y, �he M�sce��an�ous Praceeds shall
<br /> �e app�ied�a th�sums s�cured by�his Se�urity In�trument, �vhether�r nat�hen due, v�ith the e�ccess, if any,
<br /> paid ta Borrower.
<br /> �n the event�f a partia� �ak�ng, des�ruct�on, or�oss in�a�ue of�he Proper�y �n wh�ch the fair marl�et�alue of
<br /> th�Prnper�� immediat�ty befor�the par�ia� taking, des�ruc��on, or�ass �n�alue is e�ual to or grea�er than the
<br /> amount af th�sums secured by this Securi�y Ins�r�ment immedia�ely b�fore the part�al taking, destruction, �r
<br /> ioss in va�ue, un�ess B�rrow�r and Lender�ther�vis�agre��n wri�ing, the sums secured by�his Secur�ty
<br /> Instrumen�shal�be reduced b��he amount of�he Mzscellane�us Proc�eds mult�pl�ed by th�fo�Iowing
<br /> fraCtinn: �a} the�ota1 amoun�of the sunns secured�mumedzate�y befnre the partia� taking, �estruction, or Iass
<br /> �n�alue divided by �b}�he fair market value af the PrQper�y immed�ately hefare�he par��a� taking,
<br /> d�struc��on, �r lnss in vaiue. Any balance�ha11 be paid�a Borravwer.
<br /> In the event of a partza� �ak�ng, destru�t�on, or�oss in�a�ue of th�Property in�vhich the fair n�arke��a�u�of
<br /> the Pr�p�r��immedia�e�y before the part�a� ta.�ing, des�ruc��nn, nr�oss in value is l�ss �han th�amoun�of�he
<br /> sums secured immedia�ely hefore the partial taking, destructi�n, or�o���n va�ue, unless B�rrower and
<br /> Lender�therwise agree in writing, �he Miscellaneous Proceeds shai�be app���d to the sums s��ured by this
<br /> Secur�ty �nstrument wheth�r or nat the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Praperty is aband�ned��Borrower, or�f, aft�r nati��b� L�nd�r t�Borro�er that�he Dpp�s�ng Par�y
<br /> �as defined �n the next sentence} off�rs t�make an award ta set��e a c�a�m for damages, Borrower fail� ta
<br /> resp�nd�o Lender within 30 days af�er the date the notic� is given, Lender�s au�horiz�d to co�l��t and apply
<br /> the M�scellaneous Proceeds either ta restora�ian or repair af the Property ar t��he sums secured b�th�s
<br /> Secur��y �ns�rument, wh�ther or nat then due. 'fDpp�sing Par�y" rneans the third party tha�owes Borrawer
<br /> Miscellan�ous Proceeds�r�h�party against whom B�rrower has a righ�of action in r�gard to Mi�ce��aneous
<br /> Pra�e�ds.
<br /> Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whe�her�iv�l ar cr�m�i.nal, �s b�gun that, in Len�er's
<br /> judgmen�, cou�d resul� in forfeiture af the Proper�y or other ma�er�al impairment�f Lend�r's zntere�t�n�he
<br /> Proper�y or rzgh�s under this 5ecurity Instrument. Borr��ver�an cure such a defaul�and, if accelerat�on has
<br /> o�curred, reins�at�as pr�vided in�ection �9, by causing the ac�ion or praceeding�o be dismissed with a
<br /> ru�ing�hat, in Lender's judgmen�, prec�udes forfe�ture af th�Proper�y�r oth�r ma�erial impairment af
<br /> L�nder's �n�erest in the Proper�y or rights und�r this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, T`he proceeds af any award or
<br /> claim for damages that are at�ributable t� �he impairment af L�nder's interest �n the Property are hereb�
<br /> assigned and sha��be paid�o Lender.
<br /> A�� M�sce��ane�us Proc�eds�hat are na�app��ed to res�orat�nn or repair of the Proper�y shal�be app�ied in�he
<br /> order pra��ded for�n Sec�ian�.
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingfe�amiiy-Fannie Mael�reddie MaG UNIFqRM INSTRUMENT Form 3��8 1101
<br /> VMP d VMPfitN�;41302y
<br /> Wolters Kt�wer�inanciaf Ser�ices Page��a�7 7
<br />