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��15�355� <br /> All insurance po�ici�s required by L,ender and r�newa�s af such pol�c�es shal�be subj�ct t� L,ender's right to <br /> d�sappro�e such po�icies, shall include a standard mor�gage��ause, and shal� name L�nder a�mor�gag�e <br /> andlor as an add�tiona� �oss payee. Lender sha�l have the r��ht to ho�d�he po�ic�es and renewal cer�i�ca�es, If <br /> Lender requ�res, Borr�wer shall pramptly gi�e to L..ender all rece�pts of paid prem�ums and renewal no�ices. <br /> If Borrov�er obtains any form�f insuranc�co�erage, no�o�herw�se required�y Lender, far damage to, �r <br /> destruction of, the Proper�y, such poi�cy �hal� include a standard mor�gage claus�and sha�� name Lender as <br /> m�r�gagee andlor as an add��ional loss pa�ee. <br /> �n�he�vent af loss, �arrou�er s�.all give promp�not�ce ta the insurance carr�er and �nder. �end�r ma� <br /> make proof of loss if nat made promptl�by Borrov�er. Uniess Lend�r and Borrower a�herwise agr�e in <br /> v�rriting, any insurance proceeds, whether ar n���h�underl�ing �nsurance was requ�red by Lender, sha11 be <br /> app�ied to restnra�ion or repair of�he Prop�r�y, if�he restoration or repair is economically feas�h�e and <br /> Lender's securi�� is not lessened. Dur�ng such repa�r and res��rat�on period, Lend�r sha11 ha�e the r�gh�to <br /> hold su�h insurance proc�eds un�i� Lender has had an oppnr�un����o �nspec�such Property to ensur��he <br /> work has been c�mp�eted�� Lender's satisfaction, provid�d tha�such inspec�ion sha���e undertaken <br />��. Lender may d�sburse proceeds for�h�re�airs and r�stora�i�n in a s�ngle pa�n�en�or in a seri�s of <br /> progress pa�ments as the work is�ample�ed, Un�ess an agreem�n�is made in wr�ting or Applicable Lav�r <br /> requires �nterest to be paid on suGh �nsurance proceeds y Lender sha�� not b�requ�red to pay Borrov�er an}� <br /> in�eres�ar earnings on such proceeds. Fees for pu��ic adjus�ers, or other th�rd par�ies, retained by Borrower <br /> shall not be paid out of�he�nsurance proceeds and shall be the��Ie obl�gation of Borrower. �f�he restora�ian <br /> ar repair�s no�econamica��y feasi�l�ar Lender's securi�y wnu�d be lessened, the �nsurance pr�c�eds sha�I b� <br /> appli�d�a �he sums secured by�his Securit� ins�rument, whether or not�hen due, v�ith�he�xce�s, if any, <br /> pa�d t�Borrawer. Such insuran�e proceeds shai��e applied in the arder p�ro�rided f�r in Section Z. <br /> �f Borrower abandnns�he Property, Lender may f�le, neg�tiate and �����e any ava�lable insuranc�claim and <br /> r�lated mat�ers. �f Borrawer do�s n�t respond w��h�n 3�da�s�o a no�ice fram Lender that�he�nsurance <br /> carrier has offered to set�Ie a claim, then Lender ma�nego�ia�e and set�Ie the c�a�m. The 3D-da�p�riod w�ll <br /> �egin when the notic� is gi�v�n. In either event, or if Lender acqu��res�he Proper��under Sect�nn��or <br /> otherw�se, Borrower hereb� ass�gns t� Lender�a} Barrov�er's rights to any �nsurance proceeds in an am�unt <br /> no�to exceed the amounts unpa�d under the N�te or�h�s S�curity Instrument, and tb} an�other of <br /> Borrawer's rights �other than�he righ��a any refixnd c�f un�arned prem�ums paid�y Barr�v�rer}under a�l <br /> insurance pal�cies c��ering the Proper�y, �nsofar as such righ�s are appl�cable��the co�erage of the <br /> Proper�y. Lender ma�r use the�nsuranc�proceeds either to repair ar restore�he Property or�o pay am�un�s <br /> unpaid under�he Note or th�s Security �nstrument, whether or nat th�n due. <br /> 6. Dccupancy. Borrov�rer shall o�cup�, establish, and use t�ie Propert� as Borrower's prin�ipal reside�ce <br /> v�ithin 6D days af�er the execut��n of th�� Securi�y �nstrumen�and shal��on�inue t�occup� �he Property as <br /> Borrower's principal res�dence for a�Ieas��ne year after the da�e of occupancy, unless Lender o�herwise <br /> agrees �n wri�ing, which�onsent shal�not be unreasanably withheld, or unless ext�nuating circums�ances <br /> exis�which are beyond Borro��r's confr��. <br /> 7. Preser�at�on. Ma�ntenance and Prvtection of the Property; lnspectivns. Borrower sha11 not destray, <br /> damag��r�mpair�he Proper�y, allov�the Proper��to d��eriorate ar comrn��was�e on the Proper�y. '�Vhether <br /> or nat B�rrawer�s residing in�he Property, Borrow�r sha�l main�a�n the Praper�y in ord�r�a prevent the <br /> Pr�perty from deteri�rat�ng or decrea�ing in�ra�u�due to its cond�tion. Un�ess it is determined pursuant to <br /> Sect��n 5 tha�repair or rest�ration is not econorn.icall� feasi��e, Borrower shali pramp�ly r�pair�he Proper�y <br /> �f da�naged to a�oid fur�her deter�oratxon or damage. �f insuran�e or�ondemna�ion proc�eds are pa�d in <br /> connec�ian v��th damage to, ar th�e takin�of, �he Pr�per�y, Borrawer shall be resp�nsib�e for r�pa�ring or <br /> restoring th�Pr�per�y onl� �f Lender has re�eased pr�ceeds f�r such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> NESRASKA-Sing�e�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3��8 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NEy�1302) <br /> Wvlters Kl�wer Fina��ia!5er�ices Page 7❑f 17 <br />