<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ���rltlnued� Page 7
<br /> Chvi�� o# Venue. ffi there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees up�n Lender's request ta submit to the jurisdictivn of the
<br /> courts❑f Hal1 �aunty, State a�Nek�raska.
<br /> No Wai�er hy Lender. Lender shall not be deemed ta have wa��ed any rights under�this Deed a�Trust un�ess such
<br /> uvai�er is gi�en in writing and si�ned by Lender. No deiay or amission on the part of Lender in�xer�ising any right
<br /> shall operate as a wai�er af such righ�❑r any ❑�her righ�. A wai�er by Lender of a pra�isivn of�his Deed o�Trust
<br /> sha�� not prejudi�e ar constitute a wai�er af Lender's right otherwise t� demand strict cvmpliance with that
<br /> pro�ision nr any other pro�isian of this Deed of Trus�. No priar wai�er by Lender, nor any cvurse of dealing
<br /> betw�en Lender and Trustor, shall const�tut� a wai�er vf any af Lender's rights ar of any of Trustar's ok�ligations
<br /> as to any �uture transactians. V1lhene�er the consent of Lender �s re�uired under this ❑eed o�Trust, the granting
<br /> of su�h consent by Lender in any ins�ance shal! nat Gonstitu�e cvn�inuing c�nsent tv subsequen� instances where
<br /> su�h cansent is required and in al1 cases such cvnsent may be granted or withheld in the sale discretion of Lender.
<br /> Se�erability. �� a c�urt o� campetent jurisdi��ion finds any pro�ision ❑f this Deed af Trust to be illegal, in�alid, or
<br /> un�nforceable as t� any circumstance, that finding shall no� mak� the offending pro�isi�n illegal, in�alid, vr
<br /> unen�orceabfe as to any vther cir�umstance. 1f feasibl�, the v�f�nding pro�isian shal! be ��nsidered madi#ied so
<br /> that i� becomes legal, vaiid and enf�rceabfe. If 'the affending pro�isian canna� be sv modified, i� shall be
<br /> ��nsidered dele�ed fram �his Deed of Trust. Unless ❑therwise required by law, the il[egality, in�a[�di�y, ar
<br /> unen#orceab�lity of any pro�isian of this �eed vfi Trust shall not affe�t the legality, �alidity ar enfo�c�ability of any
<br /> ❑ther pra�ision❑f this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Successors and Assigns. Sub�ect tv any limitatians stated in this Qeed o�Trust on �ransf�r of Trustar's interest,
<br /> �his Deed o� Trust sha![ be binding upon and inure to the b�n�fit af the parties, their successars and assigns. lf
<br /> vwnership of the Property becvm�s �ested in a pe�son vther than Trustor, L�nder, withvut nvtice ta Trustnr, may
<br /> d�al with Trustor's successors wi�h reference t❑this Deed af Trust and the lndebtedness by v►ray�f fivrk�ea�rance or
<br /> extensivn without releasing Trustor from the�bliga�ians of this Deed af Trust or liability under�he lndeb�edness.
<br /> Time is o�th�Essence. Time is of the essenc� in the performance of this Deed a�Trus�.
<br /> Vlla��e Jury. A!I parties to this Qeed af Trust hereby wa'r�e the righ�to any�ury�rial in any activn, proceeding, or
<br /> counterciaim braught by any party agains�any other party.
<br /> INai�er of Homes�ead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es all rEghts and bene�its of the hamestead
<br /> exemptivn �aws a�th� State�f Nebrasl�a as to aff Indebtedness secured by�his D�ed of Trust.
<br /> DEFlNITIaNS. The fallowing capifialized words and terms shall have the �vllow�ng meanings when us�d in this Deed o#
<br /> Trust. Unless speci�i�alfy stated ta the cantrary, all referen�es t� dollar amvun�s shall mean amounts in lawful money
<br /> o� the United 5tat�s ❑f America. Wards and terms used in the singular shall include the plura�, and the pfural sha�l
<br /> include #he singular, as th� can�t�x# may requir�. Vllords and �erms n�t otherwise defin�d in this Deed of Trust shall
<br /> ha�e the meanings attrihuted�o such t�rms in the lJn�form Gommer�ial Cade:
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary"' means Ex�hange gank, and its su�cessors and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The word "'Borrvwer" means Grand Ri�er Praperties LLC and includes all co-signers and co-makers
<br /> signing th� Note and all their successors and assigns.
<br /> ❑eed v� Trust. The words "Deed ❑f Trust" mean �his Deed vfi Trust amon� Trusto�, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> incfudes vuithaut limitation all assignmen�C and security interest pro�isions relating ta th� Personal Propsrty and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Q�fiault. The word "Defaul�" means�he Default s�t forth in this Deed af Trust in the section t�tled "Default".
<br /> En►rironmental Laws. The words "'En�iranmen�al Laws" mean any and all state, fed�ral and la�al statutes,
<br /> reguiatians and ardinanCes relating ta the protection af human health or �he ���n���'vr�����fi;�',���t`��u�i�i�°-"�irvi`��i�`�t��"�"'���
<br /> �imi�ation �he Campreh�ns��e En�ironmen�af Response, �ompensa�ion, and Liability Act af �98a�as ame�d���`` 4�
<br /> ,.si�..;, . ►
<br /> �.S.C. 5ec�ion 9�D�, e� seq. t"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reaufhorizati�n Ac��'�of�19g�;,Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99-499 �"SARA"y, the Hazardous Materials Transportatian AGt, 49 IJ.S.C. 5ec�:ion 18�.'�., et,::seq'��,;;:�.he.'Resource :.
<br /> Canser�ation and Recov�ry A�t, 4� U.S.�. Sectivn �9D1, et seq., or❑ther appli�able sfiate ar federal laws, rules,
<br /> vr regulations adapted pursuant thereto,
<br /> E►renfi o#Defaul#. The words "Event o�D��auffi" mean any vf the e�en�s of defiault se�forth in�his Deed ❑f Trust in
<br /> �he e�ents af default section af this ❑eed of Trus�.
<br /> Guaranty. The ward "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guaran�or, endvrser, surety, ar accommodation party to
<br /> Lender, including wi�hout limitation a guaranty of all or part vf the Nate,
<br /> Hazardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials �hat, because of their quan�ity,
<br /> conc�ntrativn or physical, �h�micaf or infecti�us characteristics, may caus� or pose a presen� or potential hazard
<br /> �Co human h�al�h or the en�iranmen�when impraperly used, treated, stvred, disposed vf, generated, manufactured,
<br /> transported or oth�r►rv�se handled. The words "Ha�ardaus Suhstancss'" are us�d in their �ery hr�adest sense and
<br /> include without lim�tat�on any and all ha�ardous or toxic su�stances, materials ar was�e as defined by or lis�ed
<br /> under�he En�ironmental Laws, The term "Ha�ardous Substanc�s" also includes, withvut limitativn, p�trafeum and
<br /> petraleum by-praducts or any fira�tion#hereof and asbestvs.
<br /> lmpro�emen�s. The wvrd "lmprv�ements" means al1 exis�ing and fu�ure impro�ements, buildings, structures,
<br /> mobile hvmes affixed on �he Real Proper�y, facilities, additions, replacemen�s and other construction vn the Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" m�ans a!! prin�ipal, interes�, and other amoun�s, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the No�e or Related Dacumen�s, �ogether with all renewals ❑f, extensions vf, madi�ications af,
<br /> ' consolidations of and substitu�ians for the Nate ar Related Do�uments and any amounts expended ar ad�anced �y
<br /> Lender ta discharge Trustor's ab�igations Qr expenses incurred by Trustee or L�nder ta enforce Trustor's
<br /> abliga#ians under �his Deed o� T�ust, tag�ther with in�erest on such am�unts as prv�ided in this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> 5peci#icafly, withvu# limitation, Indebtedness includes the futur� ad�ances se� forth in the Future Ad�anc�s
<br /> pro�ision, togeth�r with all interest therevn and all amvunts that may k�e indirect�y secured by the
<br /> �ross-Collaterali�ation pro�isian of this ❑eed o#Trust.
<br /> Lender. The v►rard "Lender" means Ex�hange Bank, its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Nvte. The word '"Note" means the pr�missory n�te dated May �9, ��15, in the or�ginal principal amaunt
<br /> �f $7�.���.�� from Trustar to Lender, together uvith all renewals of, extensions of, m�difications of,
<br /> refinancings �f, cons�lidations a�, and suhstituti�ns �vr the pr�missary n�te or agreement. NDTICE TD TRUST�R:
<br /> Persvnal Prop�rty. The words "Personaf Prvperty'" mean al! equipment, #ix�ur�s, and othe� artiGles af personal
<br /> praperty naw ar he�ea�ter vwned �y Trustor, and now or hereafter attached ❑r affixed ta the Real �roperty;
<br /> together vuith all accessions, parts, and additions �o, all replacemen#s af, and all substitutions for, any of such
<br /> praperty; and together with all pro�eeds �including with�ut limitation aff insurance pr�ceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums� frvm any sa��or❑ther dispasitivn of the Property.
<br /> Prnperty. The word "Prvperty" means collecti�eiy the Real Property and the Persvnal Prvper�y.
<br />