<br /> ���ntinu�d� P��� $
<br /> Real Property. The wards "Real Prvper�y" mean the real proper�y, inter�sts �nd rights, as �urther des�rib�d in this
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br /> R�tated Do�ur�nent:a. The wards "Related Dvcuments" mean a!I pramissory n�te�, �redit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�irc�nmental agreemen�s, guaranties, se�urity agreements, martgages, de�ds o�f t�ust, securifiy
<br /> deeds, collateral mortgages, and all ather instruments, agreements and docum�nts, whether now or hereafter
<br /> existing, execu�ed in conne��ion w�th the Indebtedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and �utur� rents, revenues, income, issu��, rayal�ies, profits, and
<br /> ather bene�its c�eri�ed �From th� Property.
<br /> Trust�e. The uvo�c� "Trustee" means Ex�hange Bank, whos� addr�ss is P�� 764, Cib�on, NE 58$4� and any
<br /> sub�titute or succe:�svr trustees.
<br /> Trustvr. The r��ord "Trustor"' means Grand Riv�r Prvperties LLC.
<br /> AGREES T� �TS TE��MS.
<br /> TRUSTDR:
<br /> GRAND R PR(]��ER`i'IE5 LLC
<br /> � . M� � �.�.. �
<br /> B .�,.
<br /> .
<br /> Dal�L.W��sem��n, N9ember v�Grand Ri�er Prope�ties LLG
<br /> LII1�fTED LI►4B�LfTY �[]MPANY A�f�NDV1ILE�]G�E�lT
<br /> STATE QF �����'�� �'�� �
<br /> �SS
<br /> CDUNTY�F ���.���
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<br /> �n this ���� da vt ���- ��
<br /> Y , �� , �e#ore me, the undersigned
<br /> N�tary Public, personal9y� �ppeared Dale L. Wieseman. Member of Grand River Properties L�.C. and known to me �v be
<br /> member or deSignated agent �f the limited �iability cvmpany that executed th� �eed o� T�us� and acknorrvledged the
<br /> Deed of Trust t❑ ��� th� free and �oiuntary act and deed o� the fimited liabili�y cvmpany, by auth�rity fl� statute, i�s
<br /> art�cf�� of ❑rgani�a�i�n car i�s aperating agreement, �ar the us�s and purposes ther�in mentioned, and on �a�h s�a�ed
<br /> that he ar she is autf�orized to execute this Deed a�Trust and in fa�t�xecuted the ❑eed o�f T�us�an behaif a�the limited
<br /> liability company.
<br /> �
<br /> a ���
<br /> By � � S ��•�
<br /> f •n r. �
<br /> �
<br /> Printed Nam�: ��.���,� � � ��.-�y��
<br /> ���"�������� Nota�y Public in and for the State v# ;��
<br /> J���F���.i��C:���
<br /> Residing at �� �`���
<br /> ��..� �����.�����,zo�� ..W..._ —....._..__ ...,_.`�.�.. ,_....,,....,..
<br /> � M�cvmmissian e�pires ����� �'-��
<br /> REQUEST FC]R FULL RE��N1l�EYA�l��E'�.��.�
<br /> {Ta b� �sed only when vbligativns ha�e been paid in fu���
<br /> T�r , Trustee
<br /> Th� unders�gned is the i�;gal owner and ho�der of all [ndebtedn�ss s�cured by this Deed o�Trus�. AlI sums secured by
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust h���e �}�en fully paid a�d satisfied. Yflu a�e hereby directed, upon paymen��o you�f any sums�wing
<br /> to you under�the ter�ms ��f this Deed of Trust or pursuant t� any applica�le stafiute, to canC�l the Note s�cured by this
<br /> De�d of Trus� �whicf� is deli�er�d t❑ y�u �ogeth�r with �his Deed of Trusti, and t� recon��w, withou� warranty, to the
<br /> parties designated b���he te�ms of�his De�d o�Trus�,the estate nvw he�d by you under this Deed of Trust, Please mai(
<br /> �he re�an�eyance and Related Documents tv:
<br /> Da�e: Be�eficiary:
<br /> By;
<br /> �ts:
<br /> LaserPro, Ver. �4.�.��.�D4 Copr. D+H U5A Corporatian 1997, ZD�5. A11 Rights Rese��ed. - NE
<br /> C:1PraSui��ICFIILPLIG�'i.FC TR-13828 PR-�38
<br />