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��15�353� <br /> DEED �]F TFiUST <br /> ��ontir�ued� Page � <br /> under this �]�e�� vf Trust, under the Nate, und�r any vf the Relat�d Dvcuments, �r u�der any other agreement or <br /> any laws nvw or hE.r�a�ter in force; natwithstanding, svme �r al! o�F such indeb�edness and obligat'rons secured by <br /> this Deed of Tr�ust rnay now ❑r her�after be atherwise secured, wh�ther by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignment ar otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed o� Trust nor it� enf�rcer�nen�, �rvh�ther by cou�t <br /> activn or purs�:�ant to the pawer v� sa�e ❑r �ther power� �ontained in �his D�ed v�Trust, shal� prejudice vr in any <br /> manner affec� Trustee's or Lender's right ta realize upon or enforce any ather �ecuri�Cy now or hereafter held by <br /> Trustee❑r Lencier, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and ea�h v�them, shall be�ntit�ed tv en�ar�e this ❑eed <br /> of Trust and any ol:her security now or hereafter held by Lender �r Trustee in �uch o�der and manner as they vr <br /> eith�r vf therr-� may in their absolute discretivn de�ermine. No remedy Gvnfi�rred upv�� o� r�ser�ed to Trus�ee �r <br /> Lender, is inter�ded tv be �xclusi�� af any othe� remedy in this Deed ��Trust ar by lavv pra�ided ar permit�ed, but <br /> each shal� be c:umulati�e and sh�ll be in addition to e�ery nther remedy gi�en in thi� �eed af Trus� or now or <br /> hereafter existi�7g a1:law ar in equit�or by statute. E�ery power or remedy giwen hy th� Nate ar any of the Related <br /> Documer��ks to Tru:�tee nr Lend�r or to vuhi�h either of them may b� �th�rvirise �ntEt[ed, may be �xer�ised, <br /> concurrently ar ind��pendently, fram �ime �� time and as of��n as may be deemed exp�dient by Trustee ar Lend�r, <br /> and either af �:h�m may pursue incansistent remedies. Nvthing in �his De�d ❑� Trus� shalf be canstrued as <br /> prvhibiting L�ntfer from seeking a d�ficiency judgment against the Trustor t�t��extent such action is permitted by <br /> law. El��tiQn by L��nder to pursue any rem�dy shall not �xclude pursuit of any oth�r remedy, and an ele�tion ta <br /> make expendit�ares or fio take a��ian to perfarm an obl�gation of Trustor under this De�d �� Trust, afiter Trustor's <br /> failure ta pe��orm, shall no�a�fiect Lender"s right tv declare a defaul�and exerc�se its remedies. <br /> Request for lVo�:i�e. Trustor, on behal#v�Trust�r and Lender, her�b� requests that a capy�f any NotiCe of Defauft <br /> and a copy of�iny I�Jotice of Saie under this Deed of Trust �e mailed tv�hem at�he ad�ress�s set farth in the first <br /> pa rag ra ph o�th is D��ed af Trust, <br /> A��orn�ys' Fee:r; E�;p�nses. !f Lender institutes any sui� or ac�i�n to enfvrce any af the terms �f this ❑eed of <br /> Trust, Lender sl�ali k3e �ntitled tv re�a�er su�h sum as the court may adjudge r�asonable a� attorneys' fe�s at trial <br /> and upvn any ��ppe��l. Vllheth�r or no� any court activn is in�ol�ed, and to �he exte�t nat prahihified by law, a�l <br /> reasonabl� exp��nses Lender inGurs that in Lender's apinian ar� nec�ssary at any tirne �or the pro�ection of its <br /> int�rest ar the�in�orCem�nt�f its r��hts shall �ecome a part�f the Indebtedness payabl+�on demand and shall bear <br /> inter�s�a�th� PJo�t� ra�e frvm the da#e of the exp�nditure until r�paid. Exp�nses�v�ere+� by this paragraph includ�, <br /> without limita�ir�n, how��er suhject to any limits under applicahle law, Lender's attorneys' �ees and Lend��'s legal <br /> expenses, wh��.her ar nv�t �here is a lawsuit, including attorneys' fees and expens�s f�or b�nkrup�cy pr�ceedings <br /> �incfuding efforts ta modify or�acate any automatic s�ay❑r injunc�ion}, appeafs, and an� anticipa�ed pvst-judgment <br /> collection ser��, khe cost of searching records, vb�aining title reports {incfudir�� �or�cia�ure repvrts�, 5ur�eyn�S' <br /> repvrts, �nd apprai��a! fe�s, title insurance, and ��es far #he Trustee, to the �xtent p�rmitt�d by applicable law. <br /> Trustar also rrvil? pay any court casts, in addition ta a11 vfiher sums pro�ided by law. <br /> Rights ot Trustee. 1'rus�ee shaff h��e all of the ri�hts and duties vf L�nder as set�orth i�this secti�n. <br /> PDVIIERS AND Q�LI��ATI�NS QF TRUSTEE. The foflowing pro�isions relating ta�he powers and obliga�tions o�Trus#ee <br /> are part af�his Deed af T�rust: <br /> Pvwers o�Tru�t:ee, ln additian�ko all pvwers of Trustee arising as a matter�f lavir, Trus�ee sha�1 ha�e the power to <br /> take the fafl�wing a��tions v►rith respe�t t❑ the �'roperty upon th� written request of Lender and Trustor: �a� join in <br /> pr�paring and f��€ng a map or p�at ❑�f the Real Property, including the dedica�tion vf s�reet� or ❑ther righ�ts to the <br /> public; �b� jvin �n c�ranting any easement ar cr�ating any restriction on the Rea! Pro�erty; and {cy join in any <br /> suhordinatior�ar ofih��r agreement a��e�t�ng this �3eed v�Trust ar the interest of Lender ur�der this aeed of Trust. <br /> Trus�ee. T�ust�:e sr�all meet afl �u�lifica�ions r�qu�r�d far Trustee und�r applicable lav�. In addition ta the rights <br /> and remed�es s�.t f�rth at�o�e, wi�h respect to all or any part o� th� Praperty, the TruCte� sha11 ha�e �he right to <br /> fore�tose by no�tice �and sale, and L�nder shall ha�e the right tv �areclose by judicial foreclosure, in either cas� in <br /> accardance witi�� ancl to�he fulf ex��n-t prv�ided �y appficabfe law. <br /> 5uccessar Trust�ee. Lender, a� Lender's vption, may from time to�ime appvint a successvr Trust�a to any Truste� <br /> appointed under th�s� De�d of Trust by an instrument ex�cut�d and acknvwledg�d by Lend�r and recarded in the <br /> office t�fi �he rec�vrd�;r ❑f HALL County, State o# N�braska. The instrument shall cont�in, in addi�ivn to all afiher <br /> matters r�quirec� by state faw, tl�e names of the vriginal Lender, Trus�ee, and T�ustar, the book and page �or <br /> computer systeEn referen�e� ►►vhere this ❑eed ❑� Trust is recarded, and the name and address vf the su��essor <br /> trus�ee, and ths instrument shall be executed an� acknawfedged by al!the beneficiaries �nder this Deed of Trust or <br /> their successors in inte�est, The succ�ssor trustee, wi�hou� cvn�eyance o� the Pr�per�y, shall succeed to a!! the <br /> title, pQw�r, ancl duties Gonferred upon the Trustee in this Deed af Trust and b►� appli�ak�le law. This pra��dure f�r <br /> substitution of Trustf�e shall�a�ern�a�he exclusion o�aff other pro�isions�or suhstitu�ivn. <br /> N�TICES. An� noti�;e required �o be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, inc�uding witho�t I�mi�ativn any natiGe of de�auft <br /> and any n�tFce af sale sh�aff b� gi�en in rn�rit�n�, and shall be e��ecti�e when actuaiiy deli�er�d, when a��ua�ly re�ei�ed <br /> by tele�acs'rmile �unless o�khervuise r��uired by law�, when d�pvsited with a nafiionally r��ogni�ed�vernight caurier, or, if <br /> mai�ed, when depasi�:ed ir��he United Sta�es mail, as �irst cfass, certified or register�d mail postage pr�paid, dire�ted to <br /> the addre�ses showrf near the �eginning o�this Deed of Trust. Aii copies af nvtices of��reclasure �rom the halder of <br /> any lien which has prio�ii:y o�er this D�ed af Trust shall be s�nt to L�nder'� address, as shawn near the beginning ofi <br /> thi� Deed of Trus�. Any party may change its address for natices under this D�ed �f Tru�t by gi�ing �Formal wri�ten <br /> n�t�ce to the other ��ar�i�.s, sp�cifying that the purpose of the nvti�e is ta change �he party's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Trustor ag�•ees to keep Lender intarmed at all times o�Trustar's �urr�nt address. �Jnless atherwise p���id�d <br /> ar required by law, i�ther�e is more than �ne Trustor, any no�ice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is de�med to be nvtiCe <br /> gi��n to all Trusto�s. <br /> Ml��ELLANE�US PRqVI���DNS. The fvll�vving m�scellanevus prv�isions ar� a part af this D�ed of Trust: <br /> Amendments. This L]eed of Trust, to�efiher wi�h any Reiated IJo�umen�s, const�t�tes th� entire understanding and <br /> agreem�nt of th�� parties as to the ma��ers set �arth in �this Deed o#Trust. No af�eratio�7 a� or amendment�o this <br /> ❑eed ��T�ust sr�all ��e e��ecti�� unless gi�en in wri�ting and signed b� �he part� or pa�ti�s sought �to be �harged or <br /> bvund by�he al��urati+�n�r amendment. <br /> Anr�ual R�pvrts. If the Prop�rty r5 used for purp�ses other than Yrusfior's residenc�, Trus�or shall �urnish �o <br /> Lender, upan rec�uest, a �ertified sta�emen� Q� net ❑perating incame rec�ived from the Praperty during Trustor's <br /> pre�ious f�scal year En such fvrm and detaii as Lender shall requir�. "Net operating in�orr�efT shali mean all cash <br /> receipts fram�hE� Prvperty less all cash expenditures made in c�nnection with the�perati�n o�th� P'roperty. <br /> Captivn H�adings. [;ap�ion h�adings in this ❑eed a� Trust are �or can�enienc� purpases �nfy and are nat to be <br /> used to int�rpre�vr define the pro�isivns of this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Merger. There shal9 be no m�rger o�the interest vr estate created by this Deed of Trus�with any other in��rest or <br /> esta�e in the Prapert�� at any�ime held by or for the benefit of Lender in any �apaci�ky, without th� written �onsent <br /> o�Lend�r. <br /> Go►►erning Law. Thi:s ❑eed v� Trus� will be go�erned by #ederal lav�► appii�able �v Len�der and. to the ex�ent not <br /> preemp#ed by fe�deraf law,the laws�f the Sta�e o�Nebraska without rsgard#v its �onflic:�ts�f law p�n�isior�s. This <br /> Deed of Trust has he�en accep#ed by L�nder in the State af N�braska. <br />