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��15�35�1 <br /> in�urance wi[f be rn an am�unt at le��t equa[ tv fihe lesser Qf the Io�n �a[ance, the a�tu�l cash �alue of <br /> th� colla�era[, or th� r�placement ��st of�h� proper�y, and will at a minimum, co�er l�s�es �aus�d by <br /> fire, lighfning, exp�asian, aircrafk, �ehiGle�, Wandalism, smvke, wEnds�orm, and hai}. Trustor�s}wili �bta�n <br /> and ke�p f�a�d insu�anc� in force �o ca�er los�es by fla�d as requir�d by Beneficiary or by the Nationai <br /> Flaod Insuranc�Act of �958, as amend�d, or by regula�ians implemen�ing the same. Trustor�s} furth�r <br /> agree th�fi Benefciary i� nat and will nafi be liable for �ny fa�lure by Trus�or�s} or by �ny insurer, fvr <br /> wnatever reasan, ta ob�ain �nd keep this insuranc� in force. <br /> 3. Ta I�eep alf buildings, fixtures, attachm�nts, and other imprav�men�� now on ar here�fter plac�d �n <br /> �he property occupied �nd in g�od repair, maintenance, �nd candltion �nd to neifher c�mm�� n�r permifi <br /> any a�t� vf waste ar any �mpa�rmenfi of th� �alue af the property. B�neficiary m�y �nt�r upon �he <br /> praperty t� �nspect the same vr to perform any a�ts aufihvrized her��n ❑r in the cr�dt��gre�ment�s}. <br /> 4. ln fihe ��ent T�usfior�s} fails ta pay�ny liens,judgmen�s, assessmen�s, tax�s, ren�s, fees, or charg�s <br /> vr m�intain any insur-�nce on the praperty, buildings, fi�tures, �tt��hmen�s, ❑r impra�ement� �� <br /> pr���ided herein or �n the loan agre�men��s}, B�neficiary, at i�s o�tian, m�y make su�h payments v� <br /> pro�id� insurance, maintenanGe, or re�airs and �ny amvunts paid th�refor will b��om� part af the <br /> pr-incipa� �ndebtedness se�ur�d hereby, �e imm�di�t�ly due and �ayab[� and bea� inte�-est �� th� <br /> default ra�e pravided in the n�te�s} or cr�dif agreem�nt�s} fr�m �he date of paymen� untif paid. Th� <br /> advancement by Beneficiary of any such amaunts will in no manner Iimi� �he righ� vf �enefici�ry �� <br /> declare Trust�r�s} in default vr ex�rcise any vf B�nefic�ary's other righ�s and remedi�s. <br /> �. ln �he e�en� Benef�ciary is a party ta �ny I�ti�at�on affect�ng �he prop�r�y or the lien af this Trust <br /> Dee�, including any a�tion �y B�n�fciary to enforce this Trus� Deed �r any sui� in wh�ch Beneficiary is <br /> nam�d a defendant �inciuding c�ndemna�ion and bankruptGy proc�edings} Beneficiary may incur <br /> expenses �nd adWan�� paymenfs for abs�ract fees, attarneys fees �to tne extent allawed by law}, costs, <br /> exp�nses, appraisaf fees, �nd ofiher charges and any amounts s� ad��nced will b�came part ❑f the <br /> principal ind�b�edness secured hereby, be immedia�ely due and pay�b�e and bear interest at the <br /> d�fau[�r�te prouid�d in fhe n�fe�s}�r cr�di�a�reem�nt{s}from the daf� ❑f�dv�n�� un�r[ paid. <br /> 6. Any �w�rd� ma�� �o Trustar�s} or th�ir successors by the e�erc`r�e of �min�n� dom�in ar� hereby <br /> assign�d to �eneficiary; �nd Benefici�ry ls h�r�by au�hori�ed �o co[lect�nd apply fhe s�me in payment <br /> of any ind�btedness, r��ture or unmatured, secur�d by fihis Trust ❑eed. <br /> 7. In �he event af def�ul� fn the payment v�rh�n due af any sums secured hereby �prEn��pa�, in�er���, <br /> advancements, ar prot�c�[We advances}, or failure fv perform or ob��rv� any �v�en�nts and conditions <br /> �ontained her�in, in the n�te�s}, �r�dit agreement�s}, ar �ny vthe�r instrum�nts, or �ny praG�edings is <br /> brought under any B�nl�ruptcy laws, E��neficiary, �t its Qptian, m�y declare the en�ir� indeb�edness <br /> s�cured h��eby to I�e immediately due �nd payable and �he �rvh�[e �vil[ b�ar infere�t �t the default �ate <br /> as pr��[ded in the nv���s} ar cr�di�agreer��nt�s} and Ben�fG�ary m�y imm��liat�fy �uth�ri�e Tru�tee�� <br /> e�ercise�he F��wer of Sale gran�ed herein in fhe manner�r�vided in �he Nebraska Trust C]eeds Act, ar, <br /> at the ❑ption of the BenefGiary, may forec�ose the Trust Deed �n the manne� provided by 1aw f�r the <br /> foreclosure vf mortgages �n r�al praperty, including th� appoin�m�nt of a Recei�er up�n ex �arke <br /> appl�Gati�n, notice being hereby �xpr�ssly waived, wi�hou� regard �o the value of the prvperty or �h� <br /> suff�ienGy fh�reof to dischar�e the indebtedness secur�d hereb�a�in the laan agr�emen��s�. Qefay by <br /> Benefc�ary in ex�rc�sing it� righ�s upon d�faul�w��! na� �� cons�rued as a waiver th�re�f and any ac��f <br /> Benefi��ary �aivin� any sp�cified defaulfi will no� be cansfirued as a waiW�r af any fu�ure defau��. lf fhe <br /> prac�eds und�r such sale �r fvreclosure are �nsuffici�n�fi❑ pay th� t��aC indebtednes� secured hereby, <br /> Trustor�s} d❑ hereby agr�� t� be pers�n�lly bound ta p�y the unpaid baEance, and Benefic�ary will be <br /> entitl�d�v a defic�en�y judgment. ' <br /> $. Shauld Ben�fi�iary e��ct to e�ercis�th� Power of�ale granted herein, Beneficiary w��� nvtify Trus�ee <br /> �vh❑ �vi[! �ecord, puhlish, and deliver fiv Trus��r�s} suGh Na�ic� of Def�u lt and Na�ice �f �ale as then <br /> requi��d by law and w�ll in th� manner pr�vided by I�v�r� s��E fhe property at the t�me an� place af s��� <br /> �ixed in the Notic� af S�I�, �ither as �wh�ie or in sep�rate lo�s, parG�1�, or items and �n such arder a� <br /> Trusfiee will deem e�pedien�. Any person may bid �t the sal� inGluding Trustor�S}, Trustee, �r <br /> Benefici�ry. <br /> 9. Trustor�s} hereby requ�sts a capy af any Na�ice of Default vr N�tic� af Sale h�reunder ta be m�iled <br /> by��rtified r�ai!�v Tr-u��vr�s} at the addr�s��es} se�f�rth herein. <br /> 'I�. U�on def�ult, Ben�ficiary, ei�her in �er�on or by agen�, wi�h or withvu� bringing any ac�i�n vr <br /> proGeeding and with ar withaut regard �o the ualue of�he praperty�r th� �uffici�ncy�here�f�o disch�r�e <br /> �he �ndebtedness secur�d h�r�by, is autharized and entitl�d �o enter upvn and �ake passession of�he <br /> property in its awn name or in �he name of the Trustee and do any �cts ar expend any sums it deems <br /> necessary or desirable tv pr��ect or pr�serve the value af the property or any �nterest therein, or <br /> App#:53��58�; �1F#:�6876; Note#:2�� ���KS L�ga1 Doc.Dat�:May 2�,2��5 <br /> F�Rllif 5�1�,Trusf C�e�d and Assignmenf Q�Rents Page 5�f 8 <br />