<br /> �og��her with all T�us�or's righfi, title, and �nterest in the p�operty, n��r o� he�eafter acquired, inc�uding:
<br /> a�� buiEd�ngs, fix�ur�s, �imber, timber to b� cut, crvps, and irnpr�vements no�r an or herea�ter pfaced
<br /> upon the property; al� appurtenances, water, wa�er rights, irrigatlon, and drainage rights; all ren�s,
<br /> iSSLl�S, uses, incame, proft�s, and ��ghts �a possession; al1 ail, gas, grav�i, rock, �r other min�rals ot
<br /> wha�ever nafure, inciuding geothermal resources; aCI persana� property fhat may integra[Iy be��ng to or
<br /> hereafter h�cvme an in�egral �art a� the real es�ate whe�h�r at�ached ar detached, including any
<br /> appurtenanGes and accou�rements of any sfruc�ure or residence �ecured hereby; easemen�s and ather
<br /> r�gh�s and interesfs naw ❑r af any time hereafter be[onging �o or �n any way pertaining to the praperty,
<br /> whe�h�r ar nv� specifically described her�in; all above and below graund irrigaflon equ��m�nt and
<br /> accessaries; and aIl I�ases, permits, Iicenses, �r privileges, appurtenant �r nonappur�enant �o the
<br /> property, now or hereafter issued, e�ended �r renewed by Trustor�s}, any State, the United 5tates, or
<br /> any d�partment, bur�au, instrumentality, or agency �hereof. The foregaing is cal[ecti�eiy referred tv in
<br /> �his dacument as the"proper�y."
<br /> 1�is unders�ood and agreed be�reen Trustor�s} and Beneficiary�hat�his Trus� De�d is gi�en �o secure
<br /> �he repayments in full af�he foi[owing described �bliga�ions, regard�ess of wh�fher Mortgagor�s} �s�are}
<br /> E`rab�e �her�eon, and aI� fufure and additianal �vans o�- advances, pra�ec�ive or othe�wise, which may be
<br /> made by B�neficiary, at its option, at the request of, and �o or for�he accoun� of Trus�o��s}, �h� parti�s
<br /> Iiable under�he na�e(s} or cr�di� agr�emen��s}, ar any of�hem, for any purpose, plus in�erest�hereon,
<br /> a1[ payable according �o the terms �f fhe nate�s}, credit agr�eement�s}, �r oth�r ins�rument�s} modifying
<br /> the same.
<br /> Date of Nate s vr Credit Q reement s Principa�Amount
<br /> �51��12��� . $45�,���.��
<br /> �
<br /> �51�91��1� 4�0,D��.��
<br /> Pro��ded, howe�er, fhafi the �atal principal indeb�edne�s ou�s�anding and secured h�reby afi any on�
<br /> time wi[I nvt e�cceed �he sum of FaUR HUNDRED F[FTY TH�USAND, �$45�,���.0�}, exclusi�e of
<br /> in�eres� and pr��e�ti�e ad�ances au�hori�ed herein or in the laan agreement�s}; provided further, tha�
<br /> Th is Trus�Deed will be d ue AprEl �,���4D.
<br /> Trus�ar�s} hereby warran�s �hat Trus�or�s} ho��s fee simp[e tit[e ta the above descrihed prope�ty, �ha�
<br /> Trustor�s} has gaod and lawfu� authori�y�o deed and �ncumber th� same, thafi the prvperty Es free and
<br /> clear vf arr liens and encumbrances, exGept encurnbranc�s of record, and tha� Trusfar�s} will warran�
<br /> and defend �he prvperty, at Trus�or�s� expense, aga�ns# aIC claiman�s whomsoe�er. Trustor�s} a[sv
<br /> hereby waives and relinquishes all rights af dower, homesfead, distributi�e share, and exemp�ion in and
<br /> to�he above described property.
<br /> Trustor�s� and each of them further ca�enants and agrees with, ar��rtifies t�, Benef�ciary
<br /> as fallvw�:
<br /> '[. To pay ail liens, judgmen�s, or o�h�r assessments agains� the property, and �� pay when due a�f
<br /> assessments, tax�s, rents, fees, or charges upon the praperty ar und�r any leas�, permit, license, or
<br /> pr�vil�ge assigned to Beneficiary as addifi�nal security to fhrs Trus�Deed, including �hose rn �r an public
<br /> d�main.
<br /> �. To Ensure and k�ep Ensured bu��din�s and a�h�r impro�ements inciuding fix�ures and a�achmen�s
<br /> now ❑n or hereafter placed on �he pr�perty �o the safisfaction of Benefi�iary. Such insurance �ril� be
<br /> endorsed with a Ioss payable claus� �o B�neficiary. �n demand, Trus��r wi1l furnish said po[icies ar
<br /> proaf of insuranc� �o Beneficiary. Any sums so received by BenefiGiary may be used �o pay for
<br /> recons�ru��ian of the des�rayed imprvvements or If not sa applied may �e app�ied, a� the op��on of
<br /> Benef�ciary, �n payment ❑f any indeb�edness matured or unma�ured secured by �his Trus� Deed. Such
<br /> App#:53�258�; ��F#:76875; Note#:��4 22�KS Legal Doc.Date:May 29,���5
<br /> F�RIVI 5D1�,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 5 of 8
<br />