<br /> increase the incvme therefrom; and wi�h ar w�thaut taking pvssesslon of the property �s authorized �o
<br /> sue fo� vr o�herwise coli�ct th� rents, �ssues, craps, profits, and income thereof, including fhose pasf
<br /> due and unpaid, and apply the same up�n any indebf�dness secured h�reby or in the Ioan
<br /> agreement�s}.
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved ta Trus�e� �r 6�neficiary is int�nded to b� exGlusrWe �f
<br /> any other rem��y herein or by law praWided or p�rmitt�d, hut each will be cumu[ativ�, will be in additi�n
<br /> fo eWery ofher remedy given h�reunder or now ar h�rea�te�existing at law ar in equity or by sta�ute, and
<br /> may be ex�r�ised �oncurrently, independent�y ar su�cessive[y.
<br /> '!'I. Trustor�s} a�knawledges that�he dut�e� and obfigations of Trustee wil! b�d�fermined solely by the
<br /> �xpress pro�isivns of this Trust Deed ar th� Nebraska Trust Deeds Act and T�ustee will not be liabl�
<br /> exc�p� for fhe perf�rmance of such duties and vbliga�ians as are specifical[y set forth therein, and no
<br /> implied co�enants or obRigations w�il be imposed up�n Trustee; Trustee wil! not be [iable for any action
<br /> by i� in goad faith and reasonably believed by �t �a be aufhorized ar within the discretion or r�ghts of
<br /> pawers conferred u pan �t by th is Trust Deed vr sfiate law.. . . _. -
<br /> '12. The integrity and resp�nsibility of Trustor�s} cvnsfi�utes a,� part af the �onsrderation fo�- the
<br /> �biiga�ions secured hereby. Should Trustor�s} sell, transfer, or cvn�ey the praperty described her�in,
<br /> without prio� written cansen� of Bene�iciary, B�neficia-ry, a� .i�� optian, .may declare �h� entire
<br /> indeb�edness immediately due and payab��and may proceed in �he enfvrcem�nt vt its righ�s as on any
<br /> other d�fault.
<br /> '13, That Trustor�s} is, and shafl c�ntinue ta be, duly organized, Wa[idly ��isting and legally qualified t�
<br /> da business under the laws of the states �n which Trustor�s� operates, �n c�rnp[iance with federal, state
<br /> and la�al laws or regula�rQns, and has lega[ au�h�r�ty in such states fo conduct Trusfar�s} business
<br /> vperations and �a awn agricuitural real esfate. No change has be�n made in the name, awne�ship,
<br /> con�rv[, �elationship, legal sta�us or organizatianal and formation do�umen�s of any undersrgned
<br /> Trus�or�s}since�he fim�any such infvrmation was last pr�vided�� Benefi�iary.
<br /> �14� That �f Trustor�s}, or anyane s�gning this Trust ❑eed, is a limi�ed liahi�i�y company, fha� fhvse
<br /> signrng �n b�half af said limited liabif ity cvmpany Gonstifute a ma�arify ot �he managers or members
<br /> th�reof, and that fhe executian vf this Trust Deed is in �he ardinary c�urse of the limrted liabilify
<br /> company's business and has been authvrized by its membe�-s.
<br /> ��. Assignment af Rents inc[uding Proceeds of Mine�a[ Leases. Trusfor�s} hereby assigns, transfers,
<br /> and con�eys to Beneficiary all rents, rayalties, banuses, and delay moneys or v�her proceeds that may
<br /> �From t�me to time become due and payable un��r any �eaC esta�e lea�e or under any arf, gas, gra��l,
<br /> ro�k, o� o�her mineral l�ase of any kind inc[uding geo�hermal resaurces n�w existing or that may
<br /> hereaf�er come �nto existence, co�ering the property or any part thereof. All such sums so recei�ed �y
<br /> B�neficiary wifl be app��ed to th� indebtedness secured hereby; or Beneficiary, at its opfi�n, may turn
<br /> av�r and deliver�o Trustor�s} vr their successors i� interest, any ar all of such sums withvut pr�jud�ce to
<br /> any vfi Beneficiary's rights f� take and r�tain fu�ur�sums, and withou�prejudice ta any of r�s vther rights
<br /> under this Trust Deed. This assignment will be cvns�rued to be a pro��sion fo��he paymen�or reduc�ion
<br /> vf the debt, subjecf fo the Beneficiaryrs opt�on as he�einbefore pravided, �nd�pendent of the lien on the
<br /> praperty. Upon payment in ful[ af the debt and �he recvnv�yance of this Trust D��d of reGord, this
<br /> assignmen�wlli be��me inoperafive and of no�urther f�rce and efFecf.
<br /> 'I G. This Trust Deed const��utes a S�curi�y Agreement w�th respect ta al[�he pr�perty desGrib�d herein.
<br /> 'll. The c��r�nanfs contained in this Trust D�ed wil[ be deemed t� be se�erable; in the event that any
<br /> �orti�n of this Trust Deed is �letermined to �e vvid or unenforceable, that determination will not afiFect
<br /> the W idify af fhe remaining portions of the Trus�Deed.
<br /> _ �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> rrr da FC Wor asze wski .�err}� oi�asze ws�i
<br /> App#:532�582; CiF#:�68�6; Nofe#:Z04 22�KS Legal Doc.Date:May�9,2��5
<br /> F�RM 50�1,Trus�[Jeed and Assignrnent of Rents Page 7 of 8
<br />