<br /> westerly, a[�ng and upon the sou�h �ine �f the Southeast �uart�r �SEI�} o�said Sectian Eighfeen �'i 8},
<br /> a distance af Four and Ninety Five Hundr�d�hs �4.95} feet t� the c�nterl�ne of the Alda raad right of
<br /> way; thence deflecting right 89° 37' 49" and running nar�herly, �Eong and upon sa�d centerline �f the
<br /> A[da raad righ�of way, a dis�ance vf Fi�e Hundred Eigh�y�ne and Forty Erght Hundredths�58�.48} feet
<br /> to the ACTUAL paint af beginn�ng; thence continuing norther[y, aEong and upan �h� pre�ivu�Iy
<br /> described cou rse; a d Es�anGe of Se�en H u nd red Fifty and Eig ht H u nd redfhs �7��.a8} feef�a a p�tnt of
<br /> cur�a�ure; fhence running northwesteriy, alang and upon the arc of a curve to the Eeft whase radius is
<br /> 722.17 f�ef, said curv� also being �he centerfine �f �he Alda Road right af way, a distance of Frve
<br /> Hundred Six�y Tw� and Seventy Nine Hundred�hs �55�.79} fee� �lang chord = 548.��', lang chard
<br /> d�flecfing le�t 2�° 18' 1�" from the previously described course} to a point vf tangency; then�e
<br /> defl�cting [eft 22° �9' 3�.5" from th� chord of the pr�v�vus[y describe�l curve and running northwesterly,
<br /> along and upvn said c�nte�E�ne of the Alda Road right of way, a distanc� of�ne Hun�lred Thirty Se�en
<br /> and Sixty Thre� Hundredths ��37.63) feet t� a p�int of curvatur�; thence running northvvesteriy a�ong
<br /> and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 737.93 feet, said curve also being the c�nter[ine
<br /> af the A[da Rnad right of way, a distance of Five Hundre�l 5ixfy Nine and Elghfy Nine Hundredths
<br /> ��G9.89}fee��Iong Ghord � ��5.83', lang chard defle�ting righf 2�° �7'�7"from �he pre�iQusly described
<br /> cours�} to a p�int af �angency; thence deflecting right �2° �7' 27" fram the chord af the pr����usly
<br /> described curve and running northerly, al�ng and upon said centerlin� af fihe Alda Road r�ghf�f way, a
<br /> �istance of�ne Hundred and Se�enty Seven Hundredths ����.77} feet; thence d�flecting right�D° 47'
<br /> �4" an�1 runn�ng nvrtheriy, alang and upon sa�d cent��line af the Alda Road right of way, a distan�e of
<br /> Two Th�usand Thre� Hundred Thirty Eigh� and Ninety Dne Hundredths ��,338.9�} feet; thence
<br /> deflecting right 28° 36' �9" and running northeasterly, along and upon said centerlin� of the AEda RQad
<br /> right of way, a distance of Four Hundr�d S�xty Two and Fif�y Thr�e Hundredths �4��.53} feet to a point
<br /> �n fhe north lin� of the North�ast Quart�r �NE�4} vf said sec�ion Eighteen �18}; �hence deflect�ng right
<br /> G� ° ��' 23" and running eas��rly, along and upon the narth I�ne vf the Northeasf Quarter�NE��4� of said
<br /> Sec�ron Eigh�een ��8}, a d�stance af Two Hundred Seventy Fi�e and Forty Eigh� Hundredths ��75.�8}
<br /> f�et ta the northwest corner ❑f the Northwest Quart�r �NVIl��} of said Sectian 5e�enteen �'17}; then�e
<br /> deflecting lef���° 35' 48" and running easter[y, along and upvn the nor#h [ine o�F�he Northwest Quarter
<br /> �NVIJ%4} of sa�d SeC�i�n Sevenfeen ��7}, a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundr�d Fifty Nine and Three
<br /> T�nths ��,65�.3�} f�et�o the nartheast corner of the N�rthw�st C�uarter vf said Section Sevenfieen ��7};
<br /> th�nce deflecfing right D�° �D' ��" and running �asterly, al�ng and upon the north f�ne of the Northeast
<br /> C�uarter �NE%} af said Section Sevent�en ���}, a dis�ance of S�x Hundred Fifty Twv and Eigh�y Nine
<br /> Hundredths �652.89} t�ef to a paint, said point being the northwest corner of a property referred to as
<br /> "PARCEL N�. 7"; �hence def[e�ting righf 9�° �8' 3�" and running southerly, along and upon a w�s� line
<br /> af said "PAR�EL N�. 7", a distance of Thr�e Thousand Two Hundred �ixty Five and E[e�en
<br /> Hundredths �3,2�5.'i'�� feet to a corner of said "PAR�EL ND. 7"; thenc�def�ecting right 8�° �4' 48" and
<br /> running �rves�erly, a[ong and upon a nvrth line of said "PARCEL lV�. 7", a distance of Ninety Eight and
<br /> Thirty Nine Hundredths �98.39} fee� to a northwest corner of said "PARCEL N�. 7"; thence deflecting
<br /> feft 85° �8' 44" and running sautherly, along and up�n a �vest line af said "PARCEL N�. 7", a distance
<br /> of Two Hundred Forty Four and Fourteen Hundredths �244.�4} f�et �o a soutnwest corner af said
<br /> "PARCEL 7"; thence deflecting [eft 91° 37' 34" and running easterly, a�ang and upon a svuth �ine vf sard
<br /> "PARCEL N�. 7", a distanc� of �ne Hundred Fi�e and Sevenfy Nine Hund�edths �'i�5.�9} fe�t ta a
<br /> c�rner of said `PAR�EL N�. 7"; fhenc� def[ecting right 89° 51' 34" and running southerly, along and
<br /> upon a w�st line af said "PARCEL N�. 7", a disfan�e of�n�Th�usand Srx and Fifi�y Three Hundredths
<br /> ��,�06.�3} fee� tv a point, said paint being Thirty �3�.�} feet nvrthwes� af �m�asured radial to� the
<br /> cent�rline af an east-west railroad track Gurv�; thence runn�ng southwesterly, a�ong and upvn a curve�v
<br /> the rEght whose radius is 53�.�9 feet, said curve being Th�rty �3�.�} feet narthwest of�measured radia�
<br /> ta} said cen��rline vf an eas�-wesf railraad trac� curve, a dis�ance of Fou� Hundr�d Six�ty Nine and
<br /> Se�enty Eight Hundred�hs �469.7'8} feet �lang chard = 454.53', long �hord de�lec�ing righ� 6�° 44' 47"
<br /> from th� pre�iausCy described cou�se} tv a po`rn� of �angency; thence defieCf�ng r�gh� ��° �7' 38" from
<br /> the chard af the preWivusly described cunre, and running westerly, parallel with and Thir�y �3�.�} feet
<br /> nvrth af�measured perpendicular�Q} �he�enter�ine of sald east-west raiEr�a�t�ac�centerl�ne, a d�stance
<br /> vf Seventy Eight and Six��en Hundredths �78.�6} fe�t; �hence deffecting righ� ��° 57' 4�" and running
<br /> westerly, parall�l wifih and Thirty �3�.�} feet north of �measured perpendicu�ar tv} th� cenferline of said
<br /> east-wes�railroad �raGt centerline, a distance �f Twa Thou�and Eight Hundred Thirty 5ix and Forty F��e
<br /> Hundredths �2,8��.45}fee#fo the ACTUAL paint of beg�nning.
<br /> App#:532258�; G[F#:7687�; Note#:�04 2��KS Lega!Da�.�ate:May�9,2015
<br /> F�RM 5�1'i,Trust❑eed and Assignment of Ren�s Page 4 af 8
<br />